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MA 011 · Records · 1887, undated

The South Dakota Farmers Alliance Records document the early efforts of farmers in Dakota Territory to organize against economic and political challenges, particularly those posed by railroad monopolies. The collection includes an 1887 address by President H. L. Loucks and proceedings from the Alliance’s annual convention, reflecting the organization's advocacy for agricultural and economic reforms. Additionally, an undated advertisement for A Book for Farmers – Dunning’s Farm Ledger and Historical Account highlights the practical and educational resources valued by the farming community.

These records provide insight into the broader Farmers’ Alliance movement, which emerged in Dakota Territory in the early 1880s in response to declining wheat prices and perceived railroad injustices. The movement gained traction with the formation of the Dakota Farmers’ Alliance in 1885, expanding rapidly across the region. The documents in this collection offer valuable historical context on the Alliance’s objectives, leadership, and strategies during a critical period of agrarian activism in South Dakota.

South Dakota Farmer's Alliance
UA 052.03 · Records · 1884-1895

This collection is composed of the original ledger of minutes of the Board of Regents for the Dakota Agricultural College from 1884-1895. Included in the minutes is information that details the organization of the college from the selection of the first president to the formation of committees to oversee the finances, course of study, farm, buildings and college lands, admission requirements, and budgets of the college. Some of the later minutes include reports from the president of the college. A notation appears at the end of the ledger indicating a second volume, which we do not have in our custody and its whereabouts is unknown. The second item in the collection is a petition, signed by many students of Dakota Agricultural College. It requests that the English/History professor be removed from his post.

Faculty Round Table Records
UA 050.04 · Records · 1901

The Faculty Round Table Records sub-group consists of the by-laws and minutes from the first meeting, and tentative rules governing the Faculty Round Table. The by-laws are bound in a ledger and are hand-written. The by-laws state the name of the group, its aim, membership, officers, and organization of meetings. Also included in the ledger are the minutes from the first meeting of the group. The tentative rules governing the Faculty Round Table are the same as the by-laws in the exception that they are typewritten.

South Dakota Agricultural College. Faculty Round Table
UA 035.14 · Records · 1887-1902

This series is composed of secretary's books, the constitution and bylaws for the society and a small booklet of prayer meeting topics. The secretary's books consist of the constitution and bylaws and amendments to them, membership lists, and minutes.

Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor
MA 002 · Records · 1908-1928

The Forum and Ethical Culture Club Records documents the activities and history of the Ethical Culture Club and its successor, The Forum, spanning the early 20th century, primarily from 1908 to 1928. It includes the club's constitution, correspondence, programs, and program notes from 1919–1928. Also featured are a 1923 historical account of The Forum, records of Ethical Culture Club meetings (1908–1910), and minutes from The Forum meetings (1919–1928). These materials offer valuable insight into the discussions, values, and intellectual pursuits of these organizations, reflecting their evolution and impact on the community.

Ethical Culture Club (Brookings, S.D.)
UA 052.11 · Records · 1911-1930

This collection is composed of material generated by the School of Agriculture. Folders contain newspapers, programs, bulletins and recruitment circulars.

The Aggie News was a newspaper published quarterly by the State Alumni Association of the School of Agriculture. It contained news stories about students, organizations, and announcements of interest to School of Agriculture students and faculty. The material in this collection is not a complete run of this newspaper.

The recruitment circulars were sent out by the principal of the School of Agriculture. These circular contain facts about the school and activities available to students. Some may contain photographs of the early campus of South Dakota State University.

The bulletin contains information in detail relative to the different department and courses of instruction, entrance requirements, schedules of study, lists of instructors of the institution, its administration, equipment, organizations, publications, funds, students' expenses, scholarships, etc.

South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. School of Agriculture
Miltonian Literary Society
UA 035.06 · Records · 1887-1931

This collection is composed of correspondence, ledgers from the beginnings of the society that include the constitution of the society and minutes from meetings and programs from plays presented by the society. Found inside the back of the ledger from 1903-1931 were loose papers that include clippings, notes, membership information, reports and an orations from a 1916 contest on Booker Washington.

Miltonian Literary Society (South Dakota State College)
UA 035.13 · Records · 1897-1933

This series is composed of secretary's and treasurer's books, a handbook for members programs for lecture courses, programs for plays, the YMCA Entertainment Series, a student conference, and installation banquets.

The secretary's books consist of minutes from meetings, membership information, and included some loose material in the back (correspondence, notes, etc.).

YMCA of the USA
UA 008.04 · Records · 1950, undated

This collection is composed of a program from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers conference held at South Dakota State University in 1950 and invitations to banquets for retiring faculty members.

South Dakota State University. Department of Mechanical Engineering
UA 051.02 · Records · 1948-1955

This collection is composed of correspondence, form letters, and minutes of meetings.

South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Committee on Scholarly Affairs
UA 050.06 · Records · 1923-1961

This collection is composed of the minutes of the meetings and some correspondence of both the Administrative Council and its predecessor, the Council of Deans. For the most part, the minutes are extremely business-like, showing mainly the names and process of certain actions. They do have some interesting facts related to the running of the college, and some of the disciplinary actions and causes for them prove quite amusing. The correspondence file, although quite small, consists mainly of material relating to whether or not someone may not be admitted back to school. Other correspondence refers to the happenings in the various meetings, but this is quite limited. Overall, the material offers a look at some of the administrative concerns and issues surrounding the administration of the land grant institution.

South Dakota State University. Administrative Council
MA 070 · Records · 1952-1963

The Faculty Housing Company records are composed primarily of meeting minutes (annual, special, and board of directors meetings), stock holder information, and letters written to stockholders from incorporation in 1952 to dissolution in 1963. The collection also includes advertisement brochures and signs of the company, correspondences with stockholders, floor plans of the corporation's property, and quarterly reports.

Faculty Housing Company, Inc. (Brookings, S.D.)
UA 028 · Records · 1917-1964

This collection is composed of certificates for tuition and records of tuition waived for war veterans.

The certificates for tuition are for veterans of World War I and state the amount due for tuition. These certify that a veteran was discharged honorably from the service and performed services outside the borders of the state of South Dakota during the period of the world war and was at that time a legal resident of the state. They also stated that the veteran had attended and pursued a course of instruction at South Dakota State College [SDSC] without the payment of tuition and there is now due a sum of money.

The records of tuition waived consist of 575 cards that note the period for which a veteran attended courses at SDSC and the amount of tuition paid. These state the name and address of the veteran, the date and location he entered the service, his discharge date and evidence of the discharge, the date he entered college and whether or not he was under the Veterans Administration, and finally whether he continued after his entitlement expired.

South Dakota State University. Veterans Affairs Office
UA 051.03 · Records · 1956-1967

This collection is composed of minutes of meetings held between 1956 and 1967.

South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Committee on Scholarly Affairs
Stakota Club Records
UA 035.12 · Records · 1962-1969

This series is composed of mainly of minutes from meetings and the club constitution, which includes several revised copies. The minutes include roll call, pledges, business, and nomination and election of officers. Also included are some activities conducted by the Stakota Club, correspondence, and a list of the duties of the secretary from 1967-68.

South Dakota State University. Stakota Club
UA 051.04 · Records · 1959-1969

This collection is composed of reports produced by the Curricula Evaluation Committee.

South Dakota State University. Curricula Evaluation Committee
UA 050.07 · Records · 1965-1969

This collection is composed of meeting packets that were distributed to members of the council at each meeting. Included in these packets are membership lists, statistics, departmental reports, departmental publications, resolutions passed at previous meetings, presentations made, and leaflets stating the results from annual meetings. Also included is a 1969 newsletter stating the results from the annual meeting of that year.

South Dakota State University. SDSU Advisory Council
Publications Council Records
UA 050.05 · Records · 1933-1970

This collection is composed mainly of the minutes from the meetings and some correspondence of the Publications Council. The minutes list members present and absent at each meeting and include letters of applications for editor and manager positions for the Jackrabbit and the Collegian. Also included are letters of recommendations to the Board of Control, budget requests and financial statements, editorials and stories submitted for publication in the Collegian, bids on printing, paper, engravings and covers for the Jackrabbit, and newspaper clippings from the Collegian.

South Dakota State University. Publications Council
UA 008.10 · Records · 1962-1971

This collection is composed of records related to the removal of the College of Engineering from South Dakota State University in the early 1970s. Included are meeting minutes, reports, and research.

South Dakota State University. Engineering controversy
Faculty Association Records
UA 050.02 · Records · 1946-1972

The Faculty Association Records are composed of constitution, minutes and correspondence files. Most of the latter consists entirely of correspondence from or to the acting head of the association. Also included are committee records series spans the years 1946-1972, with the bulk of material from 1952-1960. Included are committee assignments and studies completed by various committees. Although the names of the individual committees changed over time, their function remained essentially the same. Committees were formed around the topics of tenure, promotion and rank, salary, insurance, retirement, and other such topics.

South Dakota State University. Faculty Association
MA 089 · Records · 1969-1976

This collection is composed on material created by the Sioux Falls Summer Track Program. It consists of schedules, entry forms, minutes, race results, clippings, correspondence, and other material related to the organization.

Sioux Falls Summer Track Program
UA 050.11 · Records · 1971-1977

This collection is composed of correspondence, lobbying information, minutes, newsletters, a synopsis of activities, and miscellaneous items generated by the South Dakota State University branch of this association.

South Dakota Higher Education Faculty Association
MA 045 · Records · 1936-1978

This collection is composed of correspondence, clippings, programs, treasurer's reports, publications, abstracts and reports, meeting minutes, and meeting planning material, including arrangements for speakers at annual meeting.

Each meeting was held at a different South Dakota college or university. Folders indicate the dates of the annual meeting, the venue where the meeting was held, and may list the topic for the meeting.

South Dakota Social Science Association
Home Economics Club Records
UA 035.05 · Records · 1923-1979

This collection is composed of secretary books from the beginning of the club to 1956. The secretary books contain minutes of meetings and the constitution of the club. Also included are scrapbooks, general information, newsletters, handbooks and some material from the American Home Economics Association.

South Dakota State University. Home Economics Club
Scabbard and Blade Records
UA 035.11 · Records · 1926-1979

This collection is composed of initiation procedures, a manual, and minutes for Company I, 6th Regiment of Scabbard and Blade. The manual includes a calendar of events that the society had to follow throughout the year, procedures for initiation of candidates, jewelry, miscellaneous contact of company officers with national headquarters, standard forms furnished by the executive officer without charge, and duties of company officers. The initiation procedures detail the purpose, scope, time of initiation, nominations, and the objectives and conduct of pledge week. The minutes list members of Scabbard and Blade, elected officers, and treasury reports. Included are discussions on scholarships, amendments to the constitution, military balls, and other events on campus that the society was involved in, such as Hobo Day and Spring Sing.

Scabbard and Blade Fraternity
History Department Records
UA 006.14 · Records · 1967-1979

Composed of oral interviews of various persons on topics such as South Dakota State University, South Dakota, and Brookings, SD region conducted by students for the Bicentennial Oral History Project. Also included is a pamphlet about the History program.

South Dakota State University. Department of History
UA 009.01 · Records · 1921-1981

The Home Management records are composed of photographs and historical material about the Home Management program at South Dakota State College. Folders include books compiled for Alice Rosenberger, Dean of the College of Home Economics by Grace Wasson Bonnell, alumni. These books contain photographs and anecdotal information about of children who participated in the Home Management baby program. Also included is a history of the program and plans for a new laboratory, the Family Resource and Management Center.

Faculty Meeting Records
UA 050.03 · Records · 1885-1981

This collection is composed of the minutes from faculty meetings held at South Dakota State University from its inception up through the 1980's. These files are fairly complete; with large gaps being noted from fall 1898-Spring 1903 and June 1907-March 1918. Very few other minutes are missing, however. Included with some of the files are materials related to topics being discussed at the meetings, such as a petition by a student group, or a brochure from a campus event. For the most part, the contents of the minutes are fairly dry and businesslike, although some gems might be discovered with careful attention.

South Dakota State University. Faculty Meeting
Alpha Zeta Records
UA 035.18 · Records · 1919-1982

In addition to both local and national constitutions, by-laws, one-page histories, and publications, the collection contains decades of South Dakota Chapter reports to national, which include monthly meeting reports, semester membership reports, and initiate reports. It also holds local items: chartering correspondence, pledge manuals, new member manuals, songs, certificates, photographs (loose and in a scrapbook), individual member cards, and two banners.

Alpha Zeta
UA 050.15 · Records · 1957-1982

This collection is composed of summer session report written by the Director of the Summer School. These reports summarize the activities of the summer session at South Dakota State University from 1957-1972. These reports include a statement of policies regarding the operation and function of the summer session.

South Dakota State University. Summer Session
UA 046.02 · Records · 1971-1986

The collection contains correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, competition results, and governance documents for the South Dakota Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (SDAIAW).

South Dakota Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women
UA 035.15 · Records · 1976-1978, 1987

This collection consists of scrapbooks documenting the activities of the society. Due to their deteriorated condition, the scrapbooks were dismantled for preservation. Photocopies were made of most materials, while items in good condition were preserved.

In 1947, the society recognized excellence in journalism through newspaper awards, honoring publications for their achievements in reporting, community service, editorial writing, and layout design. Notable awards included superior recognition for Canova Herald in community service, Hot Springs Weekly Star in local public affairs reporting, and Madison Daily Leader in front-page makeup. Sioux Valley News received multiple distinctions, including superior rankings in local news and editorial writing. Other newspapers, such as Mobridge Tribune, Vermillion Plain Talk, and Wessington Spring Independent, were also commended for their contributions to journalism.

Society of Professional Journalists. Sigma Delta Chi
MA 021 · Records · 1985-1990

The Women Artists in Collaboration Records document the activities and creative work of the group, primarily through materials collected by co-founder Marilyn Richardson. The collection consists of correspondence (1986-1990), financial records (1987-1990), and project materials (1985-1989), which provide insight into the group's operations and artistic collaborations. The project records are particularly significant as they detail performance concepts and the collaborative process.

Additionally, the collection includes clippings, guest books (1987), meeting records (1986-1987), member biographies, and programs, offering context on the group's membership and events. Two scrapbooks (1985-1987, 1988) contain photographs and memorabilia, documenting performances, and the group's artistic impact. This collection highlights the group's creative contributions and organizational history.

Women Artists in Collaboration
UA 035.08 · Records · 1976-1991

This collection is composed of budget data, the constitution, correspondence, membership lists, minutes, executive council material, and miscellaneous items.

Non-Traditional Student Club (South Dakota State University)
UA 026 · Records · 1973-1993

This collection is composed of files dealing with administrative issues related to the running of and starting the program. Included are files dealing with day care at South Dakota State University, a recurring problem for the non-traditional student. Included are files dealing with administrative issues related to the running of and starting the program. Other areas covered include the newsletter, board minutes and information concerning the non-traditional student. The Day care files deal with day care at South Dakota State University, a recurring problem for the non-traditional student. Included is material from the Day Care Task Force, law and legislation relating to day care, correspondence, and a list of local day care providers and research material which consists of studies of other college and universities that provide day care on campus. Also included are pamphlets published by the Non-Traditional Student Programs.

South Dakota State University. Non-Traditional Student Programs
UA 035.02 · Records · 1985-1994

This collection is composed of correspondence, accounting reports, constitution and by-laws, forms, membership data, book sale publicity and other information, and newsletters. The book sale information consists of the largest part of this collection, which documents the annual book sale held by the club as a fundraiser. It includes price lists, ledger sheets, and sign-up sheets.

Brookings Veterans Society (Brookings, S.D.)
MA 054 · Records · 1949-1994

This collection contains: minutes from the Zeta chapters meetings, Delta Kappa Gamma Handbooks, Zeta Chapter membership lists, Budgets for the Zeta Chapter, and rules and bylaws for the Alpha Pi State (South Dakota) Delta Kappa Gamma Society.

Delta Kappa Gamma Society
MA 026 · Records · 1914-1995

This collection is composed of records of the South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation and associated groups.
The County series consists of a small amount of material from the Brookings County, Codington County and Hamlin County Farm Bureaus. Included are reports and minutes.
The Federation records are composed of committee files, minutes, publications, clippings, bylaws, financial records and historical information. The Committees material is composed mainly of minutes of the various committees within the Farm Bureau Federation. Included are minutes of the Executive Committee, Women's Committee, and Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee. The General files include bylaws of the Federation, clippings, financial material, and histories of several county Farm Bureaus throughout South Dakota. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order. The Meeting minutes are composed of meeting minutes of the Farm Bureau Federation dating from 1964-1995. Minutes from several smaller committees are also included. The Publications are composed of Ag Leader, a monthly periodical published by the Farm Bureau that reports on activities of the Bureau.
The Mutual Insurance Company series consists of minutes for a meeting held in 1968, bylaws and agreements. The General files are composed of bylaws and agreements between the South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation, Rural Security Life Insurance Company and the South Dakota Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company. The minutes are composed of minutes from a meeting held in 1968.
The Service Company series consists of meeting minutes.

South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation
UA 005.11 · Records · 1951-1996

This collection is composed of departmental records of the Institute, as well as collected reports dealing with the Missouri River Basin Project.

South Dakota State University. Water Resources Institute
MA 010 · Records · 1904-1999

The South Dakota Dairy Association records document its role in shaping the state’s dairy industry from the early 1900s to the early 2000s. This collection includes ledgers, administrative materials, financial records, and publications that provide insight into the association’s governance, advocacy, and industry impact. Annual reports, meeting minutes, and convention programs spanning a century highlight efforts to promote dairy farming practices, support producers, and establish industry standards.
Significant materials include governance documents such as the association’s constitution, amendments, and certificate of incorporation, as well as financial records detailing operations and contests. Convention programs from 1911 to 1999, along with reports on industry regulations, illustrate the association’s efforts to foster professional development and policy discussions. The collection also includes medals, photographs, and newspaper clippings, offering a connection to the association’s legacy.
These materials provide valuable context for understanding the evolution of South Dakota’s dairy industry, reflecting broader agricultural trends, economic contributions, and the collaborative efforts that shaped the state’s dairy sector.

South Dakota Dairy Association
MA 031 · Records · 1920-1999

The Brookings Rotary Club Records consist of newsletters, reports to the district governor, photographs, clippings, minutes, and several other miscellaneous items.

The newsletters span the years 1920 to 1998 but some years from 1963 to 1981 are missing. These are very informative and include information on meetings, club officers, attendance, meeting guests, and other miscellaneous items.

The reports to the district governor span the years 1977 to 1999 but are missing years from 1985 to 1993. There are some items that appeared to have been part of these reports but were not bound together as a report. These include committee reports, president's plans and comments, and summary of club plans and objectives.

Also included are minutes, but these only cover the years 1980 to 1984. Some of the general items include attendance reports, certificates and awards, by-laws, constitution, some correspondence, directories, a history of Brookings Rotary, information on the book project, and district conference planning and programs.

Brookings Rotary Club (Brookings, S.D.)
UA 008.08 · Records · 1954-1999

This collection is composed of brochures, newsletters, and programs pertaining to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at South Dakota State University. Also included are product brochures for electric agricultural equipment developed at South Dakota State University, and a pamphlet titled "Model Farm A.D. 2076" that was created as part of the American Revolution Bicentennial Horizons '76 Project.

South Dakota State University. Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
UA 006.16 · Records · 1985, 1991, 1999

Composed of newsletters and a course announcement. The newsletters consist of two newsletters: 1) the Latin American Area Studies Program from the fall of 1985, and 2) the South Dakota chapter of the American Association for Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Also included is a poster announcing a course on Latin American politics in the Latin American Area Studies Program.

South Dakota State University. Latin American Area Studies Program
MA 029 · Records · 1923-1973, 2000, undated

Consists mainly of minutes and agendas from meetings of the SDCIA, along with the programs, letters, reports and pamphlets that were dealt with in each meeting. The minutes include minutes from the annual meetings, board of directors meetings, committee meetings and district meetings. There are programs for the annual meetings, crop shows and banquets. The letters include correspondence with members of the Crop Improvement Associations of other states and with the national Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies, as well as between SDCIA members. The reports include financial reports and statements, and also reports on the activities of the organization. The pamphlets include the SDCIA newsletter (The Crop Improvement Reporter), CIA newsletters from the surrounding states, booklets of weed laws, and seed certification manuals. In addition there is a history article that was prepared for the agency’s 75th anniversary in the year 2000.

The collection also contains photographs. These are primarily photos of the various crop shows and field days held by the SDCIA.

South Dakota Crop Improvement Association
Kappa Delta Pi Records
UA 035.20 · Records · 1984-1986, 2000

This collection is composed of a small assortment of records from the Theta Mu Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi at South Dakota State University. Included is a handbook, a VHS video cassette, and files related to membership and banquets.

Kappa Delta Pi (Honor society)
UA 052.08 · Records · 1999-2000

This collection is composed of pamphlets and flyers produced by the Reel Images Film Society.

Reel Images Film Society (South Dakota State University)
MA 030 · Records · 1899-2000

This collection is composed of records of the South Dakota Nurses' Association. Records consist mainly of committee files, minutes, correspondence, reports, membership files, convention material, project files, lobby material, scrapbooks, publications, and material dealing with associated groups.

The Committee's files are composed of material produced by the activities of the various SDNA committees. These items include minutes from the meetings of the committees, quarterly and annual reports sent back to the SDNA, and information about projects the committees worked on. There is also a great quantity of correspondence, including correspondence between committee members, between the committees and SDNA, and between the committees and the nurses associations of other states. Also included are forms and results sheets for many surveys that the committees conducted.

Task Forces files are composed of material produced by the various SDNA task forces. These items include minutes from the meetings of the task forces, quarterly and annual reports sent back to the SDNA, and information about the projects the task forces worked on. There is also a great quantity of correspondence including correspondence between task force members, between the task forces and SDNA, and between the task forces and nurses associations in other states. There are also forms and results sheets for the surveys that the task forces conducted.

The Correspondence includes the correspondence of the board of directors, president, and district presidents. It also includes correspondence with specific groups or individuals, such as the SD governor and the Nutrition Council of South Dakota. There is also correspondence dealing with specific projects and events, such as a poster contest and correspondence to nurses in Operation Desert Storm.

Most of the Forums items come from the forums held statewide in 1974-1975 to consider continuing education for nurses. This material mostly consists of evaluations of the questionnaire and comment sheets the participants filled out. Reports from small group discussions are also included. There is also one folder of material from the Human Services Forum meetings between 1974 and 1980. This material consists mostly of correspondence about the meetings, along with a few issues of their newsletter and reports sent back to the SDNA by people who attended.

The Board of Directors material is composed almost entirely of agendas and minutes of the SDNA Board of directors meetings from 1974 to 1994. It also includes the SDNA treasurer’s ledger from 1918 to 1950.

The Reports include the books of annual reports from 1948 to 1995. These books consist of the annual reports submitted by each committee, district, and several allied groups. These report books also include the standing rules for the annual convention, a report from the president and executive director, and the financial report from the annual audit. This series also includes reports from projects the SDNA was involved with, such as Project Motion and the Economic Security Program. It also includes the auditor’s annual financial reports from 1972 to 1989, along with other financial reports from that time.

The Membership material is composed of various letters and reports dealing with SDNA’s membership. These include monthly reports showing changes in each district’s membership and listing all new or deleted members. They also include lists of the membership of each district for some years and the results of the membership surveys that were sent out to all members of SDNA. The correspondence includes letters about new members and dues as well as the form letters that were sent to members when they joined or quit SDNA.

The Districts' material consists of correspondence between the districts and the SDNA and between the districts and their officers and members. It also includes annual and quarterly reports from each district to the SDNA main office and the by-laws of each district, as well as some lists of district officers. A few brochures and newspaper clippings about district-level activities are included as well.

The Nurses Day is divided into two sub-series: National Nurses Day and Nurses Day at the Legislature. The former includes correspondence about the theme and activities of National Nurses Day, information about promotional posters and ribbons that were distributed to the districts, and newspaper clippings. It also includes materials sent from the American Nurses Association to the state associations for this event, such as sample press releases, governor/mayoral proclamations, and pamphlets. The Nurses Day at the Legislature material includes correspondence to SDNA members and legislators, agendas, programs and invitations to the event, and information about finances and pre-registration. It also includes information about the legislators and the bills affecting health care, along with information from SDNA’s lobbyists about the legislative process and how to contact legislators.

The March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Award series is composed of information about the award. It includes correspondence about the program and correspondence nominating people for the award. It also includes resumes for the nominees, ballots, correspondence with the judges, and press releases.

The Convention is materials from the annual SDNA convention. This consists mainly of correspondence about the convention, registration, and booth rentals. It also includes programs and agendas for the meetings, banquets, and luncheons held at the convention. There is also financial information, including lists of exhibitors, sponsors, registrants, and financial summaries and budgets. The series also includes information about the House of Delegates that meets during the convention, including resolutions adopted by them and lists of each district’s representatives. There are also many press releases, photographs, and newspaper clippings from the convention. Finally, there are several folders of convention planning materials explaining how to prepare for the convention and a copy of most of the convention programs from 1918 to 1975.

The Projects materials are from the various projects SDNA has been involved with. This includes both local projects, such as the health fair and pilot membership project, and national projects, such as the Year of the Nurse and the building of the Vietnam Women’s Memorial. The materials consist mainly of correspondence about the projects, along with evaluations, summaries, and reports of what the projects accomplished. There are also a few newspaper clippings about the projects.

The American Nurses Association files are composed of materials from the national organization of which the SDNA is a branch, the American Nurses Association. The materials consist of correspondence about appointments to various ANA offices and about changes in the SDNA’s officers at the state and district levels. It also includes correspondence about the ANA House of Delegates and a summary book about the topics they discussed. Other materials related to nursing and nursing education are also included.

The Lobbyist materials relate to the lobbyist the SDNA hires for the South Dakota legislative season. This material includes correspondence with the lobbyist, the SDNA, and the legislators. There are SDNA priorities, copies of bills, and legislative memos from the lobbyist to the SDNA that give information about any healthcare-related issues being debated by the legislature. There is also information about the lobbyist position itself, including information about paying the lobbyist, and copies of the agreement that he/she signed. Copies of the Legislative Hotline newsletter sent out to SDNA members by the lobbyist during the legislative session are also included.

The Allied Groups files are from the health-care-related organizations with which the SDNA is allied. Most of the material is from local groups, such as the SD Nursing Network and the SD Public Health Association, or from South Dakota chapters of national organizations such as ASHET and the Joint Practice Commission. The material consists mainly of correspondence with the organizations and reports from the delegates sent by the SDNA to attend joint meetings. There is also some other information about the various organizations, including a few pamphlets, copies of bylaws, and some position statements.

The General series is composed of the material in the collection that did not fit into any other series. It includes correspondence about and entries for the annual American Journal of Nursing writing contest. Most of the remainder is correspondence about topics ranging from a creativity seminar to the Equal Rights Amendment. There are several past calendars and information on several individuals and their influence on nursing in South Dakota. There is also the manuscript for History of Nursing in South Dakota. There are also many newspaper clippings and photographs about the SDNA and about the State Hospital in Yankton.

In the Collected publications there are books about nursing and nursing history throughout history. There are several pamphlets on Nurses in the Navy and the American Red Cross Nursing Services. There are several pamphlets on the standards of a variety of nursing practices. The American Journal of Nursing from 1943 is included as well. As well there are several books that have nothing to do with nursing.

The Association publications are composed of the material produced by the South Dakota Nurses’ Association. This includes a convention poster, the SDNA newsletter, and the South Dakota Nurse.

The Scrapbooks are composed of material about the SDNA/ANA and are arranged into parts cover the years from 1916 – 1987. There are photographs and newspaper clippings throughout the material.

The South Dakota Board of Nursing files is composed of material produced by the SD Board of Nursing from 1950 – 1979. There are meeting minutes and other materials used by the board.

The League for Nursing material is composed of the material for the League for Nursing. There are membership lists, annual reports, and bylaws. It also includes the cash book and money receipts.

The Nursing Education and Schools files are composed of material about Nursing Education and Schools from 1900 – 1974.

In the Nursing History, there is information on Florence Nightingale, General Early Nursing, and Great Moments in Medicine. Folders in this series are arranged in alphabetical order and there under chronologically.

The Audio-visual material is composed of material video and audio cassettes. There are three videos; one contains the Pierre Centennial Parade with the SDNA’s float. The SDCNO Conference of June 5 – 7, 1990, and R.E.A.C.H. slides are on the other two. There are twelve audio cassettes; several from SDNA conferences and other events.

The physical objects consist of material that has been either donated to or collected by the SDNA. Included is a nurse’s cap, uniform, watch, graduation speech, and injection kit donated by Mabel Belle Wilson. There is also a plaque from the American Journal of Nursing.

The SDLNE [South Dakota League for Nursing Education] is arranged into parts covering the years 1938 – 1971.

The National-State Leaders consists of material about the National/State Leaders of Nursing. Arrangement: Folders are arranged in alphabetical order.

South Dakota Nurses' Association
MA 028 · Records · 1912-2000

The collection is composed of administrative material, District V material, including GFWC Brookings and Brookings Civic League, and campaign material for the creation of the South Dakota Memorial Art Center.

The Administrative files is composed directories, programs, a constitution and by-laws and the South Dakota Clubwoman newsletters. The South Dakota Clubwoman newsletters make up the bulk of this series.

The General Federation of Women’s Clubs of South Dakota has divided the state into six Federation Districts. District V includes the counties of Marshall, Day, Clark, Kingsbury, Roberts, Grant, Codington, Hamlin, Deuel, and Brookings. The material composed of minutes, reports, programs, club reports, correspondence, clippings, and constitutions and by-laws. The club reports are reports sent to the District V president describing the clubs activities for the year. These are arranged alphabetically by town with all clubs for a town filed in one folder. The minutes, reports, and programs are filed together and consist of minutes from board meeting of GFWC, District V and deal mainly with preparations for annual meetings and conventions. The reports are mainly reports from conventions and the programs are from annual conventions.

The Brookings Civic League files are composed mainly of minutes of the Brookings Civic League. The minutes are dispersed throughout seven ledgers and include meeting minutes, annual reports, treasurer's reports and some correspondence. Also included are an account book and two scrapbooks from the 1970's. One of the scrapbooks is historical in nature and consists of programs from annual conventions of the General Federation of Women's Clubs of South Dakota, clippings, and other memorabilia.

The GFWC Brookings sub-series is composed of minutes, scrapbooks, reports, and photographs and slides.

The Memorial Art Center Campaign Records are composed of correspondence, minutes, financial records, agreements, clippings, and architectural renderings and blueprints.

General Federation of Women's Clubs of South Dakota
UA 008.06 · Records · 1985-2001

This collection is composed of newsletters and pamphlets published by Engineering Extension. The brochures are of courses held by the extension office for administrators, managers, safety officers, safety committee personnel, and those interested in learning about providing a safe and healthy environment for employees.

South Dakota State University. Engineering Extension
UA 052.12 · Records · 1995-2001

This collection is composed of financial statements, correspondence, reports on the project, surveys, evaluations, and other supporting material.

South Dakota State University. Title III Grant
UA 008.01 · Records · 1900, 1949, 1970-1971, 1973, 1992-1994, 2001

This collection is composed mainly of material for a course in Solid Waste Engineering and Management. Also included are brochures, fact sheets and other material related to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.

The Solid Waste Engineering and Management material consists of course notes, syllabi, and exams. This material was most likely created by Dwayne Rollag and Vernon Schaefer, Professors of Civil Engineering, who were coordinators of this course in the early 1990s, but the only evidence to support this is the occurrence of their names on the course syllabi.

Other material of note in this collection is a certificate awarding the Civil Engineering Department second place for the most beautiful float for the 1949 Hobo Day parade, and a field notebook for a land survey of the South Dakota State College campus. While there is no date on this item, the processer decided the survey was completed around 1900 based on the building listed in the survey.

South Dakota State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
UA 005.06 · Records · circa 1977-2003, undated

This collection is composed of material published by the Biology and Microbiology Department, included are pamphlets, newsletters, and posters.

South Dakota State University. Department of Biology and Microbiology
UA 006.06 · Records · 1957-2003

Composed of composed mainly of the newsletter "Campanile" produced by the Modern Languages Department from 1974 to 1995. Also included are announcements for special language courses, such as Chinese, Japanese and Russian, a departmental history obtained from written histories of the college, and college catalogues; department information pamphlets; programs from awards banquets; and, standing rules of the department which detail policies and procedures for the Modern Languages Department in 1957.

South Dakota State University. Department of Modern Languages and Global Studies
Multicultural Affairs
UA 047 · Records · 2002-2003

This collection is composed of flyers and broadside for events sponsored by the department.

South Dakota State University. Office of Multicultural Affairs
MA 051 · Records · 1938-2003

This collection is composed of club records, yearbooks, scrapbooks, a manual, reports and sheet music.

The club records are in a variety of forms, from ledgers to notebooks. They include membership lists, officer lists, minutes from meetings and treasury reports. Included in some is correspondence, programs from events, and newspaper clippings.

The club yearbooks are composed of officer information, schedule meeting dates, hostess and theme information, and membership lists. The earlier yearbooks are handmade, usually of colored construction paper and are colored either with crayons or markers.
The scrapbooks include programs, certificates, newspaper clippings, and historical information.

Also included are financial records, correspondence, constitution and by-laws, and various pamphlets from the National Federation of Music Clubs.

National Federation of Music Club
UA 008.02 · Records · 1967-2011

This collection is composed of various materials pertaining to the Electrical Engineering Department. Included are brochures, programs, and newsletters.

The 100th Anniversary of Electrical Engineering at South Dakota State University consists of a CD of digital photographs and other data related to the event's reception and banquet.

The Christmas newsletters appear to be directed at graduates of the department and include information on happenings in the department.

South Dakota State University. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
MA 050 · Records · 1941-2004

The Sokota Hybrid Producers, Inc. records are composed mainly of Board of Directors minutes from its incorporation in 1944 to its dissolution in 1986. Most of the minutes include an agenda and the minutes. Some may include newsletters, correspondence, and reports. The collection also includes articles of incorporation, by-laws, purchase agreement, financial material, and trademark information.

The financial material is composed of corn payments, revolving fund certificates, grower and producer ledger sheets, and other certificates related to the financial portion of Sokota.

Also included are newspapers clippings on the history of Sokota, South Dakota codified laws in relation to cooperatives, and a photocopy of the first check written.

Sokota Hybrid Producers
UA 008.07 · Records · 1939-2004

This collection is composed of center records, Atmospheric, Environmental, and Water Resources Ph.D. program records, research projects, and the Huron Recharge project records.

The administrative records are composed of a brochure from a lecture series titled Futuresigns, and a white paper describing the concept of a regional research center concentrating on the concerns of water use, protection, and availability in the Northern Great Plains region.

This collection also contains documents relating to the Atmospheric, Environmental and Water Resources, a joint PhD program between South Dakota State University (SDSU) and the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT). In December 1991, the board considered a request from the School of Mines and South Dakota State University to approve a joint PhD program in Water resources. Approval was not given at first, because the request for new funds exceeded a specific amount. However, it was approved later the year. The AEWR program had been in a partnership with the AEWR program in the School of Mines and Technology. They created a joint program in Atmospheric, Environmental and Water Resources. This joint program provided PhD education and degrees in the fields of atmospheric, environmental and water resources. Due to the lack of assistantship funds and a low enrollment, the program closed in 2004. The reports and papers cover such topics such as bridge approaches and developments, water management, networks, and systems. In addition, the records contain files regarding the Huron Recharge Project.

The Research Projects includes research projects in the field of water resources. The reports and papers cover such topics such as bridge approaches and developments, water management, networks, and systems.

The Huron Recharge Project records includes materials from the Huron Recharge Project. There are several reports on water usage and project activities in Huron.

South Dakota State University. Water and Environmental Engineering Research Center
UA 050.12 · Records · 1978-2004

This collection is composed of a history of Sigma Xi at South Dakota State University, newsletters, lecture information, graduate student research award material, and science and engineering fair information.

Society of Sigma Xi
Financial Aid Office Records
UA 023 · Records · 1922-2004

This collection is composed of items published by the Financial Aid Office. The bulk of the material consists of scholarship pamphlets, including material for the School of Agriculture. Also included is information on financial aid available at South Dakota State University.

South Dakota State University. Office of Financial Aid
UA 043 · Records · 2000-2004

This collection is composed of a pamphlet explain how to respond to emergencies in the workplace.

South Dakota State University. Office of Environmental Health and Safety
UA 050.14 · Records · 1975-2004

The collection is arranged by item type. Information on Sigma Xi is minimal, consisting of some proposals and planning notes. The information put out by SDSU for the Science Fair is quite comprehensive, including programs and brochures from a number of years, as are the budgets and expense records. There is a good amount of material relating to Science Fair winners and their projects, though the dates of this information are quite random. The publications for ISEF are also quite comprehensive, including rule books, participant forms, programs, touring and housing information, and books of abstracts of participant research.

Faculty Women's Club Records
UA 050.01 · Records · 1917-2004

This collection is composed of the records of the Faculty Women's Club from the beginnings of the club in 1917 to the late 1990's when the club evolved into the SDSU Club. Material found in the collection consists mainly of minutes, president's reports, constitutions, newsletters, directories, programs, photographs, clippings and financial records, including a loan fund ledger and scholarship information. Also included is material on faculty receptions, teas, and luncheons, material on the club's involvement with the Memorial Art Center, and several histories of the club. A history of the auxiliary club of the Newcomers Club is also included, along with minutes of their meetings.

In 1993, the Faculty Women's Club celebrated its 75th anniversary and put on a style show that gave a history of the club since its establishment. A script and a video recording of the event are included here.

This collection also includes SDSU Club materials from 1998 to the present, including brochures, posters and invitations.

South Dakota State University. Faculty Women's Club
UA 051.06 · Records · 2001-2005

This collection is composed of items created by the Remnant Trust, by the South Dakota State University Remnant Trust Committee, and by SDSU Archives & Special Collections. Included are publications created by the Remnant Trust, material related to a gala celebration opening the collection.

South Dakota State University. Remnant Trust Committee
South Dakota EPSCoR Records
UA 056 · Records · 1978-2005

Composed mainly of proposals to the National Science Foundation for research project. Also included are annual and semi-annual reports, publications, minutes, and some conference material.

South Dakota EPSCoR
UA 006.11 · Records · 1980-1992, 2005

Composed of programs, newsletters and posters produced by the department.

South Dakota State University. Department of Psychology
UA 033 · Records · 1886-2005

Composed of posters, newsletter, clippings, programs, pamphlets, brochures, and publications for events sponsored by the University Programs Council, including the arts, concerts, Hobo Day, and other special events.

South Dakota State University. University Programs Council
MA 094 · Records · 1992-2005

This collection includes the organization's mission and goals statements and views on censorship. Information about Educational Telecommunication including mission, goals, policies, and board minutes. Correspondence, newspaper articles, and other organizations responses to potential censorship issues in South Dakota especially within Public Broadcasting.

Vigil of South Dakota
UA 006.12 · Records · 1962-2005

Composed of material gathered by the Philosophy and Religion Department. Folders contain pamphlets, booklets and a course announcement. Also included is a lecture by Dr. Stanley L. Olsen and material from a Symposium on Education for New World Realities held in 1973.

South Dakota State University. Department of Philosophy and Religion
Kappa Epsilon Records
UA 035.21 · Records · 1972-2006

This collection is composed of meeting records, policies, constitution, by-laws, club history, and photographs.

Kappa Epsilon (Honor society)
UA 009.02 · Records · 1963-2006

This collection is composed of general departmental records which consist of material such as program evaluation reports, posters, programs, and course announcements; and, the Adaline Snellman Hsia Historic Costume and Decorative Arts Collection records, which consists mainly of correspondence, clippings, and photographs.

South Dakota State University. Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design
UA 051.05 · Records · 1981, 2005-2006

This collection is composed of materials produced and collection by the 125th Anniversary Planning Committee. Folders include minutes, clippings, event invitations and programs, publications, photographs, audio-visual material, departmental histories, and memorabilia.

The Cooperative Extension Service celebration material is composed of material from several South Dakota County Extension offices and related what each county did to celebrate the 125th anniversary of South Dakota State University. Folders may contain photographs, clippings and other material documenting the event.

The audio-visual material is composed of master and finished product video footage in the form of videos and DVDs for the 125th anniversary celebration projects. Included with the material are taped interviews of prominent individuals, such as United States Senators and Representatives. Also included are some scripts.

Colleges, departments and faculty were to submit recommendations for a summary of important dates, events and people in the history of South Dakota State University. They were asked for focus on accomplishments since 1964 when the institution was granted university status. These are found in the material marked as Survey of Accomplishments.

Other material of interest includes a resolution proposed by the South Dakota Legislative Assembly, and memorabilia associated with the celebration, such as a replica of the Coughlin Campanile that includes a piece limestone from the original structure.

South Dakota State University. 125th Anniversary Planning Committee
UA 006.19 · Records · 2004-2006

Composed of information pamphlets describing Global Studies programs at South Dakota State University and material pertaining to the Introduction to Global Studies course. Folders include pamphlets, correspondence, course announcements, and a draft syllabus.

South Dakota State University. Global Studies Program
Geography Club Records
UA 035.04 · Records · 1972-2006

This collection is composed of programs, news releases, and commemorative books for the annual South Dakota State Geography Convention. Also included are flyers for recruitment and events sponsored by the club and an article by Ed Hogan on the history of the South Dakota State Geography Convention.

Geography Club (South Dakota State University)
UA 029 · Records · 1962-2006

This collection is composed of various flyers, pamphlets and newsletters produced by Student Health and Counseling Services. Some of the items included are a health service handbook, a newsletter, flyers for the Wellness Fair, information on insurance, and a pamphlet titled F.A.S.T.C.A.R.E. which stands for First Aid and Sensible Tips for Coping with Alcohol-Related Emergencies.

South Dakota State University. Student Health and Counseling Services
Phi Upsilon Omicron Records
UA 035.10 · Records · 1909-2006

The collection is composed of material collected by the Phi Upsilon Omicron Phi Chapters at South Dakota State University. Included are correspondence, minutes, newsletters, annual reports, scrapbooks, member lists, financial information, publications, clippings, meeting minutes and agendas, and photographs.

Also included is "The Candle," the Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society journal, covering the years 1930-2004, annual reports submitted to the national headquarters, Initiate information sheets, detailed ledger sheets starting in 1934, hand-made chapter programs, very creative from 1937 to about 1980, senior biographies from 1952-1971 which are very detailed and include photographs, and detailed secretaries notebooks.

The scrapbooks consist of photographs, cards, significant correspondence and programs for events held by the chapter. Some items of note include a Coat of Arms patch for Phi Upsilon Omicron, a Holy Bible presented to the chapter by Laura J. McArthur in December 1941, and a material related to a Fruitcake Fundraising project which includes photographs, but the fruitcake recipe could not be found.

The photographs are not well described; however, most are group shots of members.

Phi Upsilon Omicron (South Dakota State University)
Graduate School Records
UA 011 · Records · 1921-2006

Composed of Graduate School records, Graduate Council minutes, Graduate Faculty records, and records of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Folders consist of newsletters, pamphlets, info sheets, brochures, announcements, schedules, meeting minutes, and correspondence.

South Dakota State University. Graduate School
UA 032 · Records · 1915-2006

Composed of items published by the Office of Student Activities. Included are handbooks, pamphlets, and material relating to Pugsley Union and the University Student Union.

South Dakota State University. Department of Student Union and Activities
Greek Council Records
UA 034 · Records · 1980-2007

Ccomposed of composed of flyers, newsletters and clippings of various fraternities and sororities on the campus of South Dakota State University. Included is material for Alpha Xi Delta, Ceres, Chi Omega, FarmHouse, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Phi Epsilon.

South Dakota State University. Greek Council
MA 015 · Records · 1935-2007, undated

This collection documents the activities and governance of the American Association of University Women, Brookings Branch, offering valuable insight into the organization’s role in promoting education, women's rights, and community engagement. It includes reports, minutes, newsletters, programs, bylaws, and correspondence, though no series is complete.

The collection provides documents related to the branch’s administrative functions, including annual reports, bylaws, financial and fundraising activities, and meeting minutes from both regular and executive board sessions. These records highlight the decision-making processes, organizational priorities, and project initiatives undertaken by members. Membership lists and reports on various projects further illustrate the group’s impact on local and national issues.

Of particular significance is the documentation on accreditation efforts, project initiatives, and study groups, which reflect the branch’s commitment to education and social advocacy. The history of the Brookings Branch contains valuable narratives on its founding and key figures, including Vivian Volstorff, who played a crucial role in the branch’s accreditation, and Gertrude Stickney Young, its first president. The collection also includes correspondence, news clippings, and a scrapbook that was dismantled for preservation purposes, offering researchers insight into the branch’s evolving role in civic engagement.

Newsletters and event programs further illustrate the organization’s outreach efforts and evolving priorities over time. Fundraising records, member surveys, and policy documents provide context for the branch’s financial and strategic decision-making. Photographs, brochures, and promotional materials add a visual dimension to the collection, offering a deeper understanding of the group’s public presence.

This collection is a valuable resource for researchers studying women's organizations, grassroots activism, and local history. It sheds light on the Brookings Branch’s contributions to educational initiatives, legislative advocacy, and broader societal issues, making it an essential reference for those examining the intersection of gender, education, and civic engagement.

American Association of University Women. Brookings Branch
Physics Department Records
UA 008.09 · Records · 1995 - 2007

This collection is composed of departmental records up to June 30, 2018 when the department moved administrativesly to the College of Natural Sciences. Included is a report for sabbatical during the spring 2007 semester by Dr. Joel Rauber. Included is a copy of the first two pages of the sabbatical leave request and a copy of the Physics 211 Laboratory Manual that Dr. Rauber rewrote during his sabbatical. He also revamped a few of the laboratories to take into account current equipment and possible improvements.

South Dakota State University. Department of Physics
UA 005.10 · Records · 1969-2007

This collection is composed of material published by the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Department. Folders contain brochures, programs, newsletters and announcements. The Buffalo Banquet was an awards banquet featuring buffalo as the main course. This event was sponsored by the student chapter of the Wildlife Society known as the Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation Club at South Dakota State University.

The Habitat Management Guides are publications of the Soil Conservation Service in Huron, S.D. and cover topics on pronghorn antelope, wild turkey, sharp-tailed grouse, rainbow trout, ring-necked pheasant, and mourning dove.

South Dakota State University. Department of Natural Resources Management
UA 009.05 · Records · 1975-2007

Composed mainly of books given to instructors as complimentary copies. These books deal with topics related to family and consumer sciences teacher education. Also included in audio-visual material used in class instruction and VHS video cassettes. One of the video cassettes is of a slide presentation created by Arthur Amiotte. Also included are plaques, brochures and programs related to the Human Development, Consumer and Family Sciences Department.

South Dakota State University. Department of Human Development, Consumer, and Family Sciences
UA 037 · Records · 1910-2007

This collection is composed of administration records, minutes and agendas of the association and associated committees including the Board of Control, financial records and subject files. Folders may include constitutions, by-laws, correspondence, clippings, and reports.

South Dakota State University. Students' Association
UA 006.05 · Records · 1974-2007

Composed of composed mainly of the newsletter "Beaker Breaker" produced by the Chemistry Department from 1978 to 1987. Also included are programs for various lecture series sponsored by the department such as the Henry A. Lardy Distinguished Lecture Series in Chemistry, and the Joseph F. Nelson Mentorship Seminar in Chemistry and Biology.

South Dakota State University. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
UA 013 · Records · 1890-2008

This collection is composed mainly of newsletters and periodicals produced by the College of Pharmacy. Also included are programs, clippings, pamphlets, and other office records. An item of note is a glass pharmacy beaker.

South Dakota State University. College of Pharmacy
MA 007 · Records · 1913-2008

The South Dakota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (SDAFCS) collection is a key resource documenting the history and development of home economics and family and consumer sciences organizations. Focused on the National Association of Extension Home Economists, the South Dakota Home Economics Association, and the SDAFCS, the collection includes newsletters (1941–1999), meeting minutes, conference programs, awards documentation, scrapbooks, financial reports, and correspondence.

The newsletters cover events, scholarships, officer elections, honorary memberships, and sponsored programs. Meeting minutes and program materials document the associations' activities, including updates on by-law revisions and organizational changes. Notably, the collection contains correspondence from Eva Dawes, the first president of the South Dakota Home Economics Association, offering insight into the organization's early history. Additionally, it includes lists of officers, council and charter members, honorary members, and award recipients.

The collection also features policy revisions from 1971 to 1996 and a strategic plan for the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (1995–2000). This archive highlights the growth, governance, and influential figures within these associations, offering a comprehensive view of the evolution of family and consumer sciences in South Dakota and nationally.

The organization underwent several name changes over the years, and materials were arranged according to the organization's name at the time. As a result, the collection is organized into the following categories:

National Association of Extension Home Economists
National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
South Dakota Cooperative Extension Association
South Dakota Home Demonstration Agents Association
South Dakota Home Economics Association
South Dakota Association of Extension Home Economists
South Dakota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

South Dakota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
UA 006.17 · Records · 2000-2008

Composed of mainly of material dealing with events surrounding Women's History Month sponsored by the Women's Studies Program. Also included are programs from Woman of Distinction Awards Tea and a pamphlet describing the Women's Studies minor at South Dakota State University. Folders consist of programs, posters and pamphlets.

South Dakota State University. Women's Studies Program
Residential Life Records
UA 031 · Records · 1969-2008

This collection consists of resident assistant and student housing staff manuals and material for the food service and residence halls on the campus of South Dakota State University. The resident assistant and student housing staff manuals include information on organizational structure, general policies and information, operational procedures, and emergency situations. The food service material includes miscellaneous menus, a notice from the Commons Advisory Council, and a booklet detailing the Saga Food Service Program. The residence halls material includes guides for men and women residents, information calendars and other miscellaneous items.

South Dakota State University. Residential Life
Career Center Records
UA 027 · Records · 1975-2008

This collection is composed mainly of newsletters and flyers for job fairs, practice interview sessions, and etiquette dinners. Also included is a file dealing with tutoring programs.

South Dakota State University. Career Center
Dairy Club Records
UA 035.03 · Records · 1972-2008

This series is composed of annual reports, the Dairy Digest, a periodical published by the Dairy Club, and a scrapbook compiled in 1985 for the Dairy Club. The Dairy Digest originally began as a newsletter but grew into a periodical in the early 1990s. It features information about the Dairy Department and happenings within the Dairy Club.

Dairy Club (South Dakota State University)
UA 052.05 · Records · 1911-2008

This collection is composed of minutes and materials published by the South Dakota Board of Regents and collected by the office of the president and various other department at South Dakota State University. The minutes series is composed of agendas, minutes, and material related to meetings. The later minutes include an index to the minutes with subject notations in the margins. The publications are composed of items published by the South Dakota Board of Regents.

South Dakota Board of Regents
UA 009.03 · Records · 1985-2008, undated

This collection consists mainly of brochures and posters for various nutrition seminars sponsored by the department. Also included are newsletters providing health professionals with reliable information on nutrition and the health of mothers, infants and children and fact sheets describing program offerings in food science and hotel and foodservice management.

South Dakota State University. Department of Nutrition, Food Science, and Hospitality
UA 009 · Records · 1884-2008

This collection is composed of academic materials, clippings and releases, history material, photographs, scrapbooks and reports. The academic material deals mainly with the establishment of a core curriculum within the College. The clippings and releases are newspaper clippings and news releases about the college. The history material is a compilation of historical material and alumni memories of the College of Home Economics. Also included is correspondence, building plans, and lists of outstanding graduates.
The photographs include many miscellaneous photographs documenting the history of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences that were found loose in the collection or from dismantled scrapbooks.
The photographs from the scrapbooks pertain to deans, research, education, nutrition and food science, and textiles, clothing and interior design.

The reports are composed mainly of annual reports to the president of the university and some federal reports to the U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare.

South Dakota State University. College of Family and Consumer Sciences
UA 008.05 · Records · 1963-2008

This collection is composed of material generated by programs within the Engineering Resource Center: Office of Remote Sensing, South Dakota Space Grant Consortium, South Dakota Local Transportation Assistance Program, University/Industry Technology Service, Publications, and Essential Networking and Training for Entrepreneurship.

The General Records consist of items published by the Engineering Resource Center. Folders contain newsletters and a faculty expertise directory.

The Office of Remote Sensing was established in 1969 as the Remote Sensing Institute. Senator Karl Mundt was instrumental in bringing the program to South Dakota. It is funded by both state and federal funds. Its purpose is to use multispectral remotely sensed imagery and geographic information systems for natural resource studies and mapping projects in South Dakota and throughout the world. This series is composed of correspondence, newsletters, brochures, reports, photogrammetry images and pocket stereoscopes. The pocket stereoscopes are used in reading the photogrammetry, or aerial photographs.

The South Dakota Space Grant Consortium is a program funded in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Consortium members are South Dakota State University, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Augustana College and the EROS Data Center. Goals of the Consortium are to create an enthusiasm for aerospace science among students and faculty and to encourage them to pursue careers in related fields. This series is composed of newsletters, research award announcements, and applications and information pertaining to faculty, graduate and undergraduate assistantship awards.

The South Dakota Local Transportation Assistance Program assists local governments with technology and information needed to operate their transportation related agencies. This series is composed of newsletters, brochures, catalogs, and special bulletins.

The University/Industry Technology Service links university resources to industry, business and government to solve technological problems and enhance economic development in South Dakota. This series consists of brochures and programs from symposiums hosted by the University/Industry

The Essential Networking and Training for Entrepreneurship [ENTRE] program provides training for people who may have an interest in pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities. This is an intensive 10-session course that allows participants to test and research their business ideas. The mission of ENTRE is to foster and promote entrepreneurship and economic development in the state and to develop programs for the general business community or various specialty groups. This series consists of a newsletter and a brochure outlining the ENTRE program.

South Dakota State University. Engineering Resource Center
UA 036 · Records · 1983-2008

This collection is composed of composed of mainly of material dealing with the organizing of the Honors College including are minutes, correspondence, notes, and proposals. Also included is material related to the Griffith Honors Forum Lecture, clippings, news releases, and other files related to the operation of the college.

An item of note is found in the Griffith Honors Forum Lecture folder. It is a copy of a lecture given by documentary film maker, Ken Burns, for the program in 2001.

South Dakota State University. Van D. and Barbara B. Fishback Honors College
UA 045 · Records · 1996-2008

This collection is composed of brochures and flyers for events sponsored by the Office of Diversity Enhancement. Also included are schedules, newsletters, video recordings, and clippings.

South Dakota State University. Office for Diversity Enhancement
UA 015 · Records · 1924-2008

This collection is composed of general office material conference and workshop materials, University Week for Women records, and distance education records.

South Dakota State University. Office of Continuing and Distance Education
UA 024 · Records · 1904-2008

This collection is composed mainly of records pertaining to the development of the Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition. Included are records related to the Endowed Chair, the Distinguished Lecturer and Visiting Professorship in Human Nutrition and collected publications related to nutrition. Also included are the Ethel Austin Martin Papers which are composed of articles and books by Ethel Austin Martin, transcripts, correspondence, ephemera, awards, and photographs.

The Endowed Chair records are composed mainly of records pertaining to the development of the Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition, the Endowed Chair, and the Basic Course in Nutrition. Also included are financial files, progress reports, records related to the Ethel Austin Martin buildings, the Human Nutrition Committee files, newsletters, and the memorandum of agreement with Ethel Austin Martin and the signing ceremony of the agreement. The records pertaining to the development of the program and the Endowed Chair are composed of working papers created by Ethel Austin Martin as well as South Dakota State University. These materials consist mainly of correspondence, notes, collected research, statements, and position papers. The material related to the Basic Course in Nutrition consists of records related to the creation of the course and include items such as research in creating the course, textbook selection, course material, and syllabi. The files related to the memorandum of agreement with Ethel Austin Martin are composed of the agreement, correspondence, and material dealing with infringement on the agreement, most likely gathered by Ethel Austin Martin herself. Also included is material pertaining to the signing of the agreement in 1985.

Dr. Ethel Austin Martin, 1916 alumna of South Dakota State University, established an endowment fund to promote multidisciplinary scholarship and education in the field of human nutrition. This fund provides for a series of Distinguished Lectureships in Human Nutrition. The Distinguished lecturers in Human Nutrition are on the South Dakota State University campus for a two-day period. They give a major presentation open to the general public, followed by exploratory discussions of the functions of the program in different educational areas of the University. The material is composed of files related to the planning and development of the Ethel Austin Martin Distinguished Lecturer in Human Nutrition. Included are files on program planning and development, publicity, programs and announcements, audio recordings of some lectures and material related to the selection of lecturers. Folders consist of correspondence, clippings, photographs, and speech files, including research. Ethel Austin Martin was very involved in the planning of the lectureships. Researchers will find many letters, notes, and related material created by Martin in these files.

"The concept of the Ethel Austin Martin Visiting Professorship at South Dakota State University is al all campus effort to encourage and advance learning in the science of human nutrition and its application. It represents a unique approach to human nutrition through the active cooperation of faculty and students from all pertinent disciplines at the university. Advances planning and preparation in cooperation with the visiting professor in inherent in the concept. Each visiting professor is selected because of his/her excellence in a specific area of nutrition. The visiting professor provides direction and guidance to campus participants and serves as special lecturer on campus and in the community.

The Visiting Professorship program is implemented as a grass roots effort by task force committees, each group consisting of faculty members who represent different subject areas that can contribute to the understanding of a nutritional problem. Prior to the symposium, task force groups assemble data and prepare presentations intended to stimulate questions and promote discussion. These cooperative relationships create a cross-fertilization of expertise among the various subject areas which enhances their separate contributions and broadens immeasurable the dimensions of human nutrition.

The Nutrition Fund Committee, appointed by the President of South Dakota State University, is responsible for the implementation of the Visiting Professorship program. The members represent different disciplines that impact upon human nutrition and are rotated on a specific basis.

The Ethel Austin Martin Visiting Professorship is funded by a gift from Ethel Austin Martin, a 1916 Home Economics graduate of South Dakota State University. She received as advanced degree in nutrition at Columbia University, New York, and did additional graduate work at the University of Chicago. Dr. Martin was Director of Nutrition Services of the National Dairy Council for 22 years. She has authored several textbooks on nutrition, including the well-known textbook, "Nutrition in Action." The material is composed of files related to the planning and development of the Ethel Austin Martin Visiting Professorship in Human Nutrition. Included are files on program planning and development, publicity, proceeding, programs, evaluation of the conference, audio and video recordings of some sessions and material related to the selection of the visiting professor. Folders consist of correspondence, clippings, and photographs. Ethel Austin Martin was very involved in the planning of the lectureships. Researchers will find many letters, notes, and related material created by Martin in these files.

The collected publications are composed of publications related to human nutrition collected by Ethel Austin Martin and the Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition. These were most likely collected in preparation for the Basic Course in Human Nutrition. Folders consist of journal articles, books, newsletters, and proceedings.

South Dakota State University. Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition