Showing 40 results
Finding Aid
Dave Martin Papers
Dave Martin Papers
Fidel Castro and George McGovern
Fidel Castro and George McGovern
SDSU Men's Basketball Trip to Cuba Collection
SDSU Men's Basketball Trip to Cuba Collection
Writings: Book Reviews - Vote Your Conscience: The Last Campaign of George McGovern
Writings: Book Reviews - Vote Your Conscience: The Last Campaign of George McGovern
Writings: George McGovern: An Intellectual in Politics
Writings: George McGovern: An Intellectual in Politics
Writings: George McGovern and His Books: What They Tell Us About His Politics
Writings: George McGovern and His Books: What They Tell Us About His Politics
Writings: George McGovern Chapter Outline
Writings: George McGovern Chapter Outline
Writings: George McGovern vs. Karl Mundt: Contested Politics in South Dakota
Writings: George McGovern vs. Karl Mundt: Contested Politics in South Dakota
Writings: Mundt-McGovern Paper - Compare and Contrast
Writings: Mundt-McGovern Paper - Compare and Contrast
Writings: South Dakota Political Culture Through Careers of Karl Mundt and George McGovern
Writings: South Dakota Political Culture Through Careers of Karl Mundt and George McGovern