Showing 228 results

Finding Aid
Bubbers, Grace
10 · Folder · 2006-06-27
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Grace Bubbers, former Corson County and District 6 Farmers Union Education Director.

Cain, Elmo
11 · Folder · 2006-06-28
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Elmo Cain, former manager of the Lemmon Equity Exchange.

Carlson, Vernon and Ruth Ann
12 · Folder · 2006-11-05
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Ruth Ann Carlson, daughter of South Dakota cooperative pioneer Emil Loriks, and her husband Vernon Carlson.

Ching, Robert
14 · Folder · 2006-06-20
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Robert Ching, former East River and Electric Power Cooperative director and 2005 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Cross, Stanley
15 · Folder · 2007-06-19
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Stanley Cross, former Howard Farmers Union Oil Company director

Dodge, Rodney
16 · Folder · 2007-04-13
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Rodney Dodge, former Cenex field representative

Dragseth, Gene
17 · Folder · 2007-03-09
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Gene Dragseth, former cooperative manager at Nunda, South Dakota.

Elliott, Arlene Schley
18 · Folder · 2005-05-18
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Arlene Schley Elliott, former education director board member of the South Dakota Farmers Union.

Evenson, Marvin
19 · Folder · 2006-05-04
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Marvin Evenson, former employee of the Farmers Union Livestock Association.

French, Gary
22 · Folder · 2006-01-19
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Gary French, manager of the Sioux Valley Cooperative Oil Company in Watertown, South Dakota.

Gerlach, Ronald
23 · Folder · 2006-01-05
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Ronald Gerlach, manager of the Aurora Cooperative Oil Company in Stickney, South Dakota

Glanzer, Aaron
24 · Folder · 2007-01-11
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Aaron Glanzer, former board member of the Farmers Union Oil Company at Bridgewater, South Dakota and former Cenex regional board member.

Glanzer, Emma
25 · Folder · 2006-08-01
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Emma Glanzer, Huron, South Dakota area Credit Union activist.

Goldammer, Ervin
26 · Folder · 2003-11-15
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Ervin Goldammer, former Mitchell, South Dakota area cooperative leader and member of the South Dakota Farmers Union board of directors.

Grebner, Warren
27 · Folder · 2005-08-24
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Warren Grebner, former general manager of the South Dakota Wheat Growers and 1989 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Hafner, Joan M.
28 · Folder · 2005-06-16
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Joan Hafner, St. John's Farmers Union Local education director.

Hagny, Dennis
29 · Folder · 2007-05-17
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Dennis Hagny, former Northern Electric Cooperative Manager and 2006 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Hardy, Le Roy
30 · Folder · 2005-06-30
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with LeRoy Hardy, former South Dakota Farmers Union board member, lobbyist, and field representative.

Harwood, Richard
31 · Folder · 2005-10-19
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Richard Harwood, former Union Center Farmers Union Oil Company and South Dakota Farmers Union director.

Henderson, Darrell
32 · Folder · 2006-06-29
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Darrell Henderson, former Grand Electric and West River Cooperative Telephone manager and 2005 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Herriott, Virgil
33 · Folder · 2006-09-09
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Virgil Herriot, former Sioux Valley Empire Electric Association manager.

Hieb, Joseph
35 · Folder · 2006-11-17
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Joseph Hieb, former Lyman County Cooperative leader and 2000 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Holter, Julian E. and Verna
37 · Folder · 2006-06-07
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Julian and Verna Holter, Farmers Union and Cooperative activists at Canton, South Dakota.

Johnson, Robert A.
38 · Folder · 2006-02-22
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Robert Johnson, 2001 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Jones, Eunice L.
39 · Folder · 2006-08-18
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Eunice Jones, former South Dakota Rural Electric Association and South Dakota Association of Cooperative staff member.

Kloucek, Clement
43 · Folder · 2005-08-17
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Clement Kloucek, South Dakota Hall of Fame member.

Larson, Loyd B.
44 · Folder · 2005-04-27
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Loyd Larson, Farmers Union Marketing and Processing Association board member and president, South Dakota Farmers Union and Sioux Valley Electric board member.

Levin, George D.
45 · Folder · 2006-11-13
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with George Levin, former South Dakota Farmers Union board member and Farmer Union Marketing and Processing Association director.

Louden, Quentin E.
46 · Folder · 2006-11-16
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Quentin Louden, Rural Electric Cooperative leader and 1995 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Martin, Robert F.
48 · Folder · 2006-03-15
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Robert Martin, former East River Electric Power Cooperative staff member and Rushmore Electric Cooperative general manager.

Mathews, Joe
49 · Folder · 2007-06-06
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Joe Matthews, Lake Region Rural Electric Cooperative board member.

Moos, Tyrone
52 · Folder · 2006-03-14
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Tyrone Moos, farmer, rancher, and former Harvest States Cooperatives board member.

Nearhood, Harold
55 · Folder · 2007-03-07
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Harold Nearhood, former board member of the Farmers Union Marketing and Processing Association and Farmers Union insurance agent at Ethan, South Dakota.

Olson, Franklin
56 · Folder · 2007-06-05
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Franklin Olson, former Bristol and Pierpont Farmers Union Oil Company director.

Olson, George
57 · Folder · 2007-03-30
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with George Olson, Winner, South Dakota area cooperative leader.

Parsley, Scott L.
58 · Folder · 2006-12-14
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Scott Parsley, East River Electric Power Cooperative assistant general manager for member services.

Paulsen, Donald
59 · Folder · 2005-10-20
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Donald Paulson, former general manager of Golden West Telephone Cooperative and 2003 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Artz, Kenneth
6 · Folder · 2006-01-06
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Kenneth Artz, former Aurora County Oil Company Director and South Dakota Farmers Union State Board Member

Quillon, John R.
60 · Folder · 2005-10-13
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with John Quillin, cooperative and Farmers Union activist in Lyman County.

Radcliffe, Ben
61 · Folder · 2005-05-02
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Ben Radcliffe, South Dakota Farmers Union president emeritus, 1997 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Rademacher, Robert D.
62 · Folder · 2007-03-16
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Bob Rademacher, Dakota Energy Cooperative manager and 2006 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Sanderson, Cecil
65 · Folder · 2006-05-17
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Cecil Sanderson, former County Agent and rural electric cooperative organizer.

Schecher, Leroy D.
66 · Folder · 2006-11-14
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Leroy Schecher, former Grand Electric Cooperative manager, 2007 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee.

Schreurs, Ralph
67 · Folder · 2007-03-08
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Ralph Schreurs, former general manager of Split Rock Telecommunications Cooperative and South Dakota telecommunications pioneer.

Severson, Harlan
68 · Folder · 2005-06-16
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Harlan Severson, rural electric pioneer and author of Stepping Forward Boldly, The 25th Anniversary History of East River Electric Power Cooperative published in 1975.

Smith, Jack W. and Edna
69 · Folder · 2007-03-31
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Jack Smith, former manager of the Farmers Union Oil Company at Union Center, and Edna Smith, former bookkeeper of the Farmers Union Oil Company at Union Center.

Baker, Elroy
7 · Folder · 2007-05-16
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Elroy Baker, former manager of the Wikota Farmers Union Oil Company.

Sperl, Robert, Sr.
70 · Folder · 2005-10-14
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Robert Sperl, Sr., cooperative and Farmers Union activist in Gregory County.

Stillson, Kenneth
71 · Folder · 2006-06-20
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Kenneth Stillson former manager of the Marshall County Farmers Union Oil Company.

Swayze, Orris
72 · Folder · 2006-06-21
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Orris Swayze, cooperative activist and alternative fuels supporter.

Symens, Paul
74 · Folder · 2007-03-26
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Paul Symens, Farmers Union Marketing and Processing Association director, former South Dakota Farmers Union board member, and former state Senator.

Testerman, Philip
75 · Folder · 2005-04-13
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Phillip Testerman, farmer, insurance agent, and member of the South Dakota Senate and House of Representatives.

Tonsager, Dallas
77 · Folder · 2006-08-25
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Dallas Tonsager, Farm Credit Administration board member, former South Dakota Farmers Union president, and former USDA Rural Development Director for South Dakota.

Ullom, Robert
78 · Folder · 2007-06-20
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Robert Ullom, former member of the board of directors of the Farmers Union Oil Company at Flandreau and the Farmers Union Central Exchange.

Van Walleghan, Merlin
79 · Folder · 2007-01-10
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Merlin Van Walleghan, former member of the board of directors of CHS, Inc., 2007 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee

Barry, Viola
8 · Folder · 2006-03-16
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Viola Barry, former Union Center Farmers Union Oil Company bookkeeper and Farmers Union Education leader.

Vedvei, Alec
80 · Folder · 2006-08-09
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Alec Vedvei, Kingsbury County Cooperative leader.

Whitmyre, Maynard
81 · Folder · 2007-09-26
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Maynard Whitemyre, former field representative and Vice President of the South Dakota Farmers Union.

Wollman, Harvey
83 · Folder · 2007-08-19
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Harvey Wollman, former Associated Milk Producers division manager.

Zilverberg, Jim
85 · Folder · 2007-05-12
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Jim Zilverberg, South Dakota native, veteran cartoonist, and former staff member of the Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association, now part of CHS, Inc.

Zingmark, Loren
86 · Folder · 2006-05-03
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Loren Zingmark, former general manager of East River Electric Power Cooperative.

Birgen, Mathew
9 · Folder · 2006-06-08
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Matt Birgen, former Clay County Farmers Union and Cooperative activist, former member of the Farmers Union Board of Directors Marketing and Processing Association.

MA 012 · Records · 1914-2009

The records are comprised of correspondence, meeting minutes, publications, scrapbooks, photographs, oral history interviews, audio-visual materials, and the records of local unions.

South Dakota Farmers Union
MA012-AV-0001_01 · 1970-1971
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union members are in Washington, D.C. testifying at a Senate agricultural hearing on farm legislation, specifically the reinstatement of the 2% R.E.A. loan program and railroad transportation to grain elevator issues. Testimony by Bob Bubbers of Morristown, South Dakota, Russell Ganford of Clear Lake, South Dakota, can be heard. An interview of David Olson of Hayes, South Dakota, regarding his testimony, primarily concerning issues on the transportation of goods by conducted by South Dakota Farmers Union Communication Director Allan Burke. A South Dakota legislator talking to the group about farm legislation and bills in Congress and their effect on agriculture in South Dakota.

Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Youth Program Luncheon being held for the young people to honor their contributions and inspire them to continue their dedication to the Farmer's Union in the future. Various Farmers Union members discuss how they got involved in the Youth Program and how it has had a positive affect on their lives.

MA012-AV-0014_01 · 1965-1970
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Agricultural in Review radio program. Communications director, Dick Ricci, interviews South Dakota Farmers Union President, Ben Radcliffe. They discuss farmers being blamed by politicians for inflation of farm prices, supermarket prices of food, and the influence of politics on farm prices, the Commodity Reserve Bill, and the Food for Freedom Bill.

Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Phineas, the Practical Pheasant, the bird who is the field man for the Committee for Education in South Dakota. This is a group of people interested in better schools for South Dakota. He gives his biennial report on schools. He discusses two systems of public education, elementary and independent, and how they are supported and petitioning legislators for a tax structure that supports schools by 1963.

MA012-AV-0023_01 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Jack Bailey radio show focusing on the four-day-long South Dakota Farmers Union Winter Workshop. Interview with Stanley Vote of Denver who speaks of the benefits of the workshop. The interview than shifts to taxes and how co-ops must be protected, and that people should patronage their co-ops to the fullest possible extent. The recording ends in a long passage of silence during which faint band music begins to play until the end of the recording.

MA012-AV-0026_01 · 1972-10-08
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Fred G. Simonton, executive officer of the Midwest Electric Consumers Association at the South Dakota Farmers Union Convention in Huron, South Dakota. He talks of a hearing granted groups who united to intervene before the Federal Power Commission to stop the anti-REA and anti-municipal electric power pool.

MA012-AV-0032_01 · 1976
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Speakers at the 1976 South Dakota Farmers Union convention. Includes remarks by former president Paul Opsahl, Senator James Abourezk, Bob Smith, and Owen Donley. Topics include the beginnings of the Farmers Union, the U.S embargo on foreign grain sales, and farm policy.

MA012-AV-0032_02 · 1976
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Drought panel at the 1976 South Dakota Farmers Union convention in Huron, South Dakota. Panelists discussed the drought in South Dakota and federal farm policies. Panelists were Senator James Abourezk, Owen Donley, staff assistant to Senator George McGovern, George Brandsma, state Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Maurice McLinn, state Farmers Home Administration, and Jim Eichstadt, South Dakota Farmers Union Young Farmer Activities Director. Lt. Governor Harvey Wollman was the moderator.

MA012-AV-0033_01 · 1972-10-09
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

National Farmers Union Insurance Vice President Ray Hawkins speaks at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention in Huron, South Dakota about a special no-fault insurance program. National Farmers Union Director of Public Affairs Victor Ray gives an address on the 10 myths being used to reduce farmers and working people to second class citizenship and to divert them from their own best interests. Herrick Roth, President of the Colorado Labor Council speaks on how the words used by President Nixon have made farmers and other laborers wary of each other.

MA012-AV-0033_02 · 1976
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Drought panel at the 1976 South Dakota Farmers Union convention in Huron, South Dakota. Panelists discussed the drought in South Dakota and federal farm policies. Panelists were Senator James Abourezk, Owen Donley, staff assistant to Senator George McGovern, George Brandsma, state Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Maurice McLinn, state Farmers Home Administration, and Jim Eichstadt, South Dakota Farmers Union Young Farmer Activities Director. Lt. Governor Harvey Wollman was the moderator.

Glenn Martz Radio Interview
MA012-AV-0035_01 · 1958
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Glenn Martz from Washington, D.C., publisher of 'The Lowdown on Farm Affairs' interview at KOTA radio station in Rapid City, South Dakota. Martz revisits a speech he gave in Rapid City, South Dakota about socialism and communism in the United States. Martz discusses the Farmers Union and cooperatives connections to communism. He claims the Farmers Union has been infiltrated by communists.

MA012-AV-0036_01 · 1963-10-15
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 convention speakers. Clyde Roe, general manager of Great Plains Supply Co. in St. Paul, Minnesota, Les Gravelle, manager of the Farmers' Union Livestock Commission, Dail Gibson, manager of South Dakota R.E.A., George Bickel, assistant to the president of the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union.

MA012-AV-0036_02 · 1963-10-15
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 convention speaker. Ken Holum, Assistant Secretary of Interior for Power and Water, Department of Interior, Washington, D.C., speaks about the growing importance of education and citizenship, fair economics and wages, taking care of the elderly, and civil rights. He talks about the increase in water and power needs and talks about the Missouri River Basin Project and its financial troubles, including an arrangement with Basin Electric.

MA012-AV-0038_01 · 1972-10-10
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

B.J. Malusky speaking about the progress for cooperative marketing of grain and farm supplies. He talks about changes with G.T.A. bylaws and delegates, and also mentions the merger of National Federation of Grain Cooperatives and the National Council of Cooperatives. Malusky speaks of changes in production and marketing in the grain industry and that G.T.A. ordered a major study on the future of grain marketing. Governor William L. Guy from North Dakota gives the closing speech. Guy talks about the Nixon administration's freeze on raw agricultural goods prices. He also speaks about the rural-urban imbalance and its effects.

MA012-AV-0038_02 · 1972-10-09
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 convention speakers. The first speaker discussing conglomerate control of agriculture and the Russian wheat deal. Ed Smith, vice president of the National Farmers Union and President of the North Dakota Farmers Union, speaks about keeping members on task and the difficulties of finding a farm program that works. Smith talks about importance of the Farmers' Union standing up on controversial issues.