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Showing 1088 results

Finding Aid
Action Letter
Action Letter
Advertising, Radio
Advertising, Radio
Advertising, Radio and television
Advertising, Radio and television
Ag Land Trust Fund
Ag Land Trust Fund
Agricultural Needs Meeting
Agricultural Needs Meeting
Agriculture in the Service of Mankind
Agriculture in the Service of Mankind
American Agriculture Movement Farm Strike
American Agriculture Movement Farm Strike
American Farm Project
American Farm Project
American Farm Project
American Farm Project
Annual Convention Program (39th)
Annual Convention Program (39th)
Annual Convention Program (57th)
Annual Convention Program (57th)
Annual Meeting: Dail D. Gibbs, South Dakota Rural Electric Association, Inc. presentation
Annual Meeting: Dail D. Gibbs, South Dakota Rural Electric Association, Inc. presentation
AV: Agriculture Policy During the Kennedy Administration, Legislation, Parity
AV: Agriculture Policy During the Kennedy Administration, Legislation, Parity
AV: Baseball Game
AV: Baseball Game
AV: Baseball Game
AV: Baseball Game
AV: Bill Turner Speaks About Income Tax and Farm Records Management, Droughts
AV: Bill Turner Speaks About Income Tax and Farm Records Management, Droughts
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Blank
AV: Catalog Cards for slide programs of the National Farmers Union and North Dakota Farmers Union
AV: Catalog Cards for slide programs of the National Farmers Union and North Dakota Farmers Union
AV: Catalog Cards for various films
AV: Catalog Cards for various films
AV: Catalog Cards for various films with sound
AV: Catalog Cards for various films with sound
AV: Catalog cards of audio cassettes of South Dakota Farmers Union convention
AV: Catalog cards of audio cassettes of South Dakota Farmers Union convention
AV: Catalog Cards of Audio Visual Equipment owned by the South Dakota Farmers Union
AV: Catalog Cards of Audio Visual Equipment owned by the South Dakota Farmers Union
AV: Catalog Cards of National Farmers Union Films with Sound
AV: Catalog Cards of National Farmers Union Films with Sound
AV: Catalog Cards of South Dakota Farmers Union Films of a convention and a bus trip (silent)
AV: Catalog Cards of South Dakota Farmers Union Films of a convention and a bus trip (silent)
AV: Catalog Cards of South Dakota Farmers Union Films of various activities
AV: Catalog Cards of South Dakota Farmers Union Films of various activities
AV: Catalog Cards of South Dakota Farmers Union Films of youth camps
AV: Catalog Cards of South Dakota Farmers Union Films of youth camps
AV: Catalog Cards of South Dakota Farmers Union Films with sound
AV: Catalog Cards of South Dakota Farmers Union Films with sound
AV: Congressman Wright Patman Interview, Interest rates, Antitrust laws
AV: Congressman Wright Patman Interview, Interest rates, Antitrust laws
AV: Country Clubs for Country People, Legislation
AV: Country Clubs for Country People, Legislation
AV: County Taxes Question
AV: County Taxes Question
AV: Dale K. Lingenfelter Interview by George Bootstrap, Combines, Cattle feed
AV: Dale K. Lingenfelter Interview by George Bootstrap, Combines, Cattle feed
AV: Dick Ricci on Tax Form
AV: Dick Ricci on Tax Form
AV: Distorted, Inaudible
AV: Distorted, Inaudible
AV: Distorted, Inaudible
AV: Distorted, Inaudible
AV: Distortion, Inaudible
AV: Distortion, Inaudible
AV: Eleanor Roosevelt Address the South Dakota Farmers Union, Part 1, American Association for the United Nations
AV: Eleanor Roosevelt Address the South Dakota Farmers Union, Part 1, American Association for the United Nations
AV: Eleanor Roosevelt Address the South Dakota Farmers Union, Part 2, American Association for the United Nations
AV: Eleanor Roosevelt Address the South Dakota Farmers Union, Part 2, American Association for the United Nations
AV: Eleanor Roosevelt, UN, Huron, South Dakota
AV: Eleanor Roosevelt, UN, Huron, South Dakota
AV: Farmers Union All-State Camp
AV: Farmers Union All-State Camp
AV: Farmers Union Junior Camps
AV: Farmers Union Junior Camps
AV: Farmers Union Meeting
AV: Farmers Union Meeting
AV: Farmers Union Stock Commission Farm Tour, Stockyards
AV: Farmers Union Stock Commission Farm Tour, Stockyards
AV: First Calvary Division Radio Report from Camp Younghans in Japan, LeRoy Youngberg
AV: First Calvary Division Radio Report from Camp Younghans in Japan, LeRoy Youngberg
AV: Glenn Martz Radio Interview, Communism
AV: Glenn Martz Radio Interview, Communism
AV: Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 1,Great depression, New Deal, Farm Credit Administration, Parity
AV: Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 1,Great depression, New Deal, Farm Credit Administration, Parity
AV: Grain terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 2, Great depression, New Deal, Farm Credit Administration, Parity
AV: Grain terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 2, Great depression, New Deal, Farm Credit Administration, Parity
AV: Grain terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 3, Great depression, New Deal, Farm Credit Administration, Parity
AV: Grain terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 3, Great depression, New Deal, Farm Credit Administration, Parity
AV: Hubert Humphrey and Wisconsin Farmers Union President, Legislation, Political elections, Dairy laws]
AV: Hubert Humphrey and Wisconsin Farmers Union President, Legislation, Political elections, Dairy laws]
AV: Indiana Farmers Union and Iowa Farmers Union on Farm Legislation, Bill Wright, Sid Gross
AV: Indiana Farmers Union and Iowa Farmers Union on Farm Legislation, Bill Wright, Sid Gross
AV: Instrumental music, Chicago Symphony Orchestra
AV: Instrumental music, Chicago Symphony Orchestra
AV: Instrumental music, Mormon Choir of Southern California
AV: Instrumental music, Mormon Choir of Southern California
AV: International Federation of Agricultural Producers Visit to South Dakota, E.F. Carsons, Charles Britt
AV: International Federation of Agricultural Producers Visit to South Dakota, E.F. Carsons, Charles Britt
AV: International Federation of Agricultural Producers Visit to South Dakota, James G. Patton, Sir James Turner, United Nations
AV: International Federation of Agricultural Producers Visit to South Dakota, James G. Patton, Sir James Turner, United Nations
AV: International Federation of Agricultural Producers Visit to South Dakota, Tony Dechant, K.F. Svarstrom, Charles Brannan, George McGovern, John Andrew
AV: International Federation of Agricultural Producers Visit to South Dakota, Tony Dechant, K.F. Svarstrom, Charles Brannan, George McGovern, John Andrew
AV: Interview with Director of the Food and Agriculture Office at the United Nations
AV: Interview with Director of the Food and Agriculture Office at the United Nations
AV: Interview with Director of the Food and Agriculture Office at the United Nations
AV: Interview with Director of the Food and Agriculture Office at the United Nations
AV: James G. Patton and Charlie Nash Interviews
AV: James G. Patton and Charlie Nash Interviews
AV: Kennebec, South Dakota Farmers Union Co-op Elevator
AV: Kennebec, South Dakota Farmers Union Co-op Elevator
AV: Layman's Hour Christmas Program, WNAX Yankton, S.D., Nuclear weapons
AV: Layman's Hour Christmas Program, WNAX Yankton, S.D., Nuclear weapons
AV: Livestock Cooperatives
AV: Livestock Cooperatives
AV: Meeting and Home Videos
AV: Meeting and Home Videos
AV: Merrell Q. Sharpe Radio Address, Electric utilities
AV: Merrell Q. Sharpe Radio Address, Electric utilities
AV: National Farmers Union 1963 Convention Highlights, Creighton Knau, Ben Radcliffe, Wheat, Dairy products, Federal aid to education
AV: National Farmers Union 1963 Convention Highlights, Creighton Knau, Ben Radcliffe, Wheat, Dairy products, Federal aid to education
AV: National Farmers Union 1963 Convention Interviews, Creighton Krau, Richard Reuter, Orville Freeman, Orville Harriman, James G. Patton, Agricultural assistance, Food supply, Taxation, Wheat, Conservation, Feed industry
AV: National Farmers Union 1963 Convention Interviews, Creighton Krau, Richard Reuter, Orville Freeman, Orville Harriman, James G. Patton, Agricultural assistance, Food supply, Taxation, Wheat, Conservation, Feed industry
AV: National Farmers Union 1967 Convention, Part 1, Dr. Barry Commoner, Transportation, Fertilizer
AV: National Farmers Union 1967 Convention, Part 1, Dr. Barry Commoner, Transportation, Fertilizer
AV: National Farmers Union 1967 Convention, Part 2, Tony Dechant, Legislation; Economics
AV: National Farmers Union 1967 Convention, Part 2, Tony Dechant, Legislation; Economics
AV: National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Interview with Congressman Graham Purcell, Farm income
AV: National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Interview with Congressman Graham Purcell, Farm income
AV: National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Report, Tony Dechant, Agricultural price supports, Agricultural prices, Agricultural credit
AV: National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Report, Tony Dechant, Agricultural price supports, Agricultural prices, Agricultural credit
AV: National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Wrap-up
AV: National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Wrap-up
AV: National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Wrap-up, Joe O'Neill, Tony Dechant, Clifford Hardin, Graham Purcell
AV: National Farmers Union 1970 Convention Wrap-up, Joe O'Neill, Tony Dechant, Clifford Hardin, Graham Purcell
AV: National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 1, Tony Dechant, Grain trade, Education, Legislation
AV: National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 1, Tony Dechant, Grain trade, Education, Legislation
AV: National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 2, Tony Dechant, Legislation
AV: National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 2, Tony Dechant, Legislation
AV: National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 3 Thomas S. Foley, Legislation
AV: National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 3 Thomas S. Foley, Legislation
AV: National Farmers Union 1991 Co-op Month Advertising
AV: National Farmers Union 1991 Co-op Month Advertising
AV: National Farmers Union Advertisement About New Beef Tax Votes
AV: National Farmers Union Advertisement About New Beef Tax Votes
AV: National Farmers Union Advertisement About New Beef Tax Votes
AV: National Farmers Union Advertisement About New Beef Tax Votes
AV: National Farmers Union Advertisement About New Beef Tax Votes
AV: National Farmers Union Advertisement About New Beef Tax Votes
AV: National Farmers Union All States Camp Broadcast, Arlene Schley, Freedom of speech, Communism, Conspiracy
AV: National Farmers Union All States Camp Broadcast, Arlene Schley, Freedom of speech, Communism, Conspiracy
AV: National Farmers Union All States Camp Speaker, Freedom of Speech, Communism, United Nations
AV: National Farmers Union All States Camp Speaker, Freedom of Speech, Communism, United Nations
AV: National Farmers Union Convention Speaker Dr. Barry Commoner
AV: National Farmers Union Convention Speaker Dr. Barry Commoner
AV: National Farmers Union Co-op Month Advertising
AV: National Farmers Union Co-op Month Advertising