This collection is composed of clippings, membership and committee lists, correspondence, meeting agenda, programs, finances and a brief history of the group. Also included is a rough draft of an official complaint of discrimination at South Dakota State University filed with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs and notification of results of the investigation.
South Dakota State University. Academic Women's Equity CoalitionThe collection consists mostly of the retirement book created by the SDSU library staff for Alfred G. Trump's retirement party on June 5, 1972, in Brookings. The book includes numerous letters, one telegram, several news clippings, as well as 27 color photographs of the party. It also includes two programs from the retirement party with menu. The papers also contain a certificate of recognition from the Mountain Plains Library Association, two plaques presented to Trump as token of appreciation for his commitment to South Dakota State University, and a certificate of completion from the University of Denver's Annual Institute of Archival Administration. There is also the Proclamation of Anne Trump Day (April 5, 1981) presented to Anne Trump by the Brookings City Commission.
Trump, Alfred G. (Alfred George), 1907-1994The materials in this collection were collected and donated by Dr. Charles Woodard of the South Dakota State University English Department. The collection is primarily composed of correspondence between Audrae Visser and Dr. Woodard and includes many of her writings to fulfill class assignments. Also included are photographs she took and written accounts of her frequent travel vacations, as well as materials related to her awards, honors, and activities as a poet and as a member of numerous organizations.
This collection consists of correspondence, clippings, photographs, and many poetic and prose writings by Visser including book reviews and reports, speeches, and a Pioneer Humor Project undertaken to fulfill the requirements of the Heritage of the Prairies Institute at Southwest State University in Marshall, Minnesota.
Visser, Audrae 1919-2001The collection contains materials Johnston collected during her time at South Dakota State College, including 103 photographs and a booklet about campus life. Also in the collection is a 1917 booklet of letters from the class of 1916 telling each other what they have been doing since they graduated. There is also a news clipping from the Brookings Register about Johnston and her memories of the first Hobo Day at South Dakota State.
Johnston, Blanche Avery 1895-1986This collection is composed of committee files produced for or in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration of South Dakota State University held in 1981. The collection is made up of general office and administrative files with some memorabilia.
The office files include budgets, correspondence, committee minutes and the files from each sub-committee. The budgets material consists mainly of the accounting used to put on the centennial celebration and to run an office devoted to such an event. The sub-committees files consist mainly of simple reports on the actions of various departments and various committees over the year. The notable exception to this is the calendar committee, which demonstrated some of the scheduling programs of such a huge event. The most useful files include the minutes of the Steering Committee and the correspondence files, as they reflect the inner workings of the group and the magnitude of such an event. Much attention is given throughout this material to the appearance of and seminar honoring Theodore Schultz, SDSU graduate and Nobel Prize winner.
The administrative files include material that was produced for or in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration. Included in this file are the finished calendars, lists of speakers, publications association with the centennial, and congratulatory letters from land grant colleges, alumni, dignitaries and South Dakota organizations. Also included are programs and flyers from various centennial events. The transcripts and audio cassettes of the commencement addresses are also included.
The memorabilia includes examples of some the souvenirs that were produced during the centennial. Included are two paperweights, one is bronze and housed in a redwood box with blue velvet lining, and one is marble with a cork bottom, a brass insignia with clear acrylic covering an insignia which has a dark blue background and gold lettering. Also included is a light blue coaster with gold lettering, a tan button with dark brown lettering, and an acrylic box of gummed gold SDSU notarial seals and blue and yellow ribbons approximately one inch long.
South Dakota State University. Centennial Steering CommitteeThe College on the Hill is an anecdotal history of South Dakota State University from 1881 to 2003 co-written by Amy Dunkle and V.J. Smith, Alumni Association Director.
Dunkle, AmyThis collection is composed of material related to activities in which Evans was involved in during his career, newspaper clippings of articles featuring Evans, reviews of books and poetry written by Evans, material collected and gathered by Evans over the course of his trips to China and the writings the occurred as a result of these trips, publications, poems and books authored or co-authored by Evans and published, Evans works as they appeared in anthologies, textbooks and other publications, reviews of Evans works as reviewed by his peers, and manuscripts of poems, essays, writings and talks.
Included are files related to his work as Poet Laureate of South Dakota, articles related to his career as a writer, correspondence, diaries, research, copies of published books, clippings, journals, and manuscripts of early versions of Evans works that include notations by the author.
Evans, David AllanThis collection is composed of material related to the Academic Senate and other university committees that perform the bulk of the Senate functions. While some of the committees are permanent, most change from year to year, depending on the needs and desires of the Senate and the university community. For a description of duties for individual committees consult the Faculty/Faculty-Student Committees Handbook.
Material consist of minutes, clippings, correspondence, research, membership files, reports, handbooks, subject files and publications directly related to each committee. The bulk of the material deals with academic affairs, academic freedom and tenure, academic improvements, the Committee on Elections, the Conference of Senates, and the constitution of the Senate.
Also included are files of collected material on various subjects relating to or of importance to the Academic Senate. It is believed that the various committees reporting to it sent much of this material to the Academic Senate. The bulk of the material deals with faculty and students at South Dakota State University. The faculty material deals with many topics, but some items of note are professional staff and teacher evaluations, the relationship between the faculty and the Senate, material from faculty meetings, faculty representatives, faculty rules and regulations, and the Faculty Senate. The student material also deals with many topics, and includes a proposal for career development, student activities, and material from the Student Senate and the Student Association. Also included is material dealing with academic appeals and faculty controversies. This material deals with many topics, a few covered in this material are curriculum, tuition and fees, collective bargaining groups, accreditation, classified employees, the Resources Allocation Model (RAM), various projects and programs which the senate sponsored or participated in, clippings, and material dealing with Resolution 21.
This collection is composed of the records of the Faculty Women's Club from the beginnings of the club in 1917 to the late 1990's when the club evolved into the SDSU Club. Material found in the collection consists mainly of minutes, president's reports, constitutions, newsletters, directories, programs, photographs, clippings and financial records, including a loan fund ledger and scholarship information. Also included is material on faculty receptions, teas, and luncheons, material on the club's involvement with the Memorial Art Center, and several histories of the club. A history of the auxiliary club of the Newcomers Club is also included, along with minutes of their meetings.
In 1993, the Faculty Women's Club celebrated its 75th anniversary and put on a style show that gave a history of the club since its establishment. A script and a video recording of the event are included here.
This collection also includes SDSU Club materials from 1998 to the present, including brochures, posters and invitations.
South Dakota State University. Faculty Women's ClubThe Frank E. Denholm Papers consist mostly of materials generated during the time he served as the representative to South Dakota’s First Congressional District, from 1971 to 1975. These materials document his work for rural America, particularly his effort to reinstate the Rural Electrification Act and numerous legislation regarding agriculture, rural water, and rural development. Press releases and newspaper clippings about his activities in Congress can be found in the papers. The collection also includes scrapbooks and memorabilia about his campaigns for Congress. In addition, there are several files of correspondence, some of which was with members of Congress and other notable people such as George McGovern and Richard Kneip. The collection includes nearly 1,500 photographs and slides, most of which relate to his campaigns for Congress. There are reel-to-reel audio recordings and video recordings on 2-inch quad video tape that consist of campaign advertisements and his work in Congress. The collection also documents Denholm’s career as a sheriff, auctioneer, F.B.I. agent, and lawyer.
The papers also contain documents relating to Frank Denholm’s wife, Mildred Niehaus Denholm. Mrs. Denholm was born May 9, 1927 to Frank F. and Elizabeth C. (Schuring) Niehaus from Andover, South Dakota. She married Frank Denholm on June 12, 1950 in Webster, South Dakota. She attended Northern State Teachers College in Aberdeen, SD and taught in rural schools. Mrs. Denholm also went to the Aberdeen School of Business, the Strayer Business College in Washington, D.C., and the University of Utah where she studied music. She worked as a medical and legal secretary. Mrs. Denholm actively campaigned for her husband. She was involved in the Congressional Women’s Club while Denholm was in office. Mrs. Denholm passed away August 14, 2014. The collection includes correspondence between Frank and Mildred Denholm and her activities with the Congressional Women’s Club.
Composed of materials related to the Geography Department. Folders consist of programs, pamphlets, correspondence, clippings, booklets and program reviews. Also included is a booklet on graduate study in geography, and a list of house types in Brookings, SD.
South Dakota State University. Department of GeographyThis collection contains a variety of materials documenting historical, personal, and professional narratives. It includes biographical sketches, photographs, clippings, collected scripts, writings spanning several decades, and an M.S. thesis. A significant portion is dedicated to a World War II trip, featuring correspondence, diaries, interviews, maps, speeches, research notes, and collected materials. Other highlights include tributes, miscellaneous items, and materials related to agriculture and economic studies. The collection offers a comprehensive view of various topics and periods, emphasizing key historical events and personal experiences.
Biggar, George C. (George Cecil) 1899-1989Ccomposed of composed of flyers, newsletters and clippings of various fraternities and sororities on the campus of South Dakota State University. Included is material for Alpha Xi Delta, Ceres, Chi Omega, FarmHouse, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Phi Epsilon.
South Dakota State University. Greek CouncilThis collection is composed of the personal papers of Hilton M. Briggs. It is composed of material related to his retirement as president of South Dakota State University and his life after his retirement. It also contains recognition materials in the form of plaques, certificates, and trophies. Included are many files related to his induction to the Saddle and Sirloin Club portrait collection. Also included are biographical materials, clippings, correspondence, writings, photographs, and scrapbooks.
Briggs, Hilton M. (Hilton Marshall), 1913-2001Composed of publications produced by the Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape and Parks Department. Material included newsletters, programs, certificates, record books, clippings, info-sheets, surveys, pamphlets, and a survey.
Also included is a botany ledger used to teach the manes of plants and study plant anatomy. Included are descriptions of the plant and a plant sample pressed between the pages. This ledger was most likely compiled by a student, although there is no distinct evidence to that.
Researchers are urged to view this material with care as the pages are loose and the plant samples are very fragile and contain allergens.
South Dakota State University. Department of Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape, and Parks"The Incredible Gladys Pyle" Collection consists of clippings, correspondence, financial records, manuscripts, research, transcripts and audio cassettes.
The clippings include advertisements for the published book and clippings of Gladys Pyle on her 96th birthday. The correspondence includes letters on the publication of the book and letters from Gladys Pyle noting corrections for the book. Included is a handwritten letter from Governor Sigurd Anderson praising Gladys Pyle and her contributions to South Dakota politics.
The financial records are minimal and include itemized lists of expenses. There are two manuscripts for the book, one is with the published title "The Incredible Gladys Pyle", and the other with an alternative title "Gladys Pyle: Always a Pioneer". The transcripts appear to accompany only one set of audiocassettes. Included with the transcripts are notebooks with interview questions for Miss Pyle.
Pyle, Gladys, 1890-1989This collection is composed of material related to athletics at South Dakota State University. Included are files regarding administration, the Athletics Committee, publications, the Women's Recreation Association, and files related to specific sports (e.g. baseball, men's and women's basketball, cross country, football, rodeo, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling).
The administrative material consists of material dealing with academic advising, development, compliance, equipment, facilities and operations, the Jackrabbit Sports Network, marketing and promotion, and the ticket office. Folders are composed of annual reports, programs, handbooks, brochures, photographs, mascot designs, newsletters, schedules. The series also contains banners, caps, t-shirts, and jerseys. The Athletics Committee consist of meeting minutes and budget files. Files regarding of the individual sports consist of media guides, clippings, record books, programs, brochures, fact books, and photographs. A large amount of cross country and track and field files are included and consist of results from meets and workouts and research. The publications series includes the Rabbit Report from 1978-2014 and The Bum from 1956 to 2017. These files are not complete as they are missing some issues.
South Dakota State University. Jackrabbit AthleticsJay Dirksen was the Track and Field and Cross Country coach at South Dakota State University from 1969 to 1977. The collection consists mainly of Dirksen's files on S.D.S.U. athletes coached by him. The file include record sheets of training programs, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and other data related to the running career of each athlete. Also included are files related to Dirksen's research on cross country running.
Dirksen, JayMaterial relating to Jim Marking's career in coaching basketball as collected by him. Includes some instructional materials and basketball handouts, notes, notebooks of plays, record forms, and game programs, etc. Also includes press clippings regarding his retirement in 1974 and numerous congratulatory letters and cards for both his retirement and for his induction into the South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame in 1982.
Marking, JamesThis collection is composed of scrapbooks documenting his years of corn breeding research. They consist mainly of newspaper clippings, certificates, photographs, news releases and correspondence. Also included is a BS diploma from South Dakota State College, MS and Ph. D diploma from Iowa State College, an honorary degree from South Dakota State University and a citation from the Army Service Forces for the Army Commendation Ribbon.
Zuber, Marcus S., 1912This collection is composed of brochures and flyers for events sponsored by the Office of Diversity Enhancement. Also included are schedules, newsletters, video recordings, and clippings.
South Dakota State University. Office for Diversity Enhancement"The collection is composed of a course schedules, short course announcements, correspondence, meeting minutes, procedures for registration of classes and enrollment summaries, statistics, and reports.
The Registrar's records are composed of a variety of material generated by the Office of Records and Registration. The bulk of the material consists of registration schedules for courses available at South Dakota State University. Included are announcements of short courses that cover a range of subjects, from agriculture to piano tuning. Also included are directories of students and faculty, programs from baccalaureate services, and information for fall registration, meeting minutes from various committees, correspondence, newspaper clippings, registration procedures, guidelines for selection of students for senior college, scheme of study forms for students, summer session registration changes in procedure, and a list of course number changes."
South Dakota State University. Office of Records and RegistrationThis is an artificial collection that consists of 95 athletic and general scrapbooks, which contain newspaper clippings from newspapers and publications from across the state of South Dakota. The athletic scrapbooks include clippings from all sports featured at South Dakota State University from 1947 to 1967. The general scrapbooks cover a wide range of topics; from articles featuring athletics, agriculture and research conducted on campus to articles written about and by college presidents and faculty members. The clippings inside of the scrapbooks are arranged by year and not topic.
The South Dakota Resources Coalition consists of administrative material and subject files. The administrative material consists of meeting minutes, committee files, correspondence, financial and membership records and publications. The subject files consist of research SDRC has performed throughout the years, mainly to assist them in their lobbying efforts. The subjects deal mainly with environmental issues as they relate to South Dakota.
South Dakota Resources CoalitionThis collection is composed of correspondence, clippings, programs, treasurer's reports, publications, abstracts and reports, meeting minutes, and meeting planning material, including arrangements for speakers at annual meeting.
Each meeting was held at a different South Dakota college or university. Folders indicate the dates of the annual meeting, the venue where the meeting was held, and may list the topic for the meeting.
South Dakota Social Science AssociationThis collection is composed of administration records, minutes and agendas of the association and associated committees including the Board of Control, financial records and subject files. Folders may include constitutions, by-laws, correspondence, clippings, and reports.
South Dakota State University. Students' AssociationThis collection is composed of composed of mainly of material dealing with the organizing of the Honors College including are minutes, correspondence, notes, and proposals. Also included is material related to the Griffith Honors Forum Lecture, clippings, news releases, and other files related to the operation of the college.
An item of note is found in the Griffith Honors Forum Lecture folder. It is a copy of a lecture given by documentary film maker, Ken Burns, for the program in 2001.
South Dakota State University. Van D. and Barbara B. Fishback Honors CollegeThis collection includes the organization's mission and goals statements and views on censorship. Information about Educational Telecommunication including mission, goals, policies, and board minutes. Correspondence, newspaper articles, and other organizations responses to potential censorship issues in South Dakota especially within Public Broadcasting.
Vigil of South DakotaThis collection is composed of material produced by the Visual Arts Department. Folders include programs, pamphlets, exhibition material, clippings and photographs. Some items of note include completed student projects for the Art History course and photographs of Ada B. Caldwell and Maud Goddard, early Art faculty at South Dakota State College. Also included is a scrapbook created by students belonging to the Delta Phi Delta Art Fraternity. This scrapbook consists of clippings, memorabilia and original artwork by members.
South Dakota State University. Department of Visual ArtsThe Women Artists in Collaboration Records consist of various items collected by Marilyn Richardson, a co-founder of Women Artists in Collaboration. The bulk of material is correspondence, financial records and projects that the group worked on. The projects material is interesting because it deals with ideas for performances and the collaboration process. Included in the material are clippings, guest books, meeting notes, member biographies, and programs. Also included are two scrapbooks that contain pictures of performances presented by the group and other memorabilia.
Women Artists in Collaboration