National Farmers Union Insurance Vice President Ray Hawkins speaks at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention in Huron, South Dakota about a special no-fault insurance program. National Farmers Union Director of Public Affairs Victor Ray gives an address on the 10 myths being used to reduce farmers and working people to second class citizenship and to divert them from their own best interests. Herrick Roth, President of the Colorado Labor Council speaks on how the words used by President Nixon have made farmers and other laborers wary of each other.
South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 convention speaker. Ken Holum, Assistant Secretary of Interior for Power and Water, Department of Interior, Washington, D.C., speaks about the growing importance of education and citizenship, fair economics and wages, taking care of the elderly, and civil rights. He talks about the increase in water and power needs and talks about the Missouri River Basin Project and its financial troubles, including an arrangement with Basin Electric.
B.J. Malusky speaking about the progress for cooperative marketing of grain and farm supplies. He talks about changes with G.T.A. bylaws and delegates, and also mentions the merger of National Federation of Grain Cooperatives and the National Council of Cooperatives. Malusky speaks of changes in production and marketing in the grain industry and that G.T.A. ordered a major study on the future of grain marketing. Governor William L. Guy from North Dakota gives the closing speech. Guy talks about the Nixon administration's freeze on raw agricultural goods prices. He also speaks about the rural-urban imbalance and its effects.
Speaker talking about three goals: providing enough food and fiber, enabling family farms to achieve parity, and expanding programs to utilize surplus. He pledges the cooperation of the Farmers Union with President John F. Kennedy and Secretary Orville Freeman towards agricultural policy and the agricultural plank of the Democratic platform. He talks about eliminating poverty in rural America and a domestic food usage program for the needy. He hopes Kennedy will convene a World Food Conference. He recommends creation of an agricultural economics administration.
Tony Dechant, President of the Farmers Union speaks about profit margins for farmers, farm production expenses, parity, the Capper-Volstead Act of 1922, cooperatives, G.T.A., Central Exchange Marketing, Farmers Union insurance, commodity future prices, and the future of agriculture. Ben Radcliffe gives the annual report of the South Dakota Farmers Union State President and speaks about the annual convention in Houston next month, membership, the youth program, upcoming Farmer/Worker Conference, organized labor, and S.D. tax reform. He states that the South Dakota Farmers Union will take the South Dakota property tax to court, asking that it be declared unconstitutional as a main source of revenue for education in South Dakota. State secretary Lee Swenson gives the financial report for the fiscal year just ended.
Creighton Knau, reporter from WNAX, Yankton, South Dakota, talking to Richard Reuter, special assistant to the President of the United States, about the Food for Peace program. Knau speaks with the Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman about the proposed tax cut and rural development and the wheat program. Freeman also talked about the conservation core and the feed grain program. Knau talks to Orville Harriman, assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, about a trade program. Knau talks to Jim Patton, president of the National Farmers Union, about the national convention.
York Langton, Regional Chairman of United Nations Association in Minneapolis, Minnesota, speaks at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about the Suez Canal, the United Nations, and Atoms for Peace, a speech delivered by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower to the U.N. General Assembly in New York City in 1953.
Speaker at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention talking about the agricultural depression and the importance of co-ops. He continues to talk about farmers gaining more political influence as well as cooperatives and farming organizations working with those overseas in order to get the fuel and energy that farmers need. James McHale, Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary, talks about how he has been trying to revitalize the rural parts and farms in Pennsylvania. He also discusses the importance of co-ops and what steps need to be taken to restore the confidence in the government.
Senator Dick Clark of Iowa talks at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about how effective George McGovern has been in Washington D.C. on the Agricultural committee. He also talks about the value of the family farm and the importance of American agriculture both nationally and internationally.
John Baker speaks at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about how the family farm leads to world peace. He speaks about commodity programs, consumer and export programs, and community programs. Senator George McGovern speaks about the upcoming presidential election. Thomas H. Steichen speaks about farmer cooperatives.
Political panel at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention featuring candidates for U.S. Congress. Dexter Gunderson discusses the future of the family farm in South Dakota. Frank Denholm says he feels there is a farm depression going on and he discusses farm families. James Abourezk discusses the increase in population in urban areas as people who wish to live on farms are forced out. He states that he wants to secure a spot on the Congressional Agriculture Committee, if elected.
Tony Dechant, President of the National Farmers Union, speaks at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about the farm bill. The Farmers Union opposes the farm bill as it would reduce farm income. He ends by asking the South Dakota Farmers Union members to elect congressmen who will be ready to present bills in Congress which favor farmers.
Political panel at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention featuring candidates for South Dakota governor. Governor Frank Farrar discusses the Governor's Policy Conferences on Agriculture, used to develop a united policy to meet the needs of farmers and ranchers. He also discusses a state water plan, the farm bill and rural development programs. Challenger Richard Kneip discusses tax reform and the need for a tax program that is good for all South Dakotans.
Political panel at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention featuring candidates for U.S. Congress and governor of South Dakota. Representative George McGovern discusses corporate farming. J. T. McCullen, candidate for Congress, discusses keeping farmers prosperous. Ralph Herseth, candidate for Governor, discusses development of the Missouri River. Joe Foss, candidate for Congress also speaks. The candidates' introductory remarks are followed by a question and answer session. Recording is continued on South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Political Panel, Part 2 (MA012-AV-0069_03).
Continuation of South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Political Panel, Part 1 (MA012-AV-0069_02). Political panel at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention featuring candidates for U.S. Congress and governor of South Dakota. George McGovern, J. T. McCullen, candidate for Congress, Ralph Herseth, candidate for Governor, and Joe Foss, candidate for Congress also speaks. Recording is continued on South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Political Panel, Part 3 (MA012-AV-0069_04).
Continuation of South Dakota Farmers Union 1958 Convention Political Panel, Part 3 (MA012-AV-0069_04). Question and answer session of the political panel at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention featuring candidates for U.S. Congress and governor of South Dakota. George McGovern, J. T. McCullen, candidate for Congress, Ralph Herseth, candidate for Governor, and Joe Foss, candidate for Congress.
Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Dick Gaikowski, discusses the wheat referendum, irrigation unit permits, the national school lunch program, and racial discrimination in South Dakota.
Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Man is speaking about the leasing out farmland by the federal government and mentions the Saskatchewan Land Bank.
Eight different 30-second radio advertisements for Co-op Month in October 1982 presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Produced by Dave Sevcik.
Man named Bob speaks to members of the South Dakota Farmers Union about a livestock marketing cooperative made of members from all farmers organizations. A question and answer session follows.
Allan Burke, South Dakota Farmers Union communications director, announces the upcoming Farmers Union Legislative Action Conference that will be held in Redfield, South Dakota. The conference will feature a discussion of state and national issues including tax reform, corporate farming, constitutional revision, probate and transportation. National Farmers Union Legislative Director Reuben Johnson will cover current legislative development and projections in Congress. Senator Harvey Wollman will address the noon luncheon.
Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke talks about a power struggle between the executive branch and the legislative branch, wherein the President has ignored Congress. The President has ignored pricing provisions in the international wheat agreement, impounded funds, and cut farm programs. Burke calls for Congress to demand the reinstatement of all farm programs and that they be fully funded.
South Dakota Farmers Union radio advertisement urging listeners to join the Farmers Union.
South Dakota Farmers Union speakers Herrick Roth president of the Colorado AFL-CIO. Roth talks about price power bargaining for farmers, keeping the land and government in the hands of the people and avoiding the corruption of power, the strength in the trade unions. Continued of South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 Convention, Part 2 [MA012-AV-0163_02]
South Dakota Farmers Union Convention speaker stating that about prosperity on the farms and factories will help fight communism. The playback speed increases at 0:18:37 and becomes difficult to understand.
Grain Terminal Association general manager, M.W. Thatcher, speaking about the depression and the economy and how the farm organizations of the National Grange, the Farm Bureau, and the Farmers Union agreed that a New Deal was needed for agriculture. He speaks about the Farm Credit Administration, support prices, legislated economy for farmers and parity pricing. Recording continued on Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 2 (MA012-AV-0168_01).
Continuation of Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 1 (MA012-AV-0167_01). Grain Terminal Association general manager, M.W. Thatcher, speaking about the depression and the economy and how the farm organizations of the National Grange, the Farm Bureau, and the Farmers Union agreed that a New Deal was needed for agriculture. He speaks about the Farm Credit Administration, support prices, legislated economy for farmers and parity pricing. Recording continued on Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 3 (MA012-AV-0166_01).
Wrapping up the trip of South Dakota Farmers Union delegates to Washington, D.C. The group saw the national Farmers Union offices and met with various Senators and Representatives. The delegation tried to impress the need for a passage of a farm bill.
Activities at a South Dakota Farmers Union summer camp. Includes footage of teenagers participating in daily activities such as meals, swimming, making crafts, and dancing. Also contains footage of a man giving a demonstration with liquid nitrogen. The film is undated, in color, and silent.
Footage of activities at the South Dakota Farmers Union Junior Camps at various locations, including Swan Lake, Lake Kampeska,and Lake Poinsett. Also included is footage of the National Farmers Union All State Camp in Red Rocks Park, Colorado. Color film. No sound.
The records are comprised of correspondence, meeting minutes, publications, scrapbooks, photographs, oral history interviews, audio-visual materials, and the records of local unions.
South Dakota Farmers UnionSouth Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Matt Birgen, former Clay County Farmers Union and Cooperative activist, former member of the Farmers Union Board of Directors Marketing and Processing Association.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with John Carmody, former cooperative manager and field representative for Cenex.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Arlene Schley Elliott, former education director board member of the South Dakota Farmers Union.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Gary French, manager of the Sioux Valley Cooperative Oil Company in Watertown, South Dakota.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Ervin Goldammer, former Mitchell, South Dakota area cooperative leader and member of the South Dakota Farmers Union board of directors.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Richard Harwood, former Union Center Farmers Union Oil Company and South Dakota Farmers Union director.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Julian and Verna Holter, Farmers Union and Cooperative activists at Canton, South Dakota.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Clement Kloucek, South Dakota Hall of Fame member.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Harold Nearhood, former board member of the Farmers Union Marketing and Processing Association and Farmers Union insurance agent at Ethan, South Dakota.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with John Quillin, cooperative and Farmers Union activist in Lyman County.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Ben Radcliffe, South Dakota Farmers Union president emeritus, 1997 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Bob Rademacher, Dakota Energy Cooperative manager and 2006 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Cecil Sanderson, former County Agent and rural electric cooperative organizer.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Harlan Severson, rural electric pioneer and author of Stepping Forward Boldly, The 25th Anniversary History of East River Electric Power Cooperative published in 1975.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Kenneth Stillson former manager of the Marshall County Farmers Union Oil Company.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Orris Swayze, cooperative activist and alternative fuels supporter.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Phillip Testerman, farmer, insurance agent, and member of the South Dakota Senate and House of Representatives.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Dallas Tonsager, Farm Credit Administration board member, former South Dakota Farmers Union president, and former USDA Rural Development Director for South Dakota.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Robert Ullom, former member of the board of directors of the Farmers Union Oil Company at Flandreau and the Farmers Union Central Exchange.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Loren Zingmark, former general manager of East River Electric Power Cooperative.
South Dakota Farmers Union Ag Report by Chuck Groth. Short introduction and the first sentence of the report.
Speaker addressing South Dakota legislators and South Dakota Farmers Union members regarding with single member districts stating that it confuses the voter, the candidates are not as accountable, and it tends to submerge the certain opinions. There is a question and answer session at the end.
Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke discusses the federal governments energy office, stating that the oil industry is represented but ordinary farmers and citizens are not.
Jack Bailey radio show focusing on the four-day-long South Dakota Farmers Union Winter Workshop. Interview with Stanley Vote of Denver who speaks of the benefits of the workshop. The interview than shifts to taxes and how co-ops must be protected, and that people should patronage their co-ops to the fullest possible extent. The recording ends in a long passage of silence during which faint band music begins to play until the end of the recording.
Speakers at the 1976 South Dakota Farmers Union convention. Includes remarks by former president Paul Opsahl, Senator James Abourezk, Bob Smith, and Owen Donley. Topics include the beginnings of the Farmers Union, the U.S embargo on foreign grain sales, and farm policy.
South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 convention speakers. The first speaker discussing conglomerate control of agriculture and the Russian wheat deal. Ed Smith, vice president of the National Farmers Union and President of the North Dakota Farmers Union, speaks about keeping members on task and the difficulties of finding a farm program that works. Smith talks about importance of the Farmers' Union standing up on controversial issues.
Homer Ayres, Tony Dechant, and Bill Walker speak about the California anti-trust lawsuit when ranchers won a $32 million judgment against the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company in 1927. Other topics were price fixing, 'Beef-in,' and a Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C.) investigation suggested by Farmers Union President Johnson. A different man who represents the National Farmers Union speaks about energy policy and food policy, world food shortage, embargo on sales to Russia, grain marketing, and world trade. The last speaker is a man who talks about agricultural policy, Alliance for Food, the embargo by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz, national food reserve, Food Stamp Program, and a national food policy.
< Congressman Frank Denholm speaks at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about problems that exist in the upper Midwest states. He states that the biggest crisis we face today is transportation. Farmers can't get transportation for their commodities and need more boxcars and warehouses. Better marketing is needed. We need to be more efficient. Limited talk on the Denholm farm program. A question and answer session follows. Another speaker talks about working to get young farmers involved in Farmers Union. The annual financial report for the South Dakota Farmers Union is given.
Shirley Green speaking at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about agricultural prices and parity.
Senator George McGovern speaking at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about how the farming community has had problems making a profit and meeting the demands of the growing population. He discusses what steps in policy change that need to be taken in order to keep the family farm alive.
South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 convention speakers. Flossy Nikkel, Youth Activities Director of the National Farmers Union, speaks about problems faced by rural youth and talks about legislation that will help rural communities offer more job opportunities to the youth to entice them to stay rather than move to cities. Lloyd A. Ernst talks about the importance and history of South Dakota cooperatives.
Conclusion of a South Dakota Farmers Union convention speaker who is discussing the false premise that farmers have never had it so good by stating that farmers are struggling and we must save the family farms.
Robert Lewis, National Secretary of the National Farmers Union, speaks at the young farmers banquet at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention urging the creation of a national marketing system.
Speakers at the South Dakota Farmers Women's Conference on the Crisis in Rural America. Laurie Daschle speaks about getting women involved in the political process. Erma Stewart talks about business and farm credit. Elsie Hovey food prices, the Russian embargo, and the railroad tax. Ben Radcliffe speaks about embargos and farm legislation. He also talks about parity and low grain prices. There are moments of silence between speakers.
Stanley Moore, president of the North Dakota Farmers Union, talks about the myths of the family farmer and how they are no longer true because the family farm has become more important. Last speaker talks about how the railroad system is losing money how it is affecting farmers.
Gilbert Wesson, chairman of the Saskatchewan Land Bank Commission, talks about how the Land Bank works in Canada and how it helps the farmer get established and to stay in the family. A question and answer session follows his remarks.
Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke discusses Stevenson-Moss legislation regarding oil companies monopolies.
Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke talks about import quotas being lifted for dairy products, the increase of world wheat production that could surpass demand, the possible shortage of feed grains, and the increase in postage rates.
Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke talks about oil companies' profits and a proposed new tax code on international oil companies and guarantees against collapsing farm prices so are able to boost the production that is needed.
Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke discusses farming production and increased food exports and how other countries are able to export more food to assist countries which cannot support themselves.
Continuation of Agricultural Prices, Part 1 (MA012-AV-104_02). Man speaks to members of the South Dakota Farmers Union about the low farm prices, low parity, loans, the decline in the price of land.
South Dakota Farmers Union President Tony Dechant comments on farm legislation provisions including raising loan rates, price supports, commodities, set-aside acres, wheat reserves, Food for Peace.
Four 30-second radio advertisements for co-op month promoting the 1983 Co-op Month theme of 'Cooperatives building a better America.'
South Dakota Farmers Union reports Jack Seigle rebuke against those who threw eggs at Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson at the state corn picking contest south of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. A call for people who are upset over the secretary's policies need to show respect for the office and rather than result to violence, people need to show their displeasure by refuting those policies with common sense and reason.
South Dakota Farmers Union convention speaker talks about winning consumer understanding for farmers, problems with A.S.C.S., the free market system, regulation of oil companies, and corporate farming. Quiet music is playing throughout the recording.
Continuation of Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 2 (MA012-AV-0166_01). Grain Terminal Association general manager, M.W. Thatcher, speaking about the depression and the economy and how the farm organizations of the National Grange, the Farm Bureau, and the Farmers Union agreed that a New Deal was needed for agriculture. He speaks about the Farm Credit Administration, support prices, legislated economy for farmers and parity pricing. Thatcher also reads a portion of the statement of policy for the South Dakota Farmers Union, and discusses the economy and socialism.
Political panel at the South Dakota Farmers Union Convention. Senator Gurney and other panelists discuss parity pricing, a standard of living for farmers, and the farm bill.
South Dakota Farmers Union president, Paul Opsahl, introduces Merrell Q. Sharpe, former governor of South Dakota, who gives a radio address about the consumer power districts bill before the South Dakota Legislature. He supports the equal distribution of power to all South Dakotans at the lowest possible rates. Private power companies are against consumer power districts. A man is speaking at a conference about price supports. He is for the restoration of storage capacities for farm commodities across the U.S. He also talks about parity and farmers cooperatives. He also states that he feels that the American farmer has done the most to fight communism. A man is speaking at a conference about the Standard Oil monopoly. The recording ends in the middle of his speech.
South Dakota Farmers Union president, Paul Opsahl, introduces Merrell Q. Sharpe, former governor of South Dakota, who gives a radio address about the consumer power districts bill before the South Dakota Legislature. He supports the equal distribution of power to all South Dakotans at the lowest possible rates. Private power companies are against consumer power districts. A man is speaking at a conference about price supports. He is for the restoration of storage capacities for farm commodities across the U.S. He also talks about parity and farmers cooperatives. He also states that he feels that the American farmer has done the most to fight communism. A man is speaking at a conference about the Standard Oil monopoly. The recording ends in the middle of his speech.
Continuation of Eleanor Roosevelt Addresses the South Dakota Farmers Union, Part 1 [MA012-AV-0177_01). Eleanor Roosevelt addressed the South Dakota Farmers Union about of her work with the American Association for the United Nations. She speaks about respecting the customs of other nations.
South Dakota Farmers Union Educational Department film clips of the Huron Ladies Camp, the leaders' incentive trip to St. Paul, Minnesota, the South St. Paul stockyards, and market day in Sioux Falls, South Dakota for member of 4-H, Future Farmers of America, and Farmers Union Juniors. Footage includes clips of camp activities, travel stops, and stock yard footage. Color film. No sound.
South Dakota Farmers Union delegates bus-in trip to Washington, D.C. Includes footage of sites visited such as the Capitol Building, the Washington Monument, and the White House. Also included is video of tours through Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and a dam at Columbus, Nebraska. Color film. No sound.
Farmers Union Stock Commission touring a farm during winter and the Sioux Falls Stockyards showing cattle, sheep, and pigs. Also includes footage of various farms scenes. Black-and-white film. No sound.
South Dakota Farmers Union visiting sites such as Mt. Rushmore and the Dinosaur Park in the Black Hills, and Wall Drug and the Badlands in western South Dakota. Included is footage of camping, swimming, hiking, golfing, baseball, horseshoes, crafts, and a trail ride. Color film. No sound.
South Dakota Farmers Union in a parade in Lake Preston, South Dakota. Footage of a band, tractors, floats, and horses. Also included is a gathering at a band shell, swimming, creameries, Farmers Union stations, and co-ops. Color film. No sound.
South Dakota Farmers Union camp activities. Color film. No sound.
South Dakota Farmers Union teens at a camp in the Black Hills. Footage includes a tour of Mt. Rushmore, tunnels, rock climbing in the Needles, and of a baseball game. Color film. No sound.
Pouring cement at the Kennebec, South Dakota Farmers Union Co-op elevator during construction. Color film. No sound.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Kenneth Artz, former Aurora County Oil Company Director and South Dakota Farmers Union State Board Member
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Viola Barry, former Union Center Farmers Union Oil Company bookkeeper and Farmers Union Education leader.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Rodney Dodge, former Cenex field representative
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Marvin Evenson, former employee of the Farmers Union Livestock Association.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Ronald Gerlach, manager of the Aurora Cooperative Oil Company in Stickney, South Dakota
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Joan Hafner, St. John's Farmers Union Local education director.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Dennis Hagny, former Northern Electric Cooperative Manager and 2006 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Loyd Larson, Farmers Union Marketing and Processing Association board member and president, South Dakota Farmers Union and Sioux Valley Electric board member.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with George Levin, former South Dakota Farmers Union board member and Farmer Union Marketing and Processing Association director.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with John McBrayer, Co-op elevator manager.