Gartner Papers - Box 7

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.21: B07-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 159. Flushing range ewes with cottonseed meal and pellets. Campbell, F.R., J.H. Jones, and W.T. Hardy Folder 1960
UA 53.21: B07-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 160. Fattening lambs on home-grown feeds. Quayle, W.L. and L.H. Paules Folder 1951
UA 53.21: B07-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 167. Food preferences, carrying capacities, and forage competition between antelope and domestic sheep in Wyomings Red Desert. Severson, Keith, Morton May, and William Hepworth Folder 1968
UA 53.21: B07-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 168. Soils of South Dakota. Westin, Fred C., Leo C. Puhr, and George J. Buntley Folder 1959
UA 53.21: B07-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 168B. Soils of South Dakota. Westin, Fred C., Leo C. Puhr, and George J. Buntley (298) Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 174. Food habits, growth and reproduction of white-tailed jackrabbits in southern Colorado. Bear, G.D. and R.M. Hansen Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 179. Changing vegetation patterns in southern New Mexico. Dick-Peddie, William A. Folder undated
UA 53.21: B07-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 180. Control of brush and undesirable trees. Sampson, Arthur W. Folder 1957
UA 53.21: B07-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 181. Agricultural research: A key to understanding our environment. Aldrich, Daniel G., Jr. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 188. Preliminary report on chemical control of big sagebrush in Colorados western slope. Doran, Clyde W. and Donald F. Hervey Folder 1951
UA 53.21: B07-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 190. Mechanical treatments on shortgrass rangeland, Rauzi, Frank, Robert L. Lang, and C.F. Becker Folder 1962
UA 53.21: B07-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 199. Vegetation-soils and vegetation-grazing relations from frequency data. Hyder, D.N., et al Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 201. Comparative nutritive value and palatability of some introduced and native forage plants for spring and summer grazing. Cook, C. Wayne, L.A. Stoddart, and Lorin E. Harris Folder 1956
UA 53.21: B07-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 206. On the present incompleteness of mathematical ecology. Slobodikin, L.B. Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 209. Forest recreation research: bibliography of Forest Service outdoor recreation research publications, 1942-1966. USDA, Forest Service Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 211. Resources and economy: Teton County. Wyoming Natural Resource Board Folder 1964
UA 53.21: B07-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 216. Predatory mammals. Hall, E. Raymond Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 217. Carnivores, sheep, and public lands. Hall, E. Raymond Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 219. Rangelands the last frontier. Linduska, J.P. Folder 1968
UA 53.21: B07-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 222. New horizons in water resources administration. Fox, Irving K. Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 223. The U.S. resource outlook: quantity and quality. Landsberg, Hans H. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 230. A ten-year program of federal water resources research. Federal Council for Science and Technology Committee on Water Resources Research Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 234. Grazing land management. Douglas, Volney M. Folder 1947
UA 53.21: B07-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 236. Browse utilization based on percentage of twig numbers browsed. Stickney, Peter F. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 238. Psychrometric tables for Wyoming (high elevations). Rechard, Paul A. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 244. Profitability of aerial spraying to control mesquite. Workman, D.R, K.R. Tefertiller, and C.L. Leinweber Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 246. Brush control and range improvement in the post oak-Blackjack oak area of Texas. Darrow, Robert A. and Wayne C. McCully Folder 1959
UA 53.21: B07-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 251. The effect of fenuron on four southwestern shrubs. Wagle, Robert F., and Ervin M. Schmutz Folder 1963
UA 53.21: B07-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 253. Whitehorn control when shrubs are subdued grass cover is increased. Wilcon, D.G., David E. Little and Ervin M. Schmutz Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 260. Growth and reproduction of Yucca elata. Campbell, R.S. and J.G. Keller Folder 1932
UA 53.21: B07-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 261. Range management on the national forests. Jardine, James T. and Mark Anderson Folder 1919
UA 53.21: B07-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 262. Agricultural problem in arid and semiarid environments. Beetle, Alan A. Folder 1960
UA 53.21: B07-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 264. Poisonous plants and livestock poisoning. Beath, O.A, H.F. Eppson, C.S. Gilbert and W.B. Bradley Folder 1939
UA 53.21: B07-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 268. Management of chamise brushlands for game in the north coast region of California. Biswell, H.H., F.D. Taber, D.W. Hedrick, and A.M. Schultz Folder 1952
UA 53.21: B07-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 270. Trees for strip-mined lands. Hart, George and William R. Byrnes Folder 1960
UA 53.21: B07-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 271. Competition between grasses reseeded on burned brushlands in California. Schultz, A.M. and H.H. Biswell Folder 1952
UA 53.21: B07-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 282. Improving cattle distribution on western mountain rangelands. Skovlin, Jon M. Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 289. Restoring surface-mined land. USDA Folder 1968
UA 53.21: B07-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 295. Nitrogen nutrition and growth relations of tall and intermediate wheatgrasses. Hylton, L.O., Jr., D.R. Cornelius and A. Ulrich Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B07-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 299. Population dynamics of downy brome. Young, James A., Raymond A. Evans, and Richard E. Eckert, Jr. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B07-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 158. Publications in the earth science. U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, Earth Sciences Division Folder 1964
UA 53.21: B07-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 164. Crested wheatgrass and its cultivation in the southeast of European Russia. Konstantinov, P.N. Folder 1922
UA 53.21: B07-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 170. Pasture and range fences. McNamee, Michael A. and Edwin Kinne Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 177. Height growth in relation to crown size in juvenile lodgepole pine. Mogren, E.W. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 178. Seventy-five years of arid lands research at the University of Arizona a selective bibliography, 1891-1965. Paylore, Patricia Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 183. Seeding of abandoned croplands in the central Great Plains. Bement, R.E., R.D. Barmington, A.C. Everson, L.O. Hylton, Jr., and E.E. Remmenga Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 185. Does range seeding pay? Cook, C. Wayne and Russell D. Lloyd Folder 1960
UA 53.21: B07-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 186. Chemical control of poisonous plants. Bohmont, Dale W. Folder 1952
UA 53.21: B07-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 187. Suggested guide for chemical control of weeds. USDA Agricultural Research Service Folder 1958
UA 53.21: B07-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 191. The ecology of fire. Cooper, C.F. Folder 1961
UA 53.21: B07-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 195. Range survey in Teton County Wyoming, Part 2. Utilization and condition classes. Beetle, A.A. Folder 1962
UA 53.21: B07-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 196. Vegetation: Identification of typal communities. Daubenmire, R. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 200. Chemical composition of Wyoming forage plants. Beath, O.A. and J.W. Hamilton Folder 1952
UA 53.21: B07-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 213. Outdoor recreation research. Clawson, Marion, and Jack L. Knetsch Folder 1963
UA 53.21: B07-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 224. The outlook for energy resources in the United States. Schurr, Sam H. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 232. Weather and plant-development data as determinants of grazing periods of grazing periods on mountain range. Costello, David F. Folder 1939
UA 53.21: B07-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 233. Effect of grazing intensity in cattle weights and vegetation of the Bighorn experiment pastures. Beetle, A.A., W.M. Johnson, R.L. Lang, Morton May, D.R. Smith Folder 1961
UA 53.21: B07-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 240. Checklist of the vascular plants of the intermountain region. Holmgren, Arthur H. and James L. Reveal Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 242. Grazing values and management of black grama and tebasa grasslands and associated shrub ranges of the southwest. Paulsen, Harold A., Jr. and Fred N. Ares Folder 1962
UA 53.21: B07-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 248. Herbicides and their use in forestry. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Folder 1961
UA 53.21: B07-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 249. Brushland range improvement annual report 1965. California Division of Forestry Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 250. A stand establishment survey of grass plantings in the Great Plains. Great Plains Council Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 256. Ecological response of sagebrush-grass range in central Oregon to mechanical and chemical removal of Artemisia. Hedrick, D.W., D.N. Hyder, F.A. Sneva, and C.E. Poulton Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 263. Economic aspects of range improvements in the southwest. Gray, James R., Thomas M. Stubblefield, and N. Keith Roberts Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 272. Soils of the western United States. Western Land Grant Universities and Colleges Folder 1964
UA 53.21: B07-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 274. Probability of selected precipitation amounts in the western region of the United States. Gifford, R.O., F.L. Ashcroft, and M.D. Magnuson Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 277. Radiant energy in relation to forests. Reifsnyder, William E. and Howard W. Lull Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 278. Seven species of broadleaf deciduous trees for windbreaks effects of spacing distance and age on their survival at Cheyenne, Wyoming. Howard, Gene S. and G.B. Brown Folder 1963
UA 53.21: B07-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 281. Shelterbelts for the northern Great Plains. George, Ernest J. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 283. Grass seed production and harvest in the Great Plains. Atkins, M.D. and James E. Smith, Jr. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 286. More wildlife through soil and water conservation. Anderson, Wallace L. and Lawrence V. Compton Folder 1958
UA 53.21: B07-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 291. Soil, water, and crop management on newly irrigated lands in the Dakotas. Carlson, C.W., D.L. Grunes, L.O. Fine, G.A. Reichman, H.R. Haise, J. Alessi, and R.E. Campbell Folder 1961
UA 53.21: B07-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 152. Adjustments in grazing use. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Folder 1962
UA 53.21: B07-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 155. Climates of the States: Wyoming. Lowers, A.R. Folder 1960
UA 53.21: B07-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 157. An economical storage precipitation gage. Ratliff, Raymond D. and Jack N. Repert Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 176. Major brushland areas of the coast ranges and Sierra-Cascade foothills in California. Wieslander, A.E. and Clark H. Gleason Folder 1954
UA 53.21: B07-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 182. How range condition is used to help guide management of grazing. Dyksterhuis, E.J. Folder 1953
UA 53.21: B07-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 184. Temperature requirements for germination in relation to wild-land seeding. Ashby, William C. and Henry Hellmers Folder 1955
UA 53.21: B07-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 189. Range-pitting trails in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming. Lang, Robert L. Folder 1958
UA 53.21: B07-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 192. Two blades of grass where thousands grew before ONeal, John Folder 1952
UA 53.21: B07-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 193. Vegetation changes on a southern Arizona grassland range. Humphrey, R.R. and L.A. Mehrhoff Folder 1958
UA 53.21: B07-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 197. A new electronic meter for measuring herbage yield. Neal, Donald L. and Lee R. Neal Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 202. Growth and carbohydrate content of important mountain forage plants in central Utah as affected by clipping and grazing. McCarty, Edward C. Folder 1942
UA 53.21: B07-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 205. Some Gilgaied soils in South Dakota. White, Everett M. and Robert G. Bonestell Folder 1960
UA 53.21: B07-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 207. Land resource areas of Colorado. Payne, E.M. and D.S. Romine Folder 1960
UA 53.21: B07-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 215. Natural resource trends and their implications for the Rocky Mountain region. Fisher, Joseph L. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 221. Erecting a sound platform for American conservation. Arnold, Joseph F. Folder 1963
UA 53.21: B07-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 225. Conservation reconsidered. Krutilla, John V. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 229. Water resources development and use. Kneese, Allen V. Folder 1959
UA 53.21: B07-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 239. Influence of wind on precipitation measurements at high altitudes. Warnick, C.C. Folder 1956
UA 53.21: B07-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 252. Brush control basic research helpful. Haas, R.H. and C.L. Leinweber Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 254. Effects of root plowing and aerial spraying on microclimate, soil conditions and vegetation of a mesquite area. Hughes, Eugene E. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 265. Emergency revegetation to rehabilitate burned watersheds in southern California. Corbett, E.S. and L.R. Green Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B07-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 266. Fuel conditions and fire hazard reduction costs in a giant Sequoia forest. Biswell, H.H., R.P. Bibbens, and Hayle Buchanan Folder 1968
UA 53.21: B07-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 267. Microclimatic gradients in mixed grass prairie. Whitman, Warren C. and Gale Wolters Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 276. A statistical procedure for determining the association between weather and non-measurement biological data. Caprio, Joseph M. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 279. Development of a procedure for estimating the effects of land and watershed treatment on streamflow. Sharp, A.L., A.E. Gibbs, and W.J. Owen Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B07-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 284. Classifying rangeland for conservation planning. Renner, F.G. and B.W. Allred Folder 1962
UA 53.21: B07-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 298. Wheatgrass establishment with Parquat and tillage on downy brome ranges. Evans, Raymond A., Richard E. Eckert, Jr., and Burgess L. Kay Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B07-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 300. Herbaceous weed control and revegetation of semi-arid rangelands in western United States. Evans, Raymond A., James A. Young, and Richard E. Eckert, Jr. Folder 1969