This collection is composed of materials related to the Oak Lake Writers Society and their summer retreats. A large portion of the collection is email correspondence between Charles Woodard, a member of the English department as South Dakota State University, and applicants. Folders also contain newspaper clippings, application forms, written stories, and funding materials.
Oak Lake Writers' SocietyThe bulk of the material is composed of administrative material generated and received by the Office of the President of South Dakota State University.
Folders consists of correspondence, budget material, reports, committee minutes, accreditation material, master and strategic planning files, South Dakota Board of Regents files, material related to Resolution 21, the college name change, and the engineering controversy of the 1970s. Also includes are files related to student organizations, campus buildings, statistics, anniversary celebrations, university history, and photographs.
No material has been found for the following university presidents: James Chalmers, Robert L. Slagle, George Lincoln Brown, Harold M. Crothers, and H. Ray Hoops.
This material is composed of material dealing with promotion of the Schultz-Werth Award, workload policies, university self-study reports, faculty development opportunities, faculty recognition programs, and academic administrative events calendars. Folders include brochures, posters, reports, correspondence, newsletters, and programs.
The Vice President and Provost of Academic Affairs is responsible for the organization of commencement exercises at South Dakota State University. The material is composed files collected by the Vice President and Provost of Academic Affairs for the organization of commencement exercises at South Dakota State University. Folders include programs, addresses, distinguished professor and honorary doctorate programs, scripts, and photographs (both print and digital).
The committees material is composed mainly of the minutes from the Academic Affairs Committee. These minutes have notations in the margin indicating the subject of each paragraph and include an index for the years 1961-1988 which gives access to a variety of subjects discussed at each meeting dating from 1961 to 1986; minutes for 1987 to present are housed in the Vice President of Academic Affairs office. Also included in this series are reports of the Biology/Microbiology Study Committee, the Engineering Advisory Council and the Committee on Health and Sanitation; and minutes for the Regents of Education Inter-Institutional Committee for Education Coordination and the Board of Regents Committee on Academic and Student Affairs visit to SDSU.
Curriculum requests
The Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost is responsible for curriculum management at South Dakota State University. Curriculum management is defined as the allocation and utilization of institutional resources to support needed viable programs and to promote effective teaching-learning, scholarship, and service. The material is composed of curriculum request submitted to Academic Affairs for approval by that office and the South Dakota Board of Regents. These requests are composed of Minor Course Modifications (formerly Class I), New/Revised Course Requests (formerly Class II), Program Requests (formerly Class III), Intent to Plan Forms, Program Modifications, and Program Terminations. Also included are files dealing with Common Course Numbering, summaries of net changes for the university, and correspondence. Researchers will also find a few Academic Affairs Committee minutes scattered throughout the collection.
Departmental Standards
This material is composed of papers which include information on departmental and faculty performance and goals for each department. Also included is a substantial amount of correspondence relating to the Departmental Standards.
Institutional Program Reviews
The primary purpose for conducting institutional program reviews is to continuously improve the quality of educational programs. Periodic program review involves stakeholders in the improvement of academic programs. Such review includes an analysis of past performance which is used to inform present and future directions and decision-making. The review process must be integrated with strategic planning and budgeting, with regional and specialized accreditation processes, and with student-learning outcome assessment. This material is composed of reviews for various programs and departments, arranged within their respective colleges. Also included are summaries of Institutional Program Reviews by year that were submitted to the Board of Regents.
Subject files
This series is composed of budget reductions and reallocation of funds material, the Board of Regents goals and mission study, the Student Implementation Project, Bush Faculty Development Project and Division I. Folders contain budget and reallocation material including data on the Governor’s 5% reduction, Resolution 21, and Resources Allocation Model (or RAM). The Board of Regents goals and mission study includes the data from the Board of Regents Committee on Academic and Student Affairs visit to South Dakota State University, impacts, priorities, and proposed changes. The Division I is composed of reports, correspondence and clippings.
South Dakota State University. Office of the PresidentThis collection is composed on material created by the Sioux Falls Summer Track Program. It consists of schedules, entry forms, minutes, race results, clippings, correspondence, and other material related to the organization.
Sioux Falls Summer Track ProgramThe Faculty Housing Company records are composed primarily of meeting minutes (annual, special, and board of directors meetings), stock holder information, and letters written to stockholders from incorporation in 1952 to dissolution in 1963. The collection also includes advertisement brochures and signs of the company, correspondences with stockholders, floor plans of the corporation's property, and quarterly reports.
Faculty Housing Company, Inc. (Brookings, S.D.)This collection is composed of general office records and publications generated by the Office of the Dean for the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. Folders consist of correspondence, course changes/additions, fact sheets, short course and conference materials, college promotional material, newsletters, brochures, posters and other publications. Also included are budgets and financial reports for the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. Included are salary budget, budget reports for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and financial reports for the Cooperative State Research Service, a division of the United States Department of Agriculture. The salary budgets, also called salary lists, are comprised of position listings for each department within the college, the contract pay for the previous year and the recommended pay for the upcoming fiscal year. Correspondence and research on the contract pay for faculty and staff in other institutions can also be found in this collection.
South Dakota State University. College of Agriculture and Biological SciencesThis collection is composed of a file dealing with the strategic plan of South Dakota State University in 1987-1989 and an open house invitation for Vice President Mike Reger's retirement.
South Dakota State University. Vice President for AdministrationThis collection is composed of material published by the Biology and Microbiology Department, included are pamphlets, newsletters, and posters.
South Dakota State University. Department of Biology and MicrobiologyThe Dairy Science Department Records are cmposed of departmental records, publications and Dairy Husbandry records which consist of correspondence, reports, registry materials, receipts, bills, inventories, statements, photographs and miscellaneous items.
The administrative records are composed of clippings, correspondence, policy manuals, photographs/negatives, bulletins, leaflets, newsletters, programs, reports and miscellaneous items. Included is material on cooperative education, creamery short courses, Diary Industry Week, Dairy Princess judging, and a history of the Dairy Science Department, which was revised in 1994-95. An item of note is a scrapbook from the early 1900, which contains clippings of dairy related material. Some unusual items included are two small milk cartons used by the Dairy Science Department.
The photographs were collected by the Dairy Science Department over the years. These photographs cover a wide range of topics, from barns and local creameries, to ice cream and yogurt. Some photographs are of experiments conducted by the Dairy Science Department, including bloat procedures, diseases bovine udders and a vitamin D deficiency/sun deprivation experiment. Some items of note include glass plates for experiment station bulletin publications. Ask the Special Collections staff for assistance in viewing these photographs. Folders and arranged in alphabetical order.
The Dairy Husbandry records are composed of correspondence and general office files which include reports, registry materials, receipts, bills, inventories, statements, photographs and miscellaneous items. The bulk of this collection is correspondence from companies and area dairy farmers to and from the head of the Dairy Husbandry department during the years covered. Other items in this collection show the day to day operation of the department. An item of note is correspondence from Ben Reifel while he was a student at SDSC looking for employment.
Items such as receipts, daily creamery reports, test supervisor's reports for advanced registry and feed record report cards were sampled and a small collection kept indicating how the reports were filled out and what they were used for. The photographs were separated and are housed in the photograph collection. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order and there under chronologically.
This collection is composed of materials that pertain to the college. Folders contain booklets, programs, brochures, correspondence, minutes, periodicals, reports, posters, and photographs.
A large portion of the material deals with Engineering and Science Research at South Dakota State University. This material consists of summary sheets, reports and correspondence and is arranged by researcher name. This material covers research for engineering, chemistry, pharmacy, and agronomy.
Also included is biographical information on prominent persons related to the College of Engineering, including, Harold M. Crothers, Harry Solberg, Halvor Solberg, and Guy Lee Boyden.
A file on the engineering controversy of the early 1970s dealing with the possible transfer of the College of Engineering from South Dakota State University to another institution in the state. This material consists mainly of clippings, but also included is correspondence and notes.
Other items of note include several files of brochures on the various programs offered by the college, the Impulse magazine, a periodical published by the college featuring events and happenings in the college, and file dealing with the history of the College of Engineering at South Dakota State University.
South Dakota State University. Jerome J. Lohr College of EngineeringThe Home Management records are composed of photographs and historical material about the Home Management program at South Dakota State College. Folders include books compiled for Alice Rosenberger, Dean of the College of Home Economics by Grace Wasson Bonnell, alumni. These books contain photographs and anecdotal information about of children who participated in the Home Management baby program. Also included is a history of the program and plans for a new laboratory, the Family Resource and Management Center.
This collection is composed of general college records generated by the Office of the Dean for the College of Registration and the College of General Studies and Outreach Programs. Folders consist of brochures, reports, correspondence, handbooks, newsletters, posters and course announcements and schedules.
South Dakota State University. University CollegeThis records from the Dean of the College of Nursing is composed of general records including reports, publications, records and correspondence for the College of Nursing. Folders include reports, studies, surveys, newsletters, bulletins, informational material, pamphlets from conferences, refresher courses seminars, short courses, symposiums, and workshops sponsored by the College, booklets detailing information about degrees available, faculty and student handbooks and guidelines for policies, procedures, and the Well Developed Faculty Bulletin, which gives information about faculty development within the College of Nursing. Also found in this series are annual and biennial reports from the College of Nursing and its departments, including annual reports for the Department of Continuing Education covering 1967-1986.
The academic records is composed of course outlines and syllabi general items related to academics within the College of Nursing. These include Clinical Nursing, General Nursing, Health, Health Science, Nursing, Nursing Education, Public Health Nursing, RN Upward Mobility Program, and Rural Nursing. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order. There are several lists, which list students who have graduated, and list names, college and home address, and phone numbers of students who were enrolled in the College of Nursing between 1936 and 1979. Also included are photographs of registered nurses that participated in RN Refresher Courses around the state during 1967-1971.
This accreditation records are composed of general accreditation requirements, reports, and surveys as a result of visits from the National League for Nursing. Included are pre-survey information and reports, evaluation and self-evaluation reports and surveys, and National League for Nursing Council Baccalaureate meeting reports. It is recommended that researchers also consult the College of Nursing, Dean’s Office records (UA12.0) for additional accreditation files.
The agreements and contracts are composed of legal contracts made with various hospitals, clinics, school systems, and state and county health boards for use as clinical facilities for student nurses. These are signed by SDSU officials and officials of the hospitals, clinics, etc.
The meeting records are composed of minutes from committee and staff meetings and include information on a variety of subjects, from student concerns, admissions and scholastic standards, to team meetings and off-campus meetings.
This collection is composed mainly of newsletters and periodicals produced by the College of Pharmacy. Also included are programs, clippings, pamphlets, and other office records. An item of note is a glass pharmacy beaker.
South Dakota State University. College of PharmacyThis collection is composed mainly of publications and promotional material produced by the Office of the Director of the Alumni Association. Folders include newsletters, flyers, invitation to gatherings, and State magazine. Also included is material dealing with reunions, mainly invitations in the form of postcards.
South Dakota State University. Alumni AssociationComposed of annual and biennial reports from the Junior College, Division of Student Personnel Services, Student Personnel Division, and Student Affairs Division. These were presented to the President of the college.
Annual reports were not always called for by the President's office and were submitted only at the request of the President of the college. The annual reports are not in the same detail as the biennial report but cover the basic outline as applied to a non-academic division. These reports do not include a historical background, budget recommendations or allotment requests, or resignation and replacement information. These reports generally did include departmental reports within the framework of the Student Affairs Division and previous divisions.
Biennial reports were submitted biennially to the President of the University. These reports generally included a historical background, budget recommendations and allotment requests, resignation and replacement information, and goals for the next biennium. These reports also included departmental reports submitted within the framework of the division. These included reports from Student Health, Student Housing, Dean of Women, Dean of Men, Student Activities, Veterans Affairs, Educational Research and Measurement, Placement, Loans and Scholarships, Student Personnel Records, Machine Records, General Registration and Terminal Courses. They also included reports on the counseling of students, pro-college counseling, counseling for special groups, and freshman orientation. The biennial report also included financial statement and lists of scholarships awarded.
South Dakota State University. Division of Student AffairsThis collection is composed of budget data, the constitution, correspondence, membership lists, minutes, executive council material, and miscellaneous items.
Non-Traditional Student Club (South Dakota State University)This collection is composed of administration files compiled by the Office of International Affairs, and records dealing with agreements, exchange activities, faculty development seminars abroad, and visits by officials of participating international universities. The bulk of this collection is records dealing directly with Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester, England. Chungnam National University in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, People's Republic of China and other study and exchanges abroad with various countries.
The Administrative material is composed of administrative files compiled by the International Programs Office. Included are reports, clippings, and correspondence. The bulk of this series consists of material dealing with the internationalization of the university through teaching learning styles of various countries and regions throughout the world, newsletters published under various titles and formats over the years and posters used to advertise various programs available through the department.
The study, exchanges, and travel abroad material is composed of records dealing with agreements, exchange activities, faculty development seminars abroad, and visits by officials of participating international universities. The bulk of this collection is records dealing directly with Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester, England. Chungnam National University in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, People's Republic of China and other study and exchanges abroad with various countries.
The Manchester Metropolitan University material is composed of files dealing with agreements, exchange activities, faculty development seminars abroad, nursing health care and pharmacy exchange, and official visits. The oversize material is housed in oversize containers. The photographs were removed from the files and added to the UA 30.1 photograph archives as noted in the files.
The Chungnam National University material is composed of correspondence, lists of exchange professors and graduates, written experience of faculty, and photographs. Additional documentation of exchange activities can be seen in lists of visitors and students who exchanged, the itineraries for official visits, and social events held in honor of guests and professors which are found in separate files.
The Yunnan Normal University files is composed of correspondence, photographs, a list of the individuals who were exchange professors, and reports written by exchange professors documenting their experiences.
Material related to other exchanges and study abroad consists of material compiled for study abroad and exchanges with Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Bolivia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, India, the International Arid Lands Consortium, Japan, Korea, the Middle East, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Pacific Rim, Poland Russia, Sweden and Denmark, and Switzerland. This material is arranged by country. The following scope notes were written with the assistance of Harriet Swedland, former director of International Program at South Dakota State University.
South Dakota State University. Office of International AffairsThis collection is composed of the records of the Office of Information Technology and includes files from the Computing Services, Vice President's Office, Information Technology Services, and Classroom Technologies Services. Folders may include newsletters, manuals, correspondence, minutes, reports, audio/visual material, and materials related to the Y2K problem.
The Computing Services files are composed of newsletters, manuals, correspondence, and minutes for the several committees and councils including the Computer User's Advisory Council and the Computing Directors Council. Included is a full run of the Computing Services newsletter. This newsletter includes a subject index for each volume year.
Administrative material includes correspondence, reports, Upper Midwest Academic Computing Conference materials, and materials related to the Y2K problem. Also included is material related to the Technology Training Team and the SDSU Student Project.
The classroom technologies material is composed mainly of Student Computing Services manuals. Also included is material related to the Technology Training Team and the SDSU Student Project.
This collection is composed of material related to athletics at South Dakota State University. Included are files regarding administration, the Athletics Committee, publications, the Women's Recreation Association, and files related to specific sports (e.g. baseball, men's and women's basketball, cross country, football, rodeo, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling).
The administrative material consists of material dealing with academic advising, development, compliance, equipment, facilities and operations, the Jackrabbit Sports Network, marketing and promotion, and the ticket office. Folders are composed of annual reports, programs, handbooks, brochures, photographs, mascot designs, newsletters, schedules. The series also contains banners, caps, t-shirts, and jerseys. The Athletics Committee consist of meeting minutes and budget files. Files regarding of the individual sports consist of media guides, clippings, record books, programs, brochures, fact books, and photographs. A large amount of cross country and track and field files are included and consist of results from meets and workouts and research. The publications series includes the Rabbit Report from 1978-2014 and The Bum from 1956 to 2017. These files are not complete as they are missing some issues.
South Dakota State University. Jackrabbit AthleticsThis series is composed of secretary's books, the constitution and bylaws for the society and a small booklet of prayer meeting topics. The secretary's books consist of the constitution and bylaws and amendments to them, membership lists, and minutes.
Young People's Society of Christian EndeavorThe collection includes the constitutions, programs, yearly records of activities and financial records. In addition, there are membership lists, a VHS tape, chapter histories, reports, and materials related to the 25th anniversary of the chapter.
Gamma Sigma DeltaThis collection is composed of correspondence, ledgers from the beginnings of the society that include the constitution of the society and minutes from meetings and programs from plays presented by the society. Found inside the back of the ledger from 1903-1931 were loose papers that include clippings, notes, membership information, reports and an orations from a 1916 contest on Booker Washington.
Miltonian Literary Society (South Dakota State College)This collection consists of club newsletters, photos from the annual awards banquets and gatherings, photos from club trips to Denver, Milwaukee, Omaha, Minneapolis, and Wyoming, photos from Hobo Day celebrations, and senior brochures chronicling the graduating club members.
Economics Club (South Dakota State University)This collection is composed of meeting records, policies, constitution, by-laws, club history, and photographs.
Kappa Epsilon (Honor society)This collection is composed of items created by the Remnant Trust, by the South Dakota State University Remnant Trust Committee, and by SDSU Archives & Special Collections. Included are publications created by the Remnant Trust, material related to a gala celebration opening the collection.
South Dakota State University. Remnant Trust CommitteeCollection is composed of minutes, correspondence, planning material, digital images, and digital video of the symposium.
South Dakota State University. Schultz Nobel Prize 30th Anniversary CommitteeThe South Dakota Dairy Association records document its role in shaping the state’s dairy industry from the early 1900s to the early 2000s. This collection includes ledgers, administrative materials, financial records, and publications that provide insight into the association’s governance, advocacy, and industry impact. Annual reports, meeting minutes, and convention programs spanning a century highlight efforts to promote dairy farming practices, support producers, and establish industry standards.
Significant materials include governance documents such as the association’s constitution, amendments, and certificate of incorporation, as well as financial records detailing operations and contests. Convention programs from 1911 to 1999, along with reports on industry regulations, illustrate the association’s efforts to foster professional development and policy discussions. The collection also includes medals, photographs, and newspaper clippings, offering a connection to the association’s legacy.
These materials provide valuable context for understanding the evolution of South Dakota’s dairy industry, reflecting broader agricultural trends, economic contributions, and the collaborative efforts that shaped the state’s dairy sector.
The Forum and Ethical Culture Club Records documents the activities and history of the Ethical Culture Club and its successor, The Forum, spanning the early 20th century, primarily from 1908 to 1928. It includes the club's constitution, correspondence, programs, and program notes from 1919–1928. Also featured are a 1923 historical account of The Forum, records of Ethical Culture Club meetings (1908–1910), and minutes from The Forum meetings (1919–1928). These materials offer valuable insight into the discussions, values, and intellectual pursuits of these organizations, reflecting their evolution and impact on the community.
Ethical Culture Club (Brookings, S.D.)The South Dakota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (SDAFCS) collection is a key resource documenting the history and development of home economics and family and consumer sciences organizations. Focused on the National Association of Extension Home Economists, the South Dakota Home Economics Association, and the SDAFCS, the collection includes newsletters (1941–1999), meeting minutes, conference programs, awards documentation, scrapbooks, financial reports, and correspondence.
The newsletters cover events, scholarships, officer elections, honorary memberships, and sponsored programs. Meeting minutes and program materials document the associations' activities, including updates on by-law revisions and organizational changes. Notably, the collection contains correspondence from Eva Dawes, the first president of the South Dakota Home Economics Association, offering insight into the organization's early history. Additionally, it includes lists of officers, council and charter members, honorary members, and award recipients.
The collection also features policy revisions from 1971 to 1996 and a strategic plan for the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (1995–2000). This archive highlights the growth, governance, and influential figures within these associations, offering a comprehensive view of the evolution of family and consumer sciences in South Dakota and nationally.
The organization underwent several name changes over the years, and materials were arranged according to the organization's name at the time. As a result, the collection is organized into the following categories:
National Association of Extension Home Economists
National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
South Dakota Cooperative Extension Association
South Dakota Home Demonstration Agents Association
South Dakota Home Economics Association
South Dakota Association of Extension Home Economists
South Dakota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Composed of composed mainly of the newsletter "Campanile" produced by the Modern Languages Department from 1974 to 1995. Also included are announcements for special language courses, such as Chinese, Japanese and Russian, a departmental history obtained from written histories of the college, and college catalogues; department information pamphlets; programs from awards banquets; and, standing rules of the department which detail policies and procedures for the Modern Languages Department in 1957.
South Dakota State University. Department of Modern Languages and Global StudiesCcomposed of composed of flyers, newsletters and clippings of various fraternities and sororities on the campus of South Dakota State University. Included is material for Alpha Xi Delta, Ceres, Chi Omega, FarmHouse, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Phi Epsilon.
South Dakota State University. Greek CouncilThis collection is composed of publications, annual reports, articles, and a white paper on undergraduate research.
South Dakota State University. Division of Research and Economic DevelopmentComposed of mainly of publications produced by the department. Folders consist of mainly of newsletters but also contain pamphlets, programs, posters and info-sheets. Also included is the South Dakota Observer, a newspaper written, edited, set in type and laid out by journalism students at South Dakota State University and printed in the university's printing lab.
South Dakota State University. Department of Journalism and Mass CommunicationsComposed mainly of proposals to the National Science Foundation for research project. Also included are annual and semi-annual reports, publications, minutes, and some conference material.
South Dakota EPSCoRComposed of programs, newsletters and posters produced by the department.
South Dakota State University. Department of PsychologyThe collection is composed of programs, posters, season ticket brochures, and photographs from the plays, musicals, and revues produced by Prairie Repertory Theatre.
Prairie Repertory Theatre (S.D.)This collection is composed of correspondence, clippings, programs, treasurer's reports, publications, abstracts and reports, meeting minutes, and meeting planning material, including arrangements for speakers at annual meeting.
Each meeting was held at a different South Dakota college or university. Folders indicate the dates of the annual meeting, the venue where the meeting was held, and may list the topic for the meeting.
South Dakota Social Science AssociationThis collection is composed of newsletters and pamphlets published by Engineering Extension. The brochures are of courses held by the extension office for administrators, managers, safety officers, safety committee personnel, and those interested in learning about providing a safe and healthy environment for employees.
South Dakota State University. Engineering ExtensionThis collection is composed of center records, Atmospheric, Environmental, and Water Resources Ph.D. program records, research projects, and the Huron Recharge project records.
The administrative records are composed of a brochure from a lecture series titled Futuresigns, and a white paper describing the concept of a regional research center concentrating on the concerns of water use, protection, and availability in the Northern Great Plains region.
This collection also contains documents relating to the Atmospheric, Environmental and Water Resources, a joint PhD program between South Dakota State University (SDSU) and the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT). In December 1991, the board considered a request from the School of Mines and South Dakota State University to approve a joint PhD program in Water resources. Approval was not given at first, because the request for new funds exceeded a specific amount. However, it was approved later the year. The AEWR program had been in a partnership with the AEWR program in the School of Mines and Technology. They created a joint program in Atmospheric, Environmental and Water Resources. This joint program provided PhD education and degrees in the fields of atmospheric, environmental and water resources. Due to the lack of assistantship funds and a low enrollment, the program closed in 2004. The reports and papers cover such topics such as bridge approaches and developments, water management, networks, and systems. In addition, the records contain files regarding the Huron Recharge Project.
The Research Projects includes research projects in the field of water resources. The reports and papers cover such topics such as bridge approaches and developments, water management, networks, and systems.
The Huron Recharge Project records includes materials from the Huron Recharge Project. There are several reports on water usage and project activities in Huron.
South Dakota State University. Water and Environmental Engineering Research CenterThis collection is composed of general departmental records which consist of material such as program evaluation reports, posters, programs, and course announcements; and, the Adaline Snellman Hsia Historic Costume and Decorative Arts Collection records, which consists mainly of correspondence, clippings, and photographs.
South Dakota State University. Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior DesignThe Sokota Hybrid Producers, Inc. records are composed mainly of Board of Directors minutes from its incorporation in 1944 to its dissolution in 1986. Most of the minutes include an agenda and the minutes. Some may include newsletters, correspondence, and reports. The collection also includes articles of incorporation, by-laws, purchase agreement, financial material, and trademark information.
The financial material is composed of corn payments, revolving fund certificates, grower and producer ledger sheets, and other certificates related to the financial portion of Sokota.
Also included are newspapers clippings on the history of Sokota, South Dakota codified laws in relation to cooperatives, and a photocopy of the first check written.
Sokota Hybrid ProducersThis collection is composed of records generated by the department, including enrollment records, correspondence, course schedules, exit exams, graduate records, publications, reports, pamphlets, and surveys.
South Dakota State University. Department of Sociology and Rural StudiesThis collection is composed of a material published for the Little International Agricultural Exposition for advertising purposes. Folders contain news releases, posters, and programs.
South Dakota State University. Little International Agricultural ExpositionThis collection is composed of materials that pertain to the College of Education and Counseling. Included are accreditation reports from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. Folders contain correspondence, newsletters, info sheets, pamphlets, programs, brochures, and reports. The info sheets describe the programs that are offered by the college.
The appointment of a Joint Dean of Education and Professor of Educational Administration in June of 2002 by the South Dakota Board of Regents began collaboration between the South Dakota State University College of Education & Counseling, and the University of South Dakota School of Education. The Joint Dean's primary focus is to lead the education efforts on the two campuses, in addition to developing new educational opportunities in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This collection is composed of materials related to the collaboration of SDSU and USD in the Joint College of Education and Counseling. Folders include a brochure that gives examples of collaborations between the schools, a news release announcing the naming of Hank Rubin to the joint Deanship for the program, and material related to the 2004 Annual Convention for American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. This convention material includes a collection of papers and an inventory of initiatives prepared by participants in the No Child Left Behind Faculty Institute.
The undergraduate Teacher Education Program material is composed of materials related to the creation of the Undergraduate Teacher Education Program at South Dakota State University. Included are agendas, minutes, working documents, correspondence, and conference papers.
South Dakota State University. College of Education and Human SciencesThis collection is composed of departmental records up to June 30, 2018 when the department moved administrativesly to the College of Natural Sciences. Included is a report for sabbatical during the spring 2007 semester by Dr. Joel Rauber. Included is a copy of the first two pages of the sabbatical leave request and a copy of the Physics 211 Laboratory Manual that Dr. Rauber rewrote during his sabbatical. He also revamped a few of the laboratories to take into account current equipment and possible improvements.
South Dakota State University. Department of PhysicsThis collection is composed of records related to the removal of the College of Engineering from South Dakota State University in the early 1970s. Included are meeting minutes, reports, and research.
South Dakota State University. Engineering controversyComposed of publications produced by the Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape and Parks Department. Material included newsletters, programs, certificates, record books, clippings, info-sheets, surveys, pamphlets, and a survey.
Also included is a botany ledger used to teach the manes of plants and study plant anatomy. Included are descriptions of the plant and a plant sample pressed between the pages. This ledger was most likely compiled by a student, although there is no distinct evidence to that.
Researchers are urged to view this material with care as the pages are loose and the plant samples are very fragile and contain allergens.
South Dakota State University. Department of Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape, and ParksComposed mainly of publications produced by the Department of Animal Science. Folders consist of programs, reports, proceedings, and newsletters.
South Dakota State University. Department of Animal SciencesThis collection is composed of administrative records, cataloging records, collection development files, committee and meeting records, financial records, library serials files, off campus relations files, and reports.
Folders consist of administrative records, publications, newsletters, reports, photographs, policies related to the operation of the library, material pertaining to special events, circulation, inter-library loan, reserves, information services, acquisitions, cataloging, serials, and bindery.
Also included are meeting minutes for committees such as the Social Committee, Publicity Committee, Collections and Connections Committee, Exhibits, Arts and Signage Committee, Staff Development Committee, the University Library Committee, and Faculty and Staff Library Committees.
Hilton M. Briggs LibraryThis collection documents the activities and governance of the American Association of University Women, Brookings Branch, offering valuable insight into the organization’s role in promoting education, women's rights, and community engagement. It includes reports, minutes, newsletters, programs, bylaws, and correspondence, though no series is complete.
The collection provides documents related to the branch’s administrative functions, including annual reports, bylaws, financial and fundraising activities, and meeting minutes from both regular and executive board sessions. These records highlight the decision-making processes, organizational priorities, and project initiatives undertaken by members. Membership lists and reports on various projects further illustrate the group’s impact on local and national issues.
Of particular significance is the documentation on accreditation efforts, project initiatives, and study groups, which reflect the branch’s commitment to education and social advocacy. The history of the Brookings Branch contains valuable narratives on its founding and key figures, including Vivian Volstorff, who played a crucial role in the branch’s accreditation, and Gertrude Stickney Young, its first president. The collection also includes correspondence, news clippings, and a scrapbook that was dismantled for preservation purposes, offering researchers insight into the branch’s evolving role in civic engagement.
Newsletters and event programs further illustrate the organization’s outreach efforts and evolving priorities over time. Fundraising records, member surveys, and policy documents provide context for the branch’s financial and strategic decision-making. Photographs, brochures, and promotional materials add a visual dimension to the collection, offering a deeper understanding of the group’s public presence.
This collection is a valuable resource for researchers studying women's organizations, grassroots activism, and local history. It sheds light on the Brookings Branch’s contributions to educational initiatives, legislative advocacy, and broader societal issues, making it an essential reference for those examining the intersection of gender, education, and civic engagement.
American Association of University Women. Brookings BranchThis collection is composed of records of the South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation and associated groups.
The County series consists of a small amount of material from the Brookings County, Codington County and Hamlin County Farm Bureaus. Included are reports and minutes.
The Federation records are composed of committee files, minutes, publications, clippings, bylaws, financial records and historical information. The Committees material is composed mainly of minutes of the various committees within the Farm Bureau Federation. Included are minutes of the Executive Committee, Women's Committee, and Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee. The General files include bylaws of the Federation, clippings, financial material, and histories of several county Farm Bureaus throughout South Dakota. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order. The Meeting minutes are composed of meeting minutes of the Farm Bureau Federation dating from 1964-1995. Minutes from several smaller committees are also included. The Publications are composed of Ag Leader, a monthly periodical published by the Farm Bureau that reports on activities of the Bureau.
The Mutual Insurance Company series consists of minutes for a meeting held in 1968, bylaws and agreements. The General files are composed of bylaws and agreements between the South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation, Rural Security Life Insurance Company and the South Dakota Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company. The minutes are composed of minutes from a meeting held in 1968.
The Service Company series consists of meeting minutes.
Consists mainly of minutes and agendas from meetings of the SDCIA, along with the programs, letters, reports and pamphlets that were dealt with in each meeting. The minutes include minutes from the annual meetings, board of directors meetings, committee meetings and district meetings. There are programs for the annual meetings, crop shows and banquets. The letters include correspondence with members of the Crop Improvement Associations of other states and with the national Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies, as well as between SDCIA members. The reports include financial reports and statements, and also reports on the activities of the organization. The pamphlets include the SDCIA newsletter (The Crop Improvement Reporter), CIA newsletters from the surrounding states, booklets of weed laws, and seed certification manuals. In addition there is a history article that was prepared for the agency’s 75th anniversary in the year 2000.
The collection also contains photographs. These are primarily photos of the various crop shows and field days held by the SDCIA.
South Dakota Crop Improvement AssociationThis collection is composed of pamphlets and flyers produced by the Reel Images Film Society.
Reel Images Film Society (South Dakota State University)The Faculty Association Records are composed of constitution, minutes and correspondence files. Most of the latter consists entirely of correspondence from or to the acting head of the association. Also included are committee records series spans the years 1946-1972, with the bulk of material from 1952-1960. Included are committee assignments and studies completed by various committees. Although the names of the individual committees changed over time, their function remained essentially the same. Committees were formed around the topics of tenure, promotion and rank, salary, insurance, retirement, and other such topics.
South Dakota State University. Faculty AssociationThe Faculty Round Table Records sub-group consists of the by-laws and minutes from the first meeting, and tentative rules governing the Faculty Round Table. The by-laws are bound in a ledger and are hand-written. The by-laws state the name of the group, its aim, membership, officers, and organization of meetings. Also included in the ledger are the minutes from the first meeting of the group. The tentative rules governing the Faculty Round Table are the same as the by-laws in the exception that they are typewritten.
South Dakota Agricultural College. Faculty Round TableThis collection is composed of a history of Sigma Xi at South Dakota State University, newsletters, lecture information, graduate student research award material, and science and engineering fair information.
Society of Sigma XiThis collection is composed of materials produced and collection by the 125th Anniversary Planning Committee. Folders include minutes, clippings, event invitations and programs, publications, photographs, audio-visual material, departmental histories, and memorabilia.
The Cooperative Extension Service celebration material is composed of material from several South Dakota County Extension offices and related what each county did to celebrate the 125th anniversary of South Dakota State University. Folders may contain photographs, clippings and other material documenting the event.
The audio-visual material is composed of master and finished product video footage in the form of videos and DVDs for the 125th anniversary celebration projects. Included with the material are taped interviews of prominent individuals, such as United States Senators and Representatives. Also included are some scripts.
Colleges, departments and faculty were to submit recommendations for a summary of important dates, events and people in the history of South Dakota State University. They were asked for focus on accomplishments since 1964 when the institution was granted university status. These are found in the material marked as Survey of Accomplishments.
Other material of interest includes a resolution proposed by the South Dakota Legislative Assembly, and memorabilia associated with the celebration, such as a replica of the Coughlin Campanile that includes a piece limestone from the original structure.
South Dakota State University. 125th Anniversary Planning CommitteeThis collection is composed of reports produced by the Curricula Evaluation Committee.
South Dakota State University. Curricula Evaluation CommitteeThis collection is composed of correspondence, lobbying information, minutes, newsletters, a synopsis of activities, and miscellaneous items generated by the South Dakota State University branch of this association.
South Dakota Higher Education Faculty AssociationThe collection is composed of financial statements, newsletters, fundraising promotional material, and other publications produced by the South Dakota State University Foundation.
The financial statements are reports of accountants and certified public accountants, and schedules of investments made by the foundation. These reports include auditor's reports.
The bulk of this series consists of items published by the SDSU Foundation, such as the Honor Roll of Contributors which lists benefactor to the Foundation. Also included is material related to specific fundraising events, such as for the Pride of the Dakota's marching band, Solberg Hall, the Coughlin Campanile, and the Performing Arts Center.
An item of note is writing by Keith Jensen, a former member of the Foundation Board of Directors which gives a history of development at South Dakota State University.
South Dakota State University FoundationThis collection is composed of programs for banquets and lectures, faculty lectureship nomination letters, speeches from annual faculty lectures, meeting minutes, charter and constitution, membership files, and correspondence.
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society (South Dakota State University)This series is composed of mainly of minutes from meetings and the club constitution, which includes several revised copies. The minutes include roll call, pledges, business, and nomination and election of officers. Also included are some activities conducted by the Stakota Club, correspondence, and a list of the duties of the secretary from 1967-68.
South Dakota State University. Stakota ClubThis series is composed of secretary's and treasurer's books, a handbook for members programs for lecture courses, programs for plays, the YMCA Entertainment Series, a student conference, and installation banquets.
The secretary's books consist of minutes from meetings, membership information, and included some loose material in the back (correspondence, notes, etc.).
YMCA of the USAThis collection consists of scrapbooks documenting the activities of the society. Due to their deteriorated condition, the scrapbooks were dismantled for preservation. Photocopies were made of most materials, while items in good condition were preserved.
In 1947, the society recognized excellence in journalism through newspaper awards, honoring publications for their achievements in reporting, community service, editorial writing, and layout design. Notable awards included superior recognition for Canova Herald in community service, Hot Springs Weekly Star in local public affairs reporting, and Madison Daily Leader in front-page makeup. Sioux Valley News received multiple distinctions, including superior rankings in local news and editorial writing. Other newspapers, such as Mobridge Tribune, Vermillion Plain Talk, and Wessington Spring Independent, were also commended for their contributions to journalism.
Society of Professional Journalists. Sigma Delta ChiThis collection is composed of a small assortment of records from the Theta Mu Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi at South Dakota State University. Included is a handbook, a VHS video cassette, and files related to membership and banquets.
Kappa Delta Pi (Honor society)This collection is composed of correspondence, accounting reports, constitution and by-laws, forms, membership data, book sale publicity and other information, and newsletters. The book sale information consists of the largest part of this collection, which documents the annual book sale held by the club as a fundraiser. It includes price lists, ledger sheets, and sign-up sheets.
Brookings Veterans Society (Brookings, S.D.)This collection is composed of certificates for tuition and records of tuition waived for war veterans.
The certificates for tuition are for veterans of World War I and state the amount due for tuition. These certify that a veteran was discharged honorably from the service and performed services outside the borders of the state of South Dakota during the period of the world war and was at that time a legal resident of the state. They also stated that the veteran had attended and pursued a course of instruction at South Dakota State College [SDSC] without the payment of tuition and there is now due a sum of money.
The records of tuition waived consist of 575 cards that note the period for which a veteran attended courses at SDSC and the amount of tuition paid. These state the name and address of the veteran, the date and location he entered the service, his discharge date and evidence of the discharge, the date he entered college and whether or not he was under the Veterans Administration, and finally whether he continued after his entitlement expired.
South Dakota State University. Veterans Affairs OfficeThis collection consists of items materials produced by the various programs offered by the Communication Studies and Theatre Department. Folders include pamphlets, programs, and newsletters. The bulk of the material is related to the Prairie Repertory Theatre and State University Theatre. This material includes playbills, posters, ticket information, calendars, programs, and correspondence. Some items of note consist of bound books of theatre seasons for the Prairie Repertory Theatre. These books cover the 1971-2002 summer theatre seasons and include copies of programs, clippings, and photographs from plays.
South Dakota State University. Department of Communication Studies and TheaterThe collectioin consist of a sample of early twentieth century letterhead for the Department of Music, alumni newsletters, choir related photographs, promotional material, and an example of student writing. Also included are t-shirts promoting the Pride of the Dakota marching band. This material is arranged alphabetically.
The bulk of the collection consists of programs for band, orchestra, choral, and ensemble events, including the Brookings Chamber Music Society series, as well as, Faculty and Student Recitals, including Junior and Senior Recitals. Many, but not all, include program notes or translations. Some contain newspaper clippings, promotional material such as posters, and photographs. This material is arranged chronologically by date of the event.
South Dakota State University. Department of MusicThis collection focuses on the role of the American Indian Student Center on the South Dakota State University campus from 2000 to 2012. Included are materials related to events, fundraisers, and trips planned by the American Indian Student Center. The folders mainly consist of audiocassettes, video tapes, CDs and photographs that showcase these events. There are also a few flyers and emails that illuminate the information about American Indian Student Center events.
South Dakota State University. American Indian Student CenterThe collection is composed of programs, posters, season ticket brochures, and photographs from the plays, musicals, and revues produced by State University Theatre.
South Dakota State University. State University TheatreThis collection is composed mainly of material pertaining to the American Indian History Conference. This conference, first organized in 1992, focuses on Native American History Conference that brings American Indian speakers, artists and performers to the South Dakota State University campus for the purpose of better educating the student body, faculty and community about Native American cultures. Because this conference receives support from various parts of the university, the decision was made by the processor to place this material with the American Indian Studies Program records. Folders includes minutes, correspondence, planning documents and materials, funding materials, a list of participants, a coordinator to-do list, and CDs. A historical overview of the conference written by Dr. David Crain who served as coordinator from 1993-2007.
The collection also includes materials on the annual Consider the Century Programs. Materials include posters, CDs, and video recordings of the programs. Also included is a small amount of material dealing with the American Indian Studies Program curriculum. Folders include a syllabus for the Introduction to American Indian Studies course and a poster advertising service-learning summer program opportunities.
South Dakota State University. American Indian and Indigenous Studies ProgramComposed of information pamphlets describing Global Studies programs at South Dakota State University and material pertaining to the Introduction to Global Studies course. Folders include pamphlets, correspondence, course announcements, and a draft syllabus.
South Dakota State University. Global Studies ProgramComposed of posters, newsletter, clippings, programs, pamphlets, brochures, and publications for events sponsored by the University Programs Council, including the arts, concerts, Hobo Day, and other special events.
South Dakota State University. University Programs CouncilComposed of mainly of material dealing with events surrounding Women's History Month sponsored by the Women's Studies Program. Also included are programs from Woman of Distinction Awards Tea and a pamphlet describing the Women's Studies minor at South Dakota State University. Folders consist of programs, posters and pamphlets.
South Dakota State University. Women's Studies ProgramThis collection includes a brief history of the South Dakota Nurses Foundation and the Board of Directors meeting minutes from 1999-2019. The foundation did not meet in 2001 and no minutes exist for that year. The minutes of these meetings cover issues such as membership, financial matters, funding, community engagement, and research grants and scholarships, among other topics.
South Dakota Nurses FoundationRecords related to South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Biochemistry consist of administrative files, research, and publications.
South Dakota Agricultural Experiment StationThis collection is composed of newsletters, brochures, and direct mail related to exhibits.
South Dakota Agricultural Heritage MuseumThis collection is composed of material on campus security, central mailing, parking and traffic, and miscellaneous items published by or for the department. The security information consists of security reports, a pamphlet about campus safety and security and parking and traffic regulations from 1958 through 1991. The central mailing information details how to use central mailing service and gives guidelines for mail deposited with them. The miscellaneous published items include information on campus buildings, land, utilities, streets, parking lots and maintenance. Also included is a hand and face dryer used in the restrooms of Wecota Hall when that building was used as a dormitory. Also included is material related to sustainability and recycling.
South Dakota State University. Facilities and ServicesThis collection includes the organization's mission and goals statements and views on censorship. Information about Educational Telecommunication including mission, goals, policies, and board minutes. Correspondence, newspaper articles, and other organizations responses to potential censorship issues in South Dakota especially within Public Broadcasting.
Vigil of South DakotaThis collection consists mainly of brochures and posters for various nutrition seminars sponsored by the department. Also included are newsletters providing health professionals with reliable information on nutrition and the health of mothers, infants and children and fact sheets describing program offerings in food science and hotel and foodservice management.
South Dakota State University. Department of Nutrition, Food Science, and HospitalityThis collection is composed of departmental records and publications of the Plant Science Department. Folders contain pamphlets, reports, posters, programs, and computer media. Also included are correspondence and a list of Agronomy personnel for 1968-69. An item of note is a book of notes for a soils class from the early 1930's, which belonged to a student by the name of Paul Brown.
South Dakota State University. Department of Plant ScienceThis collection is composed of material published by the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Department. Folders contain brochures, programs, newsletters and announcements. The Buffalo Banquet was an awards banquet featuring buffalo as the main course. This event was sponsored by the student chapter of the Wildlife Society known as the Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation Club at South Dakota State University.
The Habitat Management Guides are publications of the Soil Conservation Service in Huron, S.D. and cover topics on pronghorn antelope, wild turkey, sharp-tailed grouse, rainbow trout, ring-necked pheasant, and mourning dove.
South Dakota State University. Department of Natural Resources ManagementComposed of Graduate School records, Graduate Council minutes, Graduate Faculty records, and records of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Folders consist of newsletters, pamphlets, info sheets, brochures, announcements, schedules, meeting minutes, and correspondence.
South Dakota State University. Graduate SchoolThis collection is composed of certificates and awards, convention programs, meeting minutes, and assorted materials documenting the National Association of Retired Federal Employees – Big Sioux chapter. Notable items include the chapter’s foundation certificate and banner.
National Association of Retired Federal EmployeesThis collections is composed of administrative material and various publications. The administrative material includes newsletters, programs, pamphlets, reports, and posters. The publications are composed material created by the Economics Department for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service, pamphlets, research reports, and staff papers. These publications cover economic topics related to agriculture and farm and ranch management.
South Dakota State University. Department of EconomicsThe South Dakota Farmers Alliance Records document the early efforts of farmers in Dakota Territory to organize against economic and political challenges, particularly those posed by railroad monopolies. The collection includes an 1887 address by President H. L. Loucks and proceedings from the Alliance’s annual convention, reflecting the organization's advocacy for agricultural and economic reforms. Additionally, an undated advertisement for A Book for Farmers – Dunning’s Farm Ledger and Historical Account highlights the practical and educational resources valued by the farming community.
These records provide insight into the broader Farmers’ Alliance movement, which emerged in Dakota Territory in the early 1880s in response to declining wheat prices and perceived railroad injustices. The movement gained traction with the formation of the Dakota Farmers’ Alliance in 1885, expanding rapidly across the region. The documents in this collection offer valuable historical context on the Alliance’s objectives, leadership, and strategies during a critical period of agrarian activism in South Dakota.
South Dakota Farmer's AllianceThe South Dakota Resources Coalition consists of administrative material and subject files. The administrative material consists of meeting minutes, committee files, correspondence, financial and membership records and publications. The subject files consist of research SDRC has performed throughout the years, mainly to assist them in their lobbying efforts. The subjects deal mainly with environmental issues as they relate to South Dakota.
South Dakota Resources CoalitionThe Brookings Rotary Club Records consist of newsletters, reports to the district governor, photographs, clippings, minutes, and several other miscellaneous items.
The newsletters span the years 1920 to 1998 but some years from 1963 to 1981 are missing. These are very informative and include information on meetings, club officers, attendance, meeting guests, and other miscellaneous items.
The reports to the district governor span the years 1977 to 1999 but are missing years from 1985 to 1993. There are some items that appeared to have been part of these reports but were not bound together as a report. These include committee reports, president's plans and comments, and summary of club plans and objectives.
Also included are minutes, but these only cover the years 1980 to 1984. Some of the general items include attendance reports, certificates and awards, by-laws, constitution, some correspondence, directories, a history of Brookings Rotary, information on the book project, and district conference planning and programs.
Brookings Rotary Club (Brookings, S.D.)This collection is composed of the minutes from faculty meetings held at South Dakota State University from its inception up through the 1980's. These files are fairly complete; with large gaps being noted from fall 1898-Spring 1903 and June 1907-March 1918. Very few other minutes are missing, however. Included with some of the files are materials related to topics being discussed at the meetings, such as a petition by a student group, or a brochure from a campus event. For the most part, the contents of the minutes are fairly dry and businesslike, although some gems might be discovered with careful attention.
South Dakota State University. Faculty MeetingThis collection is composed mainly of the minutes from the meetings and some correspondence of the Publications Council. The minutes list members present and absent at each meeting and include letters of applications for editor and manager positions for the Jackrabbit and the Collegian. Also included are letters of recommendations to the Board of Control, budget requests and financial statements, editorials and stories submitted for publication in the Collegian, bids on printing, paper, engravings and covers for the Jackrabbit, and newspaper clippings from the Collegian.
South Dakota State University. Publications CouncilThis collection is composed of the minutes of the meetings and some correspondence of both the Administrative Council and its predecessor, the Council of Deans. For the most part, the minutes are extremely business-like, showing mainly the names and process of certain actions. They do have some interesting facts related to the running of the college, and some of the disciplinary actions and causes for them prove quite amusing. The correspondence file, although quite small, consists mainly of material relating to whether or not someone may not be admitted back to school. Other correspondence refers to the happenings in the various meetings, but this is quite limited. Overall, the material offers a look at some of the administrative concerns and issues surrounding the administration of the land grant institution.
South Dakota State University. Administrative CouncilThis collection is composed of meeting packets that were distributed to members of the council at each meeting. Included in these packets are membership lists, statistics, departmental reports, departmental publications, resolutions passed at previous meetings, presentations made, and leaflets stating the results from annual meetings. Also included is a 1969 newsletter stating the results from the annual meeting of that year.
South Dakota State University. SDSU Advisory CouncilThis collection is composed of flyers and broadside for events sponsored by the department.
South Dakota State University. Office of Multicultural AffairsThis collection is composed of a pamphlet explain how to respond to emergencies in the workplace.
South Dakota State University. Office of Environmental Health and SafetyThis series is composed of personnel handbooks, orientation and benefits material, Career Service Advisory Council minutes and programs from mass meetings, and material related to the change to web time entry.
South Dakota State University. Human Resources OfficeThe collection is arranged by item type. Information on Sigma Xi is minimal, consisting of some proposals and planning notes. The information put out by SDSU for the Science Fair is quite comprehensive, including programs and brochures from a number of years, as are the budgets and expense records. There is a good amount of material relating to Science Fair winners and their projects, though the dates of this information are quite random. The publications for ISEF are also quite comprehensive, including rule books, participant forms, programs, touring and housing information, and books of abstracts of participant research.
This collection is composed of financial statements, correspondence, reports on the project, surveys, evaluations, and other supporting material.
South Dakota State University. Title III GrantThis collection is composed of summer session report written by the Director of the Summer School. These reports summarize the activities of the summer session at South Dakota State University from 1957-1972. These reports include a statement of policies regarding the operation and function of the summer session.
South Dakota State University. Summer Session