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SDSU Men's Basketball Trip to Cuba Collection
SDSU Men's Basketball Trip to Cuba Collection
Writings: George McGovern: An Intellectual in Politics
Writings: George McGovern: An Intellectual in Politics
Writings: George McGovern vs. Karl Mundt: Contested Politics in South Dakota
Writings: George McGovern vs. Karl Mundt: Contested Politics in South Dakota
Writings: George McGovern and His Books: What They Tell Us About His Politics
Writings: George McGovern and His Books: What They Tell Us About His Politics
Writings: South Dakota Political Culture Through Careers of Karl Mundt and George McGovern
Writings: South Dakota Political Culture Through Careers of Karl Mundt and George McGovern
Dave Martin Papers
Dave Martin Papers
Fidel Castro and George McGovern
Fidel Castro and George McGovern
Writings: Book Reviews - Vote Your Conscience: The Last Campaign of George McGovern
Writings: Book Reviews - Vote Your Conscience: The Last Campaign of George McGovern
Writings: George McGovern Chapter Outline
Writings: George McGovern Chapter Outline
Writings: Mundt-McGovern Paper - Compare and Contrast
Writings: Mundt-McGovern Paper - Compare and Contrast