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Finding Aid
WRTINGS: Current Reports on Lethal Yellow Gene Action
WRTINGS: Current Reports on Lethal Yellow Gene Action
WRITINGS: Using the Literature of the Great Plains in the Science Classroom
WRITINGS: Using the Literature of the Great Plains in the Science Classroom
WRITINGS: Universality of Bioethics
WRITINGS: Universality of Bioethics
WRITINGS: Ultrastructural Effects of 4.0 UG/ML Cytochalasin B on Post-Blastocyst Development in Mice
WRITINGS: Ultrastructural Effects of 4.0 UG/ML Cytochalasin B on Post-Blastocyst Development in Mice
WRITINGS: Ultrastructural Analysis of Preimplantation Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Ultrastructural Analysis of Preimplantation Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Ultrastructural Analysis of Phaeomelano Genesis in Hair-bulb Melanocytes of Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Ultrastructural Analysis of Phaeomelano Genesis in Hair-bulb Melanocytes of Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Tyrosinase Activity and Melanin Production in Regenerating Hairbulb Melanocytes of Lethal Yellow, Black, Agouti, and Albino Mice
WRITINGS: Tyrosinase Activity and Melanin Production in Regenerating Hairbulb Melanocytes of Lethal Yellow, Black, Agouti, and Albino Mice
WRITINGS: The Land Connection
WRITINGS: The Land Connection
WRITINGS: Romanticism and Science
WRITINGS: Romanticism and Science
WRITINGS: Respiratory Quotient Alterations in Obese Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Respiratory Quotient Alterations in Obese Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Research at SDSU - Lethal Yellow Gene Expression
WRITINGS: Research at SDSU - Lethal Yellow Gene Expression
WRITINGS: Reproductive Efficiency of Young and Old Lethal Yellow Female Mice
WRITINGS: Reproductive Efficiency of Young and Old Lethal Yellow Female Mice
WRITINGS: Reports on Ay Expression in Homozygous and Heterozygous C57BL/6J Mice
WRITINGS: Reports on Ay Expression in Homozygous and Heterozygous C57BL/6J Mice
WRITINGS: Relationship of Activity and Obesity in Genetically Obese Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Relationship of Activity and Obesity in Genetically Obese Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Quantative Electron Microscopy of Differences in Cell-to-cell Contacts in Uncompact and Compacted 8-Cell ICR Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Quantative Electron Microscopy of Differences in Cell-to-cell Contacts in Uncompact and Compacted 8-Cell ICR Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Quantative Analysis of Pigment Granules in Hair Follicles of Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Quantative Analysis of Pigment Granules in Hair Follicles of Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Publications on Lethal Yellow Gene Expression
WRITINGS: Publications on Lethal Yellow Gene Expression
WRITINGS: Progressive Infertility in Female Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Progressive Infertility in Female Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Professional Biological Societies and Environmental Problems
WRITINGS: Professional Biological Societies and Environmental Problems
WRITINGS: Preimplantation Development of tw32/t32 Lethal Mouse Embryos In Vitro
WRITINGS: Preimplantation Development of tw32/t32 Lethal Mouse Embryos In Vitro
WRITINGS: Prediction of Genotype (t/T and t/tw32) and tw32 Male Transmission Frequency Based on Tail Lengths in Mice
WRITINGS: Prediction of Genotype (t/T and t/tw32) and tw32 Male Transmission Frequency Based on Tail Lengths in Mice
WRITINGS: Our Professional Organizations and the Environmental Dilemma
WRITINGS: Our Professional Organizations and the Environmental Dilemma
WRITINGS: One Hundred Years of Valuable Scientific Records - What Critically Important Information Can We 'Extract' From Our SDAS Proceedings That Informs Our Collective Future in South Dakota and the World?
WRITINGS: One Hundred Years of Valuable Scientific Records - What Critically Important Information Can We 'Extract' From Our SDAS Proceedings That Informs Our Collective Future in South Dakota and the World?
WRITINGS: One Breath Per Year - No More Apologies for South Dakota
WRITINGS: One Breath Per Year - No More Apologies for South Dakota
WRITINGS: Observations on Attachment and Spreading of Zonaless Preimplantation ICR and tw32/t32 Mouse Embryos In Vitro
WRITINGS: Observations on Attachment and Spreading of Zonaless Preimplantation ICR and tw32/t32 Mouse Embryos In Vitro
WRITINGS: Mouse Research Articles
WRITINGS: Mouse Research Articles
WRITINGS: Modern Science and Traditional Knowledge
WRITINGS: Modern Science and Traditional Knowledge
WRITINGS: Mating Characteristics and Embryonic Losses in Yellow Mouse
WRITINGS: Mating Characteristics and Embryonic Losses in Yellow Mouse
WRITINGS: Latent Effects on In Vitro Development Following Cytochalasin B Treatment of 8-Cell Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Latent Effects on In Vitro Development Following Cytochalasin B Treatment of 8-Cell Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Isolation, Cloning's, and Sequencing of Porcine Agouti Exon 2 (PorAex2)
WRITINGS: Isolation, Cloning's, and Sequencing of Porcine Agouti Exon 2 (PorAex2)
WRITINGS: Investigations on the Abortifacient Activities of Prostaglandin Fractions Isolated from Ponderosa Pine
WRITINGS: Investigations on the Abortifacient Activities of Prostaglandin Fractions Isolated from Ponderosa Pine
WRITINGS: In Vivo Development of the Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryo at 105 Hours Post Coitum
WRITINGS: In Vivo Development of the Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryo at 105 Hours Post Coitum
WRITINGS: In Vitro Assessment of Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos Throughout Pre- and Post-Blastocyst Development
WRITINGS: In Vitro Assessment of Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos Throughout Pre- and Post-Blastocyst Development
WRITINGS: In Vitro Analysis of Pre- and Early Post implantation Development of Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: In Vitro Analysis of Pre- and Early Post implantation Development of Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Identification of Lethal Yellow Embryos at Eight-Cell Stage
WRITINGS: Identification of Lethal Yellow Embryos at Eight-Cell Stage
WRITINGS: Identification of Eight-Cell tw32 Homozygous Lethal Mutants by Aberrant Compaction
WRITINGS: Identification of Eight-Cell tw32 Homozygous Lethal Mutants by Aberrant Compaction
WRITINGS: Homozygous Ay Expression in Strain 129/sv-Ay Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Homozygous Ay Expression in Strain 129/sv-Ay Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Histological Analyses of Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos at 90 and 132 h Post Coitum
WRITINGS: Histological Analyses of Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos at 90 and 132 h Post Coitum
WRITINGS: Global Imperatives of the 21st Century - The Academy's response
WRITINGS: Global Imperatives of the 21st Century - The Academy's response
WRITINGS: Getting Beyond the Words
WRITINGS: Getting Beyond the Words
WRITINGS: Genotype Identification (t/T and /tw32) Male tw32 Transmission Rate as Determined by Tail Lengths of BALB/cBYJ-BTBRTF/Nev F Progeny
WRITINGS: Genotype Identification (t/T and /tw32) Male tw32 Transmission Rate as Determined by Tail Lengths of BALB/cBYJ-BTBRTF/Nev F Progeny
WRITINGS: General Principles in Bioethics
WRITINGS: General Principles in Bioethics
WRITINGS: Fat is Yellow
WRITINGS: Fat is Yellow
WRITINGS: Eugenics - A Model of Uncertainty
WRITINGS: Eugenics - A Model of Uncertainty
WRITINGS: Enhanced Identification of Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos by Means of Delayed Development of Four-Cell Stages
WRITINGS: Enhanced Identification of Lethal Yellow Mouse Embryos by Means of Delayed Development of Four-Cell Stages
Writings: Electron Microscope
Writings: Electron Microscope
WRITINGS: Effects of the Lethal Yellow Gene on Reproductive Performance in Strain C57BL/6J Mice
WRITINGS: Effects of the Lethal Yellow Gene on Reproductive Performance in Strain C57BL/6J Mice
WRITINGS: Effects of Reciprocal Ovary Transplantation on Reproductive Performance on Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Effects of Reciprocal Ovary Transplantation on Reproductive Performance on Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Effects of Exogenous MSH on the Transformation from Phaeo- to Eumelanogensis within C57B L/6J-Ay/a Hairbulb Melanocytes
WRITINGS: Effects of Exogenous MSH on the Transformation from Phaeo- to Eumelanogensis within C57B L/6J-Ay/a Hairbulb Melanocytes
WRITINGS: Effects of Dietary Dehydroepaindrosterone on Body Weight and Food Consumption in Lethal Yellow and White-bellied Agouti Mice
WRITINGS: Effects of Dietary Dehydroepaindrosterone on Body Weight and Food Consumption in Lethal Yellow and White-bellied Agouti Mice
WRITINGS: Effects of Dehydroepaindrosterone on Obesity and Glucose-6-phosphate Drhydrogenase Activity in the Lethal Yellow Mouse
WRITINGS: Effects of Dehydroepaindrosterone on Obesity and Glucose-6-phosphate Drhydrogenase Activity in the Lethal Yellow Mouse
WRITINGS: Effects of Cytochalasin B on the aMorula-ti-Blastocyst Transformation and Trophoblast Outgrowth in the Early Mouse Embryo
WRITINGS: Effects of Cytochalasin B on the aMorula-ti-Blastocyst Transformation and Trophoblast Outgrowth in the Early Mouse Embryo
WRITINGS: Effects of Cytochalasin B on Preimplantation and Early Post Implantation Mouse Embryos In Vitro
WRITINGS: Effects of Cytochalasin B on Preimplantation and Early Post Implantation Mouse Embryos In Vitro
WRITINGS: Effects of 4.0 UG/ML Cytochalasin B on Early Mouse Embryo Genesis
WRITINGS: Effects of 4.0 UG/ML Cytochalasin B on Early Mouse Embryo Genesis
WRITINGS: Effect of the Lethal Yellow Gene on Mating Preference in C57BL-6J-Ay Mice
WRITINGS: Effect of the Lethal Yellow Gene on Mating Preference in C57BL-6J-Ay Mice
WRITINGS: Effect of Ovary Graftin on Reproductive Performance of Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Effect of Ovary Graftin on Reproductive Performance of Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Effect of Mouse Strain Variations and Immunosuppression's on the Establishment and Growth of Primary Echinococcus Multilocularis Infections
WRITINGS: Effect of Mouse Strain Variations and Immunosuppression's on the Establishment and Growth of Primary Echinococcus Multilocularis Infections
WRITINGS: Effect of Lethal Yellow Gene on Reproductive Performance in Strait C57BL/J6 Mice
WRITINGS: Effect of Lethal Yellow Gene on Reproductive Performance in Strait C57BL/J6 Mice
WRITINGS: Differentiation of Hair Bulb Pigment Cell Melanosomes in Compound Agoui and Albine Locus Mouse Mutants
WRITINGS: Differentiation of Hair Bulb Pigment Cell Melanosomes in Compound Agoui and Albine Locus Mouse Mutants
WRITINGS: Differential Substratum Attachment of Denuded Pre-implantation Mouse Embryos In Vitro
WRITINGS: Differential Substratum Attachment of Denuded Pre-implantation Mouse Embryos In Vitro
WRITINGS: Differential Concanaval in A-Induced Agglutnation of Eight-Cell Preimplantation Mouse Embryos Before and After Compaction
WRITINGS: Differential Concanaval in A-Induced Agglutnation of Eight-Cell Preimplantation Mouse Embryos Before and After Compaction
WRITINGS: Development of Velvet Coat, Another Early Lethal Mutation in the House Mouse
WRITINGS: Development of Velvet Coat, Another Early Lethal Mutation in the House Mouse
WRITINGS: Cytoplasmic Microtubules and the Mechanism of Avian Gastrulation
WRITINGS: Cytoplasmic Microtubules and the Mechanism of Avian Gastrulation
WRITINGS: Coteau Des Prairies Book
WRITINGS: Coteau Des Prairies Book
WRITINGS: Coteau Des Prairies Book
WRITINGS: Coteau Des Prairies Book
WRITINGS: Convergence and Krill - The Amazing Productivity of the Antarctic Ocean
WRITINGS: Convergence and Krill - The Amazing Productivity of the Antarctic Ocean
WRITINGS: Comprehensive Yellow Mouse, Publications [2 of 2]
WRITINGS: Comprehensive Yellow Mouse, Publications [2 of 2]
WRITINGS: Comprehensive Yellow Mouse Publications [1 of 2]
WRITINGS: Comprehensive Yellow Mouse Publications [1 of 2]
WRITINGS: Community
WRITINGS: Community
WRITINGS: Biotechnology Education Workshop
WRITINGS: Biotechnology Education Workshop
WRITINGS: Binding of 125 I-Concanavalin A to Preimplantation Stage ICR Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Binding of 125 I-Concanavalin A to Preimplantation Stage ICR Mouse Embryos
WRITINGS: Becoming "More Canadian" in Our (USA) Outlook - Collaboration Between University of Winnipeg and SDSU
WRITINGS: Becoming "More Canadian" in Our (USA) Outlook - Collaboration Between University of Winnipeg and SDSU
WRITINGS: Attitudes Towards Wildlife, Nature, and Natural Resources as Displayed By Members of the Lewis & Clark Expedition - 1804-1806
WRITINGS: Attitudes Towards Wildlife, Nature, and Natural Resources as Displayed By Members of the Lewis & Clark Expedition - 1804-1806
WRITINGS: Analysis of Melanosome Differation and Tyrosinase Isozymes in Hair-bulb Pigment Cells of Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Analysis of Melanosome Differation and Tyrosinase Isozymes in Hair-bulb Pigment Cells of Lethal Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Agouti-related Maturation and Tissue Distribution of a-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone in Wild-type and Mutant Mice
WRITINGS: Agouti-related Maturation and Tissue Distribution of a-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone in Wild-type and Mutant Mice
WRITINGS: Agouti Alleles Alter Cysteine and Glutathione Concentrations in Hair Follicles and Serum in Mice
WRITINGS: Agouti Alleles Alter Cysteine and Glutathione Concentrations in Hair Follicles and Serum in Mice
WRITINGS: Abstracts
WRITINGS: Abstracts
WRITINGS: Aberrant Body Regulation in Obese Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: Aberrant Body Regulation in Obese Yellow Mice
WRITINGS: A Preliminary Report on the Effect of the Ay Allele on Respiratory Rate in Mice
WRITINGS: A Preliminary Report on the Effect of the Ay Allele on Respiratory Rate in Mice
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Steffanson Conference
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Steffanson Conference
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Schedule, Travel Request
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Schedule, Travel Request
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Global Studies Exchange Program [2 of 2]
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Global Studies Exchange Program [2 of 2]
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Global Studies Exchange Program [1 of 2]
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Global Studies Exchange Program [1 of 2]
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Global Studies Exchange Program
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Global Studies Exchange Program
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Ethics of Globalization Summer Course
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Ethics of Globalization Summer Course
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Ethics of Globalization Summer Course
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Ethics of Globalization Summer Course
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Correspondence and Related Material
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Correspondence and Related Material
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Correspondence and Related Material
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Correspondence and Related Material
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Axworthy, Lloyd and Exchange Program with SDSU
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG: Axworthy, Lloyd and Exchange Program with SDSU
TRAVEL: Winnipeg
TRAVEL: Winnipeg
TRAVEL: West Africa and Mull, Scotland
TRAVEL: West Africa and Mull, Scotland
TRAVEL: West Africa [4 of 4]
TRAVEL: West Africa [4 of 4]
TRAVEL: West Africa [3 of 4]
TRAVEL: West Africa [3 of 4]
TRAVEL: West Africa [2 of 4]
TRAVEL: West Africa [2 of 4]
TRAVEL: West Africa [1 of 4]
TRAVEL: West Africa [1 of 4]