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Tablet 1: Found at Drehem, bill for 7 lambs and 4 kid goats
B01-I01 · Objects and artifacts · 2350 BC
Part of Cuneiform Tablet Collection

Clay Cuneiform tablet.

Purchased by South Dakota State College President Willis E. Johnson from Dr. Edgar J. Banks in 1923.

Transcribe d by Dr. by Edgar James Banks in an undated letter: Found at Drehem, a suburb of Nippur, where there was a receiving station for the temple of Bel. The inscription is a bill for 7 lambs and 4 kid goats delivered on the 4th day of the month. It is dated in the last three lines about 2350 B.C., or early in the Ur dynasty of kings who ruled from about 2400 to 2100 B.C.

Description by the [Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, UCLA](University of California, Los Angeles Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative Found Texts website:

Provenience: Puzri-Dagan (mod. Drehem)

Period:Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period

Dates referenced: Amar-Suen.03.06.00

Material: Clay

Language: Sumerian

Genre: Administrative

Obverse: 1. 5(disz) gu4; 2. erin2 he2-bi2-la-at{ki}; 3. mu-kux(DU) / reverse: 1. iti u5-bi2-gu7; 2. mu us2-sa ma2-dara3-abzu ba-ab-du8; 3. u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam / left: 1. 5(disz) gu4

Tablet 2: Found at Drehem, receipt of five oxen
B01-I02 · Objects and artifacts · 2350 BC
Part of Cuneiform Tablet Collection

Clay Cuneiform tablet.

Purchased by South Dakota State College President Willis E. Johnson from Dr. Edgar J. Banks in 1923.

Transcribed by Dr. Edgar J. Banks in an undated letter: Found at Drehem. A record of the receipt of five oxen apparently for the temple offerings. Also on one edge is written "5 oxen." Dated ca. 2350 B.C.

Description by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, UCLA

Provenience: Puzri-Dagan (mod. Drehem)

Period:Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period

Dates referenced: Shu-Suen.03.0323 (us2 year) ?

Material: Clay

Language: Sumerian

Genre: Administrative

Obverse: 1. 7(disz) sila4 4(disz) masz2; 2. u4 4(disz)-kam; 3. ki ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta; 4. in-ta-e3-a / reverse; 1. ; 3-dab5; 1 line blank; 2. iti ezem-mah; 3. mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2

Tablet 4: Found at Drehem, sealed temple record
B01-I04 · Objects and artifacts · 2300 BC
Part of Cuneiform Tablet Collection

. Clay Cuneiform tablet.

Purchased by South Dakota State College President Willis E. Johnson from Dr. Edgar J. Banks in 1923.

Transcribed by Edgar James Banks: Found at Drehem. A temple record, sealed and dated about 2300 B.C.

Description by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, UCLA

Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)

Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) / Date referenced: Shu-Suen.01.00.00

Material: clay

Language: Sumerian

Genre: Administrative

Obverse: 1. 6(disz) {gi}pisan im-sar-ra a2 na-da u4 1(u); 2. 4(disz) {gi}pisan im-sar-ra a2 u4 2(disz)-ta; 3. [...] x gesz da; 4. [...] x/ reverse: 1. ki a-gu-ta; 2. kiszib3 hu-wa-wa; 3. sza3 bala-a; 1 line blank; 4. mu {d}szu-{d}suen lugal / seal 1: 1. lu2-eb-gal;2. dub-sar; 3. dumu ur-ge6-par4; 4. gudu4 {d}inanna

Tablet 3: Found at Jokha, record of temple offerings
B01-I03 · Objects and artifacts · 2300 BC
Part of Cuneiform Tablet Collection

Clay Cuneiform tablet.

Purchased by South Dakota State College President Willis E. Johnson from Dr. Edgar J. Banks in 1923.

Transcribed by Dr. Edgar J. Banks in an undated letter: Found at Jokha, the ruin of the ancient city of Umma in Central Babylonia. >This is a typical record of the temple offerings. After the tablet was written, and while the clay was still soft, the temple scribe rolled over the entire tablet his cylindrical stone seal and the seal impression made it impossible to change the record. The seal impression bears in raised characters the name of the scribe and of his father. It is dated about 2300 B.C.

Description by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, UCLA

  • Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
  • Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
  • Dates referenced: Iggi-Suen.01.00.00
  • Material: clay
  • Language: Sumerian
  • Genre: Administrative
  • Obverse: 1. 1(gesz2)# 4(u)# 3(disz) {gesz#}eme szinig; 3. ki e2-ur2-bi-du10-ta; 4. szabra gu4-ke4; 5. szu ba-ti / reverse: 1. a-sza3 KA da?; 2. kiszib3 nimgir-an-ne2; 3. mu {d}i-bi2-{d}suen lugal#
Crozier Family Papers
MA 088 · Papers · 1900-2024

The Crozier Family Papers documents family history, educational pursuits, crafting expertise, and community involvement spanning multiple generations. The collection records Caryl's life and career, encompassing educational materials from high school and college, extensive correspondence with family and friends, journals and writings detailing life stories and memories, numerous craft and sewing projects, 4-H achievements, recipes, and homemaking activities. It also includes records of her participation in book clubs and other social groups, teaching materials, family and personal photographs, scrapbooks, photo albums, and memorabilia.

Additionally, the collection features family heirlooms such as clothing, quilts, and other crafted items. Files related to Caryl and her husband Edward cover travel journals, correspondence with family and friends, various home and craft projects, wedding and honeymoon details, and their writings. The collection also contains extensive genealogical records, primarily focusing on the Croziers, Kinkners, Ericksons, Joneses, and other extended family members. Researchers will find biographical information, correspondences, genealogical records, and historical notes about Beresford, South Dakota, as well as collected recipes, patterns, and club activities related to Caryl's mother, Elvera Kinkner.

Many files include commercial patterns annotated by Caryl, indicating the recipients of the clothing and images of the finished garments. The collection also features samples of sewing projects Caryl completed during college. Some materials contain stick pins and needles; caution is advised when handling these items.

Crozier, Caryl
UA 038 · Records · 1969-2024

This collection is composed of the museum director's records which contain files related to the operation of the museum, exhibition files, Board of Trustees records, and files related to the museum guild.

The records related to the museum director are composed of material pertaining to the museum building, fundraising, finances, publications and general material related to the operation of the museum.

The director's records are composed of material pertaining to the South Dakota Art Museum building, fundraising, finances, publications and general material related to the operation of the museum. The building files relate to the original construction of the building in 1969 as well as material dealing with the addition constructed in the 1990s. Included are specifications, plans, fundraising, correspondence and events connected with the addition construction, such as the groundbreaking, and the move in preparation for construction. The fundraising files consist of materials related to fundraising efforts in connection with the construction of the addition to the Art Museum. Included are Board of Trustees fundraising information, and material generated by the SDSU Foundation for the Visions for the Future campaign. The financial files are composed of budget files and accounting reports. Also included are year-end reports and inventories for the museum gift shop. Also included are accreditation materials, annual reports, materials related to collections; such as Harvey Dunn and Vera Way Marghab, materials related to events sponsored by the museum, the Jeannette Lusk Memorial Library, and the retirement tribute and reception for Joseph M. Stuart; the first director of the museum. Folders include correspondence, clippings, photographs, programs, and flyers. Publications include exhibition catalogues, materials mailed for promotion of events, brochures, pamphlets, and newsletters.

This exhibition records relate to exhibitions at the South Dakota Art Museum from its inception in 1970 to 1996. These records consist of catalogues, correspondence (to artists, galleries), shipping data, insurance policies, inventories, loan agreements, artist biographies, artwork Descriptions, instructions for handling and/or mounting the works, labels, publicity, clippings, and plans for exhibit cases. A large portion of this collection consists of photographed images of artwork for incoming exhibitions as well as gallery views of the complete exhibit in the museums galleries. Slides make up a large part of these images but photographs and negatives are also included.

The Board of Trustees records consist mainly of meetings minutes and files on individual board members. Folders containing the meeting minutes include agendas, minutes, correspondence, and other material related directly to meetings, such as publications and reports. The files on individual board members may include biographies, clippings, and correspondence. Also included are by-laws, orientation for board members, and board of director's committee files, such as the collection committee, membership committee, special events committee, and donor recognition committee. These files include committee minutes, correspondence and other material related to meetings.

The guild records are composed of records of the South Dakota Art Museum Guild. Folders include handbooks, by-laws, correspondence, membership lists, and guides for docents.

South Dakota Art Museum
College of Nursing Records
UA 012 · Records · 1916-2023

This records from the Dean of the College of Nursing is composed of general records including reports, publications, records and correspondence for the College of Nursing. Folders include reports, studies, surveys, newsletters, bulletins, informational material, pamphlets from conferences, refresher courses seminars, short courses, symposiums, and workshops sponsored by the College, booklets detailing information about degrees available, faculty and student handbooks and guidelines for policies, procedures, and the Well Developed Faculty Bulletin, which gives information about faculty development within the College of Nursing. Also found in this series are annual and biennial reports from the College of Nursing and its departments, including annual reports for the Department of Continuing Education covering 1967-1986.
The academic records is composed of course outlines and syllabi general items related to academics within the College of Nursing. These include Clinical Nursing, General Nursing, Health, Health Science, Nursing, Nursing Education, Public Health Nursing, RN Upward Mobility Program, and Rural Nursing. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order. There are several lists, which list students who have graduated, and list names, college and home address, and phone numbers of students who were enrolled in the College of Nursing between 1936 and 1979. Also included are photographs of registered nurses that participated in RN Refresher Courses around the state during 1967-1971.
This accreditation records are composed of general accreditation requirements, reports, and surveys as a result of visits from the National League for Nursing. Included are pre-survey information and reports, evaluation and self-evaluation reports and surveys, and National League for Nursing Council Baccalaureate meeting reports. It is recommended that researchers also consult the College of Nursing, Dean’s Office records (UA12.0) for additional accreditation files.
The agreements and contracts are composed of legal contracts made with various hospitals, clinics, school systems, and state and county health boards for use as clinical facilities for student nurses. These are signed by SDSU officials and officials of the hospitals, clinics, etc.
The meeting records are composed of minutes from committee and staff meetings and include information on a variety of subjects, from student concerns, admissions and scholastic standards, to team meetings and off-campus meetings.

South Dakota State University. College of Nursing
Jackrabbit Athletics Records
UA 046 · Records · 1901-2023

This collection is composed of material related to athletics at South Dakota State University. Included are files regarding administration, the Athletics Committee, publications, the Women's Recreation Association, and files related to specific sports (e.g. baseball, men's and women's basketball, cross country, football, rodeo, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling).

The administrative material consists of material dealing with academic advising, development, compliance, equipment, facilities and operations, the Jackrabbit Sports Network, marketing and promotion, and the ticket office. Folders are composed of annual reports, programs, handbooks, brochures, photographs, mascot designs, newsletters, schedules. The series also contains banners, caps, t-shirts, and jerseys. The Athletics Committee consist of meeting minutes and budget files. Files regarding of the individual sports consist of media guides, clippings, record books, programs, brochures, fact books, and photographs. A large amount of cross country and track and field files are included and consist of results from meets and workouts and research. The publications series includes the Rabbit Report from 1978-2014 and The Bum from 1956 to 2017. These files are not complete as they are missing some issues.

South Dakota State University. Jackrabbit Athletics
UA 014 · Records · 1886-2023, undated

This collection is composed of administrative records, cataloging records, collection development files, committee and meeting records, financial records, library serials files, off campus relations files, and reports.

Folders consist of administrative records, publications, newsletters, reports, photographs, policies related to the operation of the library, material pertaining to special events, circulation, inter-library loan, reserves, information services, acquisitions, cataloging, serials, and bindery.

Also included are meeting minutes for committees such as the Social Committee, Publicity Committee, Collections and Connections Committee, Exhibits, Arts and Signage Committee, Staff Development Committee, the University Library Committee, and Faculty and Staff Library Committees.

Hilton M. Briggs Library
SDSU Foundation Records
UA 016 · Records · 1967-2023, undated

The collection is composed of financial statements, newsletters, fundraising promotional material, and other publications produced by the South Dakota State University Foundation.

The financial statements are reports of accountants and certified public accountants, and schedules of investments made by the foundation. These reports include auditor's reports.

The bulk of this series consists of items published by the SDSU Foundation, such as the Honor Roll of Contributors which lists benefactor to the Foundation. Also included is material related to specific fundraising events, such as for the Pride of the Dakota's marching band, Solberg Hall, the Coughlin Campanile, and the Performing Arts Center.

An item of note is writing by Keith Jensen, a former member of the Foundation Board of Directors which gives a history of development at South Dakota State University.

South Dakota State University Foundation
UA 048 · Collection · 1878, 1910-2023

This collection is an artificial collection composed of collected materials, publications and papers of various buildings and landmarks located on the campus of South Dakota State University.

Material is added as it is unearthed. No attempt is made to systematically collect this information. The files consist of such materials as dedication programs, correspondence, clippings, architectural plans and drawings, specifications, and photographs. The files of each building or landmark vary.

UA 46: B20-F22 · Folder · 2023
Part of Jackrabbit Athletics Records

2023 January 5 vs. North Dakota State, 2023 January 7 vs. North Dakota
2023 January 14 vs. South Dakota
2023 January 26 vs. St. Thomas, 2023 January 28 vs. Western Illinois
2023 February 16 vs. Denver - Pink Game, 2023 February 18 vs. Omaha - Senior Day